Monday 29 April 2024

Make your own chocolate

It's possible to make your own chocolate at home and it's probably a lot easier than you might think.

Several years ago my wife bought me a make your own chocolate kit which contained a small history booklet on making chocolate, instructions, chocolate and a mould.

I enjoyed learning about chocolate and making it.

You can buy catering chocolate from Amazon and from specialist retailers which you can use to make your own chocolate bars and sweets.

However, you can try another way of making your own chocolate at home.

Buy some inexpensive chocolate bars from Tesco, Lidl, Aldi, Morrisons, etc. You can buy plain or milk chocolate bars, or white chocolate bars.

You will need a double boiler. Break the bars up and place the pieces into the double boiler, stirring with a wooden spoon.

When it is melted you can add flavourings such as orange, Vanilla, etc to the liquid chocolate and make sure your stir it in well. Do not allow it to get too hot, though.

You can add Camp Coffee to it to make a delicious coffee flavoured chocolate.

When you feel that it is ready you can add the chocolate to a suitable mould or pour it on to a greased or oiled plate.

Want to be adventurous? You can make your own version of a rocky road bar by adding chopped nuts, meringue pieces, marshmallows, etc.  

Homemade Mayonnaise: A Simple and Delicious Recipe


Mayonnaise is a versatile condiment that adds delicious, creamy richness to sandwiches, salads, and dips. 

While shop-bought options are readily available, there's always something special about making your own mayo at home. 

Not only is it surprisingly easy, but it also allows you to control the ingredients, ensuring a fresher and healthier alternative to the commercial varieties. In this blog post, we'll explore a simple recipe for homemade mayonnaise that you can whip up in a matter of mere minutes.


1 egg (at room temperature)

1 cup of neutral-flavoured oil (such as vegetable or light olive oil)

1 tablespoon of lemon juice or white vinegar

1 teaspoon of Dijon mustard

Salt to taste


Crack the egg into a blender or food processor. It's vital for the egg to be at room temperature to ensure proper emulsification.

Add the Dijon mustard, lemon juice or vinegar, and a pinch of salt to the blender.

Start blending the ingredients together on low speed. As they begin to combine, slowly drizzle in the oil in a thin, steady stream. This is the most crucial step in making mayonnaise, as the slow addition of oil helps to create a stable emulsion.

Continue blending until all the oil has been incorporated, and the mixture is thick and creamy. This should take around 1-2 minutes.

Taste your mayonnaise and make adjustments to the seasonings if necessary, perhaps introducing more salt and/or lemon juice to suit your own preferences.

Once you're happy with the flavour, you will be able to transfer the mayonnaise into a clean jar, bottle or other container with a tight-fitting lid. It will keep in your 'fridge for about seven days.

Tips and Variations:

Experiment with different oils to vary the flavor of your mayonnaise. Rape seed oil, Avocado oil, walnut oil, or even a combination of oils can add a unique, distinctive taste.

For a garlic-infused mayo, add a clove of minced garlic to the blender before blending. Or use garlic powder or garlic salt if you have no fresh garlic. But do be careful not to overdo the garlic!

If you prefer a lighter mayonnaise, you can think about substituting part of the oil with Greek yogurt or sour cream.

To make flavoured mayonnaise, try adding herbs like basil, coriander, or dill, or spices such as ground black pepper, paprika or curry powder.


Making your own mayonnaise at home is not only fun and rewarding but also allows you to customise the flavour to suit your taste. With just a few simple ingredients and a blender or food processor, you can create a creamy, delicious condiment that will elevate any dish. So why not give it a try? Once you've tasted the difference, you may never go back to shop-bought mayo again!

Get Set for a Taste Adventure as Florette Gourmet Slaws Hit the Shelves

Looking for something exciting this summer? Florette has the answer.

Because Florette Gourmet Slaws featuring the finest tastes from around the globe with South and East Asian inspired flavours and adding a some welcome colour and inspiration to salads, sandwiches, wraps and more besides.

Korean Gochujang (215g) - a delicious blend of aromatic spices and chilli with carrot, red cabbage, and red onion.

Indian Spiced (195g) - a combination of Indian flavours and yoghurt with mixed colourful cabbages and red onion.

Chinese Inspired (185g) - a tangy mix of soy and ginger with white cabbage, carrot, and red onion.

Arriving on the start of summer, and just in time for National BBQ Week (May 27th - June 2nd) as shoppers gear up to host friends and family, Florette Gourmet Slaws are this summer's must have accessory to transform any meal into a feast for taste buds and the eyes.

Florette's Natalie Allen said: “Florette's new Gourmet range moves slaws from the back of the fridge to an amazingly versatile and attractive They'll brighten any meal. They're light, crunchy and filled with flavour!

“The three different flavours appeal to all tastes. Brits like to try new flavours. The great thing about these products is their ability to blend the new with the familiar,” adds Natalie.

Each pot provides up to four servings and they are vegetarian friendly. Packaging is recyclable and the pots are made using FSC sourced material.

Price set at individual retailers' discretion.

Sunday 28 April 2024

Keeping Squirrels and Other Pests at Bay: Tips for Protecting Your Vegetable Garden

The allure of a flourishing vegetable garden can often be too tempting for local wildlife, particularly squirrels and other pests. These furry critters seem to have an insatiable appetite for freshly grown produce, leaving gardeners frustrated and their crops decimated. 

However, fear not, as there are several strategies you can employ to keep these pests out of your vegetable patch and preserve your hard-earned harvest.

Build a Fence:

One of the most effective ways to deter squirrels and other garden invaders is by erecting a sturdy fence around your garden perimeter. Opt for a barrier made from chicken wire or hardware cloth, burying it at least six inches below ground to prevent burrowing. Ensure the fence is tall enough to deter squirrels from leaping over, typically around six to eight feet high.

Implement Natural Repellents:

Harness the power of nature to ward off unwanted pests by using natural repellents. Sprinkling cayenne pepper or garlic powder around the perimeter of your garden can deter squirrels with their strong scent. Alternatively, consider planting herbs like mint or lavender, which emit fragrances that pests find unpleasant.

Install Motion-Activated Devices:

Invest in motion-activated sprinklers or ultrasonic devices to startle and deter squirrels and other pests when they venture into your garden. These devices detect movement and emit a burst of water or high-frequency sound, effectively discouraging unwanted visitors without harming them.

Cover Your Crops:

Protect your vegetables from prying paws by covering them with netting or row covers. These barriers prevent squirrels and birds from accessing your crops while still allowing sunlight and water to reach your plants. Ensure the covers are securely fastened to prevent any gaps that pests could exploit.

Provide Alternative Food Sources:

Sometimes, pests invade gardens in search of food because they lack alternative sources. Set up feeding stations stocked with nuts, seeds, and other squirrel-friendly snacks away from your garden to divert their attention. By offering an alternative food source, you may encourage squirrels to dine elsewhere, sparing your vegetables.

Maintain a Tidy Garden:

Keep your garden neat and tidy to reduce the likelihood of attracting pests. Clear away fallen fruits and vegetables promptly, as these can serve as a tempting feast for squirrels and other wildlife. Additionally, regularly remove weeds and debris, which can provide hiding spots for pests.


While squirrels and other pests may pose a challenge to vegetable gardeners, there are plenty of strategies available to protect your precious crops. By implementing a combination of deterrents, barriers, and preventive measures, you can create a garden sanctuary free from unwanted visitors. With persistence and patience, you can enjoy the fruits of your labour without fear of furry intruders spoiling the harvest.

Saturday 27 April 2024

Foods You Should Never Share with Your Canine Companion

As much as we adore our furry friends and often find ourselves tempted to share our culinary delights with them, it’s crucial to remember that not all human foods are safe for our canine companions. 

While it might seem like an act of kindness to slip them a treat from the dinner table, certain foods can pose serious health risks to dogs. Here’s a rundown of foods you should never share with your beloved pet:

Chocolate: This classic indulgence for humans contains theobromine, a substance that is toxic to dogs. Even a small amount of chocolate can lead to symptoms like vomiting, diarrhoea, rapid breathing, increased heart rate, and even seizures or death in severe cases. However, special canine-friendly substitutes for chocolate are available.

Grapes and raisins: While the exact reason isn’t fully understood, grapes and raisins have been associated with kidney failure in dogs. Even small quantities can be harmful and lead to symptoms like vomiting, lethargy, and dehydration.

Onions and garlic: These members of the allium family can cause damage to a dog’s red blood cells, leading to anemia. Symptoms may include weakness, vomiting, breathlessness, and discolored urine.

Xylitol: This sugar substitute is commonly found in sugar-free gum, candies, and baked goods. Ingesting even a small amount of xylitol can cause a rapid release of insulin in dogs, leading to hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), seizures, and liver failure.

Avocado: While avocados are a nutritious choice for humans, they contain a substance called persin, which can be toxic to dogs in large quantities. Additionally, the large seed poses a choking hazard, and the high fat content may cause gastrointestinal upset.

Alcohol: Just as alcohol can have adverse effects on humans, it can be extremely dangerous for dogs. Even small amounts can cause intoxication, leading to vomiting, coordination problems, respiratory depression, coma, and even death.

Macadamia nuts: These nuts are particularly toxic to dogs and can cause symptoms like weakness, vomiting, tremors, and hyperthermia. In severe cases, ingestion of macadamia nuts may lead to paralysis.

Bones: While it may seem natural to give your dog a bone to chew on, cooked bones can splinter and cause serious internal injuries or blockages in the digestive tract. It’s best to stick to specially designed dog chews and treats.

Caffeine: Like chocolate, caffeine is a stimulant that can be harmful to dogs. Ingestion of caffeine-containing products can lead to restlessness, rapid breathing, heart palpitations, muscle tremors, and seizures.

Salty snacks: Foods high in salt, such as potato crisps and pretzels, can lead to excessive thirst and urination in dogs. In severe cases, ingestion of large amounts of salt can cause sodium ion poisoning, which may result in vomiting, diarrhoea, tremors, seizures, and even death.

While it’s important to avoid sharing these foods with your dog, there are plenty of safe and healthy alternatives available. Always consult your veterinarian if you have any questions or concerns about what foods are suitable for your canine companion. Remember, keeping your dog healthy and happy means being mindful of what you feed them, even when those puppy-dog eyes are begging for a taste of your meal.

Friday 26 April 2024

Finding Balance in Your Plate: The Role of Canned and Frozen Vegetables

In the world of culinary delight and nutritional wisdom, the mantra "fresh is best" often takes centre stage. And rightfully so! Fresh produce, bursting with flavour and nutrients, holds an esteemed place in our diets. 

However, in our quest for optimal health, it's essential to recognise the valuable role that canned and frozen vegetables play in our kitchens and on our plates.

The Freshness Conundrum

Fresh vegetables undoubtedly offer a sensory experience like no other. The vibrant colorus, crisp textures, and aromatic scents evoke a connection to nature that enhances our dining pleasure. Moreover, fresh produce often boasts peak nutritional content, having undergone minimal processing or preservation.

However, the allure of freshness comes with its challenges. Fresh vegetables have a limited shelf life, making them susceptible to spoilage if not consumed promptly. Additionally, their availability may be seasonal or region-specific, posing constraints on variety and accessibility throughout the year. These factors can hinder our ability to maintain a consistently diverse and nutrient-rich diet.

Enter Canned and Frozen Varieties

In our modern food landscape, canned and frozen vegetables emerge as convenient and practical alternatives to their fresh counterparts. While some may perceive them as inferior in quality or nutritional value, these perceptions often overlook the benefits they bring to the table.

1. Convenience: Canned and frozen vegetables offer unparalleled convenience. They are readily available year-round, require minimal preparation, and have an extended shelf life. Busy individuals and families can enjoy the ease of incorporating these options into quick and nutritious meals, reducing reliance on takeout or processed foods.

2. Nutrient Retention: Contrary to popular belief, canned and frozen vegetables can retain significant amounts of nutrients. Advances in food processing techniques have led to improved methods of preservation, such as flash-freezing and canning at peak ripeness. These methods lock in essential vitamins and minerals, ensuring that your vegetables maintain their nutritional integrity even after preservation. In fact if "fresh" vegetables have hung around in warehouses for extended periods of time their nutritional value may be less than in preserved vegetables.

3. Affordability: In many cases, canned and frozen vegetables offer a cost-effective solution to meeting dietary needs. They are often more budget-friendly than fresh produce, making them accessible to individuals and families with varying financial constraints. By choosing canned or frozen options, consumers can stretch their grocery budgets without compromising on nutritional quality.

4. Reduced Food Waste: One of the most significant advantages of canned and frozen vegetables is their contribution to reducing food waste. Unlike fresh produce, which may spoil if not consumed promptly, canned and frozen varieties have a longer shelf life, allowing for greater flexibility in meal planning. By minimising waste at the consumer level, these preservation methods support sustainability efforts and promote responsible food consumption.

Striking a Balance

While fresh vegetables undoubtedly hold a revered place in our culinary repertoire, it's essential to embrace the versatility and practicality of canned and frozen varieties. By striking a balance between fresh, canned, and frozen options, we can create a well-rounded and sustainable approach to nutrition.

Here are some tips for incorporating canned and frozen vegetables into your diet:

Read Labels: Look for canned vegetables with no added salt or sugar, and opt for frozen varieties without added sauces or seasonings to minimise unnecessary additives.

Experiment with Recipes: Get creative in the kitchen by experimenting with different cooking techniques and flavour combinations. Canned and frozen vegetables can be incorporated into soups, stews, stir-fries, and casseroles with delicious results.

Stock Up Smartly: Keep a variety of canned and frozen vegetables on hand to ensure you always have nutritious options available, especially during busy weeks or when fresh produce is scarce.

Combine Fresh and Preserved: Mix fresh, canned, and frozen vegetables in your meals to enjoy the best of all worlds. Use fresh produce when available for peak flavour and texture, and supplement with canned or frozen options to enhance convenience and variety.

In conclusion, while fresh vegetables undoubtedly hold a special place in our hearts and on our plates, canned and frozen varieties offer invaluable benefits in terms of convenience, nutrition, affordability, and sustainability. By embracing a balanced approach to vegetable consumption, we can nourish our bodies, delight our taste buds, and contribute to a healthier, more sustainable food system. So, let's celebrate the diverse array of vegetables available to us and savor each bite, whether fresh, canned, or frozen!

Hosting a Beer and Real Ale Tasting Event at Home: A Guide

Gathering friends and family for a beer and real ale tasting event at home can be an enjoyable and memorable experience. 

Whether you're a seasoned beer enthusiast or just beginning to explore the world of craft brews, hosting your own tasting event is a fantastic way to discover new flavours, learn about different brewing styles, and enjoy the company of loved ones. 

In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps to create a successful and enjoyable beer tasting event in the comfort of your own home.

Selecting the Beers:

Choose a diverse selection of beers and real ales to cater to different tastes and preferences. Include a mix of styles such as pale ales, IPAs, stouts, porters, lagers, and wheat beers.

Consider sourcing beers from local breweries to support small businesses and showcase regional flavours.

Aim for variety in strength, flavour profiles, and brewing techniques to provide guests with a well-rounded tasting experience.

Setting Up the Tasting Area:

Designate a well-lit and spacious area for the tasting event, ensuring there's enough seating and table space for guests to comfortably sample the beers.

Arrange tasting glasses or small beer glasses for each participant, ensuring they are clean and free from any residue that could affect the taste of the beer.

Provide water and palate cleansers such as plain crackers or breadsticks to cleanse the palate between tastings.

Consider decorating the space with beer-related dƩcor or thematic elements to enhance the ambiance and set the mood for the event.

Tasting Process:

Start the tasting with lighter, more delicate beers before progressing to stronger, more robust ones.

Encourage guests to observe the appearance, aroma, and taste of each beer before sharing their thoughts and impressions with the group.

Provide tasting notes or information about each beer, including details about the brewery, brewing process, and tasting notes to enhance the educational aspect of the event. Perhaps issue your guests with pen and paper to record their findings?

Foster a relaxed and inclusive atmosphere where guests feel comfortable expressing their opinions and asking questions about the beers.

Food Pairings:

Offer a selection of snacks and appetisers to complement the beers, such as cheese and charcuterie platters, nuts, pretzels, or small bites that highlight the flavours of the different brews.

Consider pairing specific beers with appropriate food items to enhance the tasting experience. For example, pairing a hoppy IPA with spicy dishes or a rich stout with chocolate desserts.

Enjoyment and Responsibility:

Remind guests to drink responsibly and pace themselves throughout the event to avoid overindulgence.

Encourage moderation by offering non-alcoholic still beverage options for guests who prefer not to drink or need a break from alcohol.

Emphasise the importance of designated drivers or alternative transportation options for guests who may need assistance getting home safely.

Hosting a beer and real ale tasting event at home is a wonderful way to explore the world of craft beer, connect with friends and family, and create lasting memories. By following these simple steps and guidelines, you can create a fun and educational experience that will leave your guests eager for the next tasting event. So gather your favourite brews, invite your loved ones, and raise a glass to the joys of beer appreciation! Cheers!

Thursday 25 April 2024

Natural Ways to Lower Cholesterol Levels Without Medication

In the age of fast food and sedentary lifestyles, high cholesterol has become a prevalent health concern for many. Elevated cholesterol levels can significantly increase the risk of heart disease and other cardiovascular problems. 

While medications are often prescribed to manage cholesterol, there are several natural methods that can help lower cholesterol levels without the need for drugs. In this blog post, we'll explore some of these effective strategies.

Adopt a Heart-Healthy Diet: One of the most powerful ways to lower cholesterol naturally is by making dietary changes. Focus on consuming a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins such as poultry, fish, and legumes. 

Limit your intake of saturated and trans fats found in red meat, processed foods, and fried items. Additionally, incorporate foods high in soluble fibre, such as oats, beans, and fruits like apples and citrus, as they can help reduce LDL cholesterol levels.

Increase Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, and sardines, have been shown to lower triglyceride levels and reduce the risk of heart disease. Incorporate these fish into your diet regularly, or consider taking omega-3 supplements if you're not getting enough through food alone.

Include Plant Sterols and Stanols: Plant sterols and stanols are compounds naturally found in plants that have been shown to block the absorption of cholesterol in the intestines. Foods fortified with plant sterols and stanols, such as certain margarines, orange juice, and yogurt, can help lower LDL cholesterol levels when consumed regularly as part of a balanced diet.

Exercise Regularly: Physical activity not only helps with weight management but also plays a crucial role in improving cholesterol levels. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week. Activities like brisk walking, cycling, swimming, and jogging can all help raise HDL (good) cholesterol levels and lower LDL (bad) cholesterol levels.

Maintain a Healthy Weight: Being overweight or obese can contribute to high cholesterol levels. By losing excess weight through a combination of healthy eating and regular exercise, you can significantly improve your cholesterol profile and overall health.

Limit Alcohol Consumption: While moderate alcohol consumption may have some cardiovascular benefits, excessive drinking can raise triglyceride levels and contribute to high cholesterol. Limit alcohol intake to moderate levels, which means up to one drink per day for women and up to two drinks per day for men.

Manage Stress: Chronic stress can contribute to unhealthy lifestyle habits, such as overeating and lack of exercise, which can negatively impact cholesterol levels. Find healthy ways to manage stress, such as meditation, yoga, deep breathing exercises, or spending time in nature.

Quit Smoking: Smoking not only damages the blood vessels but also lowers HDL cholesterol levels. If you smoke, quitting is one of the best things you can do to improve your cholesterol levels and overall cardiovascular health.

Stay Hydrated: Drinking an adequate amount of water each day can help prevent dehydration, which can lead to higher cholesterol levels. Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water daily, and limit sugary beverages and excessive caffeine intake.

Get Regular Check-Ups: Regular visits to your healthcare provider are essential for monitoring cholesterol levels and overall cardiovascular health. Your doctor can provide personalized recommendations based on your individual risk factors and health status.

By incorporating these natural strategies into your lifestyle, you can effectively lower cholesterol levels without the need for medication. Remember that consistency is key, and making gradual, sustainable changes over time can lead to significant improvements in your cholesterol profile and overall well-being. Take charge of your health today by embracing a heart-healthy lifestyle!

Mastering the Microwave: A Guide to Safely Cooking Eggs

Someone my wife and I know hurt themselves when the cooked eggs in a microwave. As a result we are publishing these safety tips and recipes.

Microwaves have revolutionised our kitchens, providing convenience and efficiency in cooking. While they’re often associated with reheating leftovers or popping popcorn, microwaves can also be a fantastic tool for cooking eggs. 

From fluffy scrambled eggs to perfectly poached, the microwave offers a quick and easy way to prepare this breakfast staple. 

However, like any cooking method, there are tricks and techniques to ensure your eggs come out safely and deliciously. In this guide, we'll explore the dos and don'ts of cooking eggs in the microwave.

1. Choose the Right Dish

Selecting the appropriate dish is crucial when cooking eggs in the microwave. Opt for microwave-safe containers such as glass or ceramic dishes. Avoid metal or foil containers, as they can cause sparks and damage your microwave.

2. Crack with Care

Crack your eggs into the chosen microwave-safe dish. If you’re making scrambled eggs, you can beat them lightly with a fork or whisk. For poached eggs, simply crack them directly into the dish.

3. Add Liquid and Seasoning

For scrambled eggs, add a splash of milk or water to the beaten eggs for added moisture and fluffiness. Season with salt, pepper, and any other desired herbs or spices. If you’re making poached eggs, you can add a tablespoon of water to the dish before cracking the eggs to help create steam.

4. Cover and Cook

Cover the dish with a microwave-safe lid or microwave-safe plastic wrap. If using plastic wrap, make sure to leave a small vent for steam to escape. Cooking times will vary depending on your microwave's wattage and the number of eggs you're cooking. Start with short intervals, typically around 30 seconds to 1 minute, and adjust as needed. Be cautious not to overcook, as eggs can quickly become rubbery.

5. Check and Stir

After each interval, carefully remove the dish from the microwave and check the eggs. For scrambled eggs, use a fork to gently stir and break up any large chunks. For poached eggs, check for desired finish by gently pressing the whites to ensure they’re set but still slightly jiggly in the centre.

6. Final Touches

Once your eggs are cooked to perfection, remove them from the microwave and let them rest for a minute or two. This allows them to finish cooking and firm up slightly. Serve immediately and enjoy your delicious microwave-cooked eggs!

Safety Tips:

Always use microwave-safe dishes to avoid damage to your microwave or potential hazards.

Be cautious when handling hot dishes and use oven mitts or kitchen towels to protect your hands.

Avoid overcooking eggs in the microwave, as they can become tough and rubbery.

Experiment with cooking times and power levels to find the perfect balance for your desired egg texture.

Cooking eggs in the microwave can be a convenient and efficient way to whip up a quick breakfast or snack. By following these simple tips and techniques, you can safely and easily master the art of microwave egg cookery. So go ahead, get cracking, and enjoy delicious eggs in minutes!

Savoury Delights: The Case for Homemade Soups

In the realm of culinary creations, few dishes offer the same warmth, nourishment, and versatility as a well-crafted bowl of soup. 

From hearty stews to delicate broths, the world of soup-making is a tapestry of flavours waiting to be explored. Yet, amidst the convenience of pre-packaged options and restaurant fare, the art of crafting homemade soups often remains overlooked. 

In this blog post, we dig into the myriad reasons why embracing the practice of soup-making in your own kitchen is not only a culinary adventure but a rewarding journey for your palate and well-being.

1. Wholesome Ingredients, Wholesome Flavours

One of the most compelling reasons to venture into homemade soup-making is the unparalleled control it affords over ingredients. By hand-selecting fresh, seasonal produce, herbs, and spices, you can ensure that every spoonful bursts with vibrant flavours and essential nutrients. Say goodbye to artificial additives and excessive sodium found in many shop-bought soups, and embrace the wholesome goodness of homemade goodness.

2. Customisation Galore

Making your own soups grants you the creative license to tailor each batch to your exact preferences and dietary needs. Whether you crave a creamy bisque, a spicy chilli, or a light consommƩ, the possibilities are limited only by your imagination. Experiment with different combinations of vegetables, proteins, grains, and seasonings to craft soups that tantalise your taste buds and nourish your body. You can even use leftovers in your soup creations. My wife places leftover cooked vegetables in freezer bags and will take them out later to add them to a delicious and money saving soup. I'm currently eating a bowl of her chicken soup with some of her homemade bread. A delicious combination!

3. Budget-Friendly Fare

In an era where grocery bills can quickly spiral out of control, homemade soups offer a budget-friendly alternative to dining out or purchasing pre-made meals. With simple, affordable ingredients and minimal waste, you can stretch your culinary prowess without breaking the bank. Plus, by making large batches and freezing portions for later, you'll always have a comforting meal on hand without resorting to takeaways.

4. Healthier Choices, Happy Bodies

Beyond their delectable taste, homemade soups boast an array of health benefits that can support overall well-being. By controlling the amount of salt, fat, and preservatives in your recipes, you can enjoy nutritious meals that promote heart health, digestion, and immune function. Additionally, the abundance of vegetables and lean proteins found in homemade soups can aid in weight management and provide sustained energy throughout the day.

5. Soul-Soothing Satisfaction

Finally, there's something undeniably gratifying about the process of soup-making itself. From the rhythmic chopping of vegetables to the aromatic simmering of broth, each step is a labour of love that culminates in a steaming bowl of comfort. Whether you're seeking solace on a rainy day or sharing a meal with loved ones, homemade soups have a way of nourishing not only the body but the soul.

In conclusion, the art of making homemade soups is a culinary endeavour well worth exploring. From the freedom to customise flavours to the health benefits and budget-friendly nature of the practice, there are countless reasons to embrace soup-making in your own kitchen. So, gather your ingredients, don your apron, and let the aroma of simmering broth lead you on a journey of savoury delights. Your taste buds—and your well-being—will thank you.

Foods You Should Never Share with Your Pet Parrot or Bird

Parrots and other pet birds are delightful companions known for their intelligence, vibrant plumage, and quirky personalities. As a responsible pet owner, ensuring their well-being involves more than just providing a cozy cage and regular vet check-ups; it also means being mindful of what they eat. 

While it's tempting to share your meals with your feathered friend, not all human foods are safe for birds. In fact, some can be downright harmful or even fatal. Here's a guide to foods you should never share with your pet parrot or bird.

Avocado: While avocados are celebrated for their health benefits for humans, they contain a toxin called persin, which can be lethal to birds. Even small amounts of avocado can cause heart failure and respiratory distress in parrots and other birds.

Chocolate: Chocolate contains theobromine, a compound that is toxic to birds (and many other animals). Ingesting chocolate can lead to vomiting, diarrhoea, seizures, and even death in birds. Keep all chocolate products well out of reach of your feathered friend.

Caffeine: Birds are extremely sensitive to caffeine, which is found in coffee, tea, energy drinks, and some sodas. Even small amounts of caffeine can cause cardiac arrhythmias, hyperactivity, and death in birds. It's best to keep caffeinated beverages away from your pet bird altogether.

Alcohol: Just like caffeine, alcohol affects birds much more intensely than it does humans. Even a tiny amount of alcohol can cause intoxication, depression of the central nervous system, and respiratory distress in birds. Never offer your bird any alcoholic beverages or foods cooked with alcohol.

Onions and Garlic: These common cooking ingredients contain compounds that can damage a bird's red blood cells, leading to anemia. It's best to avoid feeding your bird any foods containing onions or garlic, including cooked dishes seasoned with these ingredients.

Salty Foods: Excessive salt intake can lead to dehydration and electrolyte imbalances in birds. Avoid giving your pet parrot or bird salty snacks like crisps, pretzels, or processed foods. Instead, offer them fresh fruits and vegetables as healthy alternatives.

Fruit Pits and Seeds: While many fruits are safe and nutritious for birds, certain pits and seeds contain cyanide compounds that can be toxic if ingested in large quantities. Remove pits and seeds from fruits like apples, cherries, peaches, and apricots before offering them to your bird.

High-Fat Foods: Birds are prone to obesity and fatty liver disease, so it's important to avoid feeding them high-fat foods like fried foods, fatty meats, and excessive amounts of nuts and seeds. Stick to a balanced diet of pellets, fresh fruits, vegetables, and occasional treats in moderation.

Dairy Products: Most birds are lactose intolerant and cannot properly digest dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt. Feeding dairy to your pet bird can result in digestive upset and diarrhoea. Stick to bird-safe calcium sources like leafy greens and fortified pellets instead.

Junk Food and Sugary Treats: Just like humans, birds can develop health problems from consuming too much sugar and empty calories. Avoid feeding your pet bird sugary treats, candy, and junk food. Opt for natural, bird-friendly treats like pieces of fresh fruit or small amounts of whole grains instead.

In conclusion, while sharing food with your pet parrot or bird can be a bonding experience, it's essential to prioritise their health and safety. By avoiding these common foods that are harmful to birds and providing a balanced diet of bird-safe foods, you can help ensure a long, happy, and healthy life for your feathered friend. Always consult with a veterinarian experienced in avian care if you have any questions or concerns about your bird's diet or health.

Easy French Toast Recipe: A Simple Breakfast Delight

Who doesn’t love waking up to the smell of warm, cinnamon-infused French toast? It’s a classic breakfast dish that never fails to delight the senses. But you might think making French toast requires culinary prowess and time-consuming efforts. Fear not! With this easy French toast recipe, you’ll be whipping up delicious breakfasts in no time, even on busy mornings.


4 slices of bread (use slightly stale bread for best results)

2 large eggs

117ml of milk

1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

1/2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon

Butter or cooking spray for the pan

Maple syrup, icing or caster sugar, or your favorite toppings


1. Prepare Your Ingredients:

Gather all your ingredients and place them on the counter for easy access.

In a shallow dish, whisk together the eggs, milk, vanilla extract, and ground cinnamon until well combined. This will be your French toast batter.

2. Preheat Your Pan:

Place a non-stick skillet or griddle over medium heat and let it warm up while you prepare the bread.

3. Dip the Bread:

Dip each slice of bread into the egg mixture, making sure to coat both sides evenly. Allow any excess batter to drip off.

4. Cook the French Toast:

Add a small amount of butter or cooking spray to the preheated pan to prevent sticking.

Place the dipped bread slices onto the pan and cook for 2-3 minutes on each side, or until golden brown and slightly crispy.

5. Serve and Enjoy:

Once the French toast is cooked to perfection, transfer it to a plate.

Serve hot with your favorite toppings such as maple syrup, powdered sugar, fresh fruit, or whipped cream.

Tips and Variations:

Use slightly stale bread: Fresh bread tends to soak up too much of the egg mixture, resulting in soggy French toast. Using day-old bread allows it to absorb the batter without becoming mushy.

Get creative with toppings: Experiment with different toppings like sliced bananas, berries, Nutella, or even savory options like bacon and cheese.

Make it ahead: If you want to save time in the morning, you can prepare the French toast batter the night before and let the bread slices soak in it overnight in the refrigerator.

With this easy French toast recipe, you can indulge in a decadent breakfast treat without spending hours in the kitchen. Whether you’re cooking for yourself, your family, or guests, this recipe is sure to impress. So go ahead, whip up a batch of French toast, and start your day off right! Bon appĆ©tit!

Salcombe Brewery co.'s Island Street Porter and Lifesaver Win Golds and More at SIBA Awards

South Devon's  Salcombe Brewery has earned major recognition at the prestigious SIBA Awards.

A spokesperson said: "We are absolutely thrilled that both our Lifesaver and Island Street Porter beers on gold at the recent SIBA SW Regional Awards, plus Island Street Porter also a silver in the Champion Cask category and a Best in Class Award."

Head Brewer, Sam Beaman added: “These are fantastic rewards for the hard work team puts into producing top class beers. 

"We're really pleased with Lifesaver's gold and thrilled with Island Street Porter's three awards, which is our most decorated beer so far. Last year it won Gold and Best Porter at the World Beer Awards.

The SIBA Independent Beer Awards are run across SIBA's 8 geographical regions, with the champions from each region, which include Island Street Porter for the South West, moving forwards to the National competition at BeerX.

Island Street Porter (ABV 5.9%) is a carefully crafted, velvety, delicately bitter porter with a hint of sweetness. Eight different malts combine to create tastes of dark chocolate, coffee and black cherry, while the aroma pleasingly hints at Black Forest gateau.

Lifesaver (ABV %) is a deep chestnut ale with a sweet chocolatey aroma. The use of torrefied wheat brings body and depth to this sweet malty ale.

Salcombe Brewery produces a delightful range of premium cask ale and keg products at its innovative Estuary View brewery, nestling in the Devon countryside above the world famous Salcombe Estuary.

For further information on Salcombe Brewery Co. please visit follow Salcombe Brewery Co. on X, Facebook and Instagram. 

Wednesday 24 April 2024

Exploring the Peaks: A Sweet Journey with Poundland's Twin Peaks Chocolate Bars

In the vast landscape of confectionery, where every brand vies for attention with its unique offerings, there are moments when a product stands out not just for its taste, but for its novelty. 

Poundland's Twin Peaks chocolate bars are one such delightful surprise that has captured the imagination of chocolate enthusiasts everywhere. Let's embark on a journey through these delectable treats and uncover what makes them so special.

A Sweet Introduction

Poundland, known for its budget-friendly range of products, introduced the Twin Peaks chocolate bars as a part of its confectionery lineup. The name itself piques curiosity, hinting at something intriguingly twin-like. And indeed, these bars offer a unique twist on the traditional chocolate experience.

Peaks of Flavour

At first glance, the Twin Peaks bars may resemble a familiar chocolate staple, but upon closer inspection, one notices the distinct shape reminiscent of the iconic mountain peaks. This clever design sets them apart, evoking a sense of adventure even before the first bite. The design is based on two hills on the Shropshire countryside that are next to each other, The Wrekin and the Ercall. Both of which are clearly visible from the home of the founders in an adjacent county.

But it's not just the shape that tantalise the senses; it's the flavors packed within. The Twin Peaks bars come in three varieties: Dark Chocolate, Milk Chocolate and White Chocolate. The Milk Chocolate version boasts a rich, creamy texture with a satisfying cocoa flavor that melts on the tongue. Meanwhile, the White Chocolate variant offers a smooth, velvety sweetness that delights the palate with every bite. The Dark Chocolate gives a very good, intense hit.

Quality at a Value

One might assume that with its budget-friendly price tag, Poundland's Twin Peaks bars might compromise on quality. However, that couldn't be further from the truth. Despite their affordability, these bars deliver on taste, texture, and overall satisfaction.

The chocolate used in Twin Peaks bars is of commendable quality, ensuring a premium experience without the premium price. Each bar is carefully crafted to maintain consistency, making it a reliable choice for chocolate lovers seeking an affordable indulgence.

A Nostalgic Nod

Beyond their delicious flavor and wallet-friendly appeal, Twin Peaks chocolate bars evoke a sense of nostalgia for many. The name itself harks back to the iconic TV series "Twin Peaks," adding an extra layer of intrigue and charm to the product.

For fans of the show, indulging in a Twin Peaks chocolate bar may feel like a delightful homage to the beloved series. It's a subtle nod that adds to the overall enjoyment of the experience, making it not just a treat for the taste buds but a journey through pop culture history as well.

Conclusion: Peaks of Pleasure

In a world saturated with chocolate options, Poundland's Twin Peaks bars stand tall, offering a unique blend of quality, affordability, and nostalgia. Whether you're a dedicated fan of the TV series or simply someone with a sweet tooth, these chocolate bars are sure to satisfy your cravings while leaving a lasting impression.

So, the next time you find yourself craving a chocolatey indulgence, why not embark on a journey to the Twin Peaks? With each bite, you'll discover a peak of pleasure that's as delightful as it is delicious.

I'm currently enjoying a Twin Peaks White Chocolate bar. My verdict? Delicious!

Six Human Foods You Can't Share with Your Cat: A Guide to Feline Safety

As a cat owner, you may be tempted to share some of your favourite foods with your furry friends.

However, it's vitally important to remember that cats have different dietary requirements and needs and different digestive systems than humans. 

While some human foods are safe for cats in small amounts, others can be harmful or even toxic. In this guide, we'll explore six common human foods that you should never share with your cat to ensure their health and well-being.


Chocolate contains theobromine and caffeine, which are toxic to cats. Even small amounts of chocolate can cause vomiting, diarrhea, rapid breathing, increased heart rate, and in severe cases, seizures and death. Keep all chocolate products out of reach of your cat, and never intentionally feed them chocolate.

Onions and Garlic:

Onions, garlic, and other members of the allium family contain compounds that can damage a cat's red blood cells, leading to anemia. Symptoms of onion or garlic toxicity in cats include weakness, lethargy, vomiting, and breathing difficulties. These ingredients are often found in cooked dishes, sauces, and seasonings, so be mindful when sharing your meals with your cat.

Grapes and Raisins:

Grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure in cats, even in small amounts. The exact toxin in grapes and raisins that affects cats is unknown, but ingestion can lead to symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhoea, decreased appetite, and lethargy. It's best to keep these fruits away from your cat's reach at all times.


Alcohol affects cats much more quickly and severely than it does humans. Even small amounts of alcohol can cause intoxication, vomiting, diarrhoea, difficulty breathing, tremors, and even coma or death in cats. Never allow your cat access to alcoholic beverages or foods containing alcohol, such as rum cake or sauces cooked with alcohol.


Xylitol is a sugar substitute commonly found in sugar-free gum, sweets, baked goods, and some peanut butter brands. Ingesting xylitol can cause a rapid release of insulin in cats, leading to hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), seizures, and liver failure. Always check the ingredient list of products before sharing them with your cat, and avoid anything containing xylitol.

Raw Meat, Fish, and Eggs:

While cats are obligate carnivores and thrive on a diet of meat, raw meat, fish, and eggs pose risks of bacterial contamination such as Salmonella and E. coli. Additionally, raw fish contains thiaminase, an enzyme that can destroy thiamine (Vitamin B1) in cats, leading to neurological problems. It's safest to feed your cat cooked, unseasoned meat and fish, and avoid raw eggs altogether.

While it's natural to want to share your favorite foods with your cat, it's essential to prioritize their health and safety. By avoiding the six human foods mentioned in this guide, you can help prevent potential health issues and ensure that your cat enjoys a long, happy life by your side. If you suspect that your cat has ingested any of these toxic foods or is displaying unusual symptoms, contact your veterinarian immediately for guidance and treatment.

Exploring Flavourful Alternatives: Curries Without Chilies, Embracing Ginger, Instead

In the world of culinary delights, few dishes tantalise the taste buds quite like a well-made curry. Rich, aromatic, and bursting with flavour, curries are a beloved staple in many households across the globe. 

However, for those who prefer a milder palate or have a sensitivity to spicy foods, or have an allergy to chilies, the thought of indulging in a curry dish may seem daunting. 

Fear not, for there exists a delightful alternative that not only maintains the essence of a traditional curry but also offers a unique twist on the classic recipe. Ginger. In fact, some regions of India do not use chilies in their curry dishes. They replace chilies with ginger.

Ginger, with its warm, pungent flavour, is a versatile ingredient that has been used in cooking for centuries. Renowned for its medicinal properties and culinary appeal, ginger adds depth and complexity to dishes, making it an ideal substitute for chilies in curries. 

By harnessing the power of ginger, you can create curries that are bold, aromatic, and utterly satisfying without the fiery heat of traditional chili peppers.

The beauty of using ginger in curries lies in its ability to infuse dishes with a subtle spiciness and a hint of sweetness, all while imparting a distinctive aroma that is both comforting and inviting. Whether grated, minced, or sliced, ginger lends itself effortlessly to curry recipes, enhancing the overall flavour profile and elevating the dining experience.

To embark on your culinary journey of crafting curries with ginger, start by selecting the freshest ginger root available. Look for ginger that is firm, with smooth skin and a strong, spicy fragrance. Once you have acquired your ginger, it's time to get creative in the kitchen.

Begin by preparing your chosen meat or vegetables, ensuring they are cut into bite-sized pieces for even cooking. In a pan or pot, heat a small amount of oil and add finely chopped onions, garlic, and ginger, allowing them to sautĆ© until fragrant and golden brown. Next, add your choice of spices – think cumin, coriander, turmeric, and garam masala – and toast them gently to release their aromatic oils.

Once your spices are fragrant, add your prepared meat or vegetables to the pan, stirring well to coat them in the spice mixture. Pour in a generous amount of coconut milk or broth, depending on your preference, and allow the curry to simmer gently until the flavours meld together and the sauce thickens to your desired consistency.

As your curry simmers away, take a moment to appreciate the tantalising aroma that fills your kitchen, a symphony of spices and ginger dancing in harmony. When your curry is ready, serve it piping hot alongside poppadoms, fluffy basmati rice and warm naan bread, garnished with fresh herbs and a squeeze of lime for a burst of brightness.

With each spoonful of your ginger-infused curry, savor the depth of flavour and the warmth that envelops your senses. Whether you're a seasoned curry connoisseur or a curious newcomer to the world of spice, embracing ginger as a substitute for chilies in curries promises a culinary adventure that is both delicious and satisfying.

So, the next time you find yourself craving the comforts of a hearty curry but wish to dial down the heat, reach for a knob of ginger and let your imagination take flight. With its aromatic charm and subtle spiciness, ginger invites you to explore new culinary horizons and reimagine the possibilities of a beloved classic.

Tuesday 23 April 2024

Crafting Delight: Homemade Fruit Cordials on a Budget

In the realm of homemade beverages, few things rival the refreshing allure of fruit cordials. Bursting with natural flavours and versatile in their applications, these delightful concoctions elevate any occasion. 

What's even better? They're incredibly easy and affordable to make at home! Let's dive into the art of crafting simple and cheap homemade fruit cordials, just in time for the summer months.

The Essence of Fruit Cordials:

Fruit cordials are essentially concentrated fruit syrups that can be mixed with water, sparkling water, or even added to cocktails for a burst of fruity goodness. Their versatility allows for endless experimentation with flavours, making them a firm favourite among home bartenders and beverage enthusiasts alike.

Choosing Your Fruit:

The beauty of fruit cordials lies in their adaptability to various fruits. Whether you have a surplus of ripe berries, citrus fruits, or even exotic finds, there's a cordial recipe waiting to be explored. Consider seasonal fruits for optimal flavor and cost-effectiveness. Berries, lemons, limes, oranges, and even tropical fruits like pineapple and mango are excellent choices.

Simple Recipes for Homemade Fruit Cordials:

Berry Bliss:

Ingredients: Mixed berries (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries), sugar, water

Method: Simmer berries with water and sugar until soft. Strain the mixture, pressing gently to extract all the juice. Return the liquid to the heat and simmer until slightly thickened. Cool and bottle.

Citrus Splash:

Ingredients: Lemons, sugar, water

Method: Zest and juice lemons. Combine juice, zest, sugar, and water in a saucepan. Heat until sugar dissolves, then simmer for a few minutes. Strain and cool before bottling.

Tropical Tango:

Ingredients: Pineapple, mango, sugar, water

Method: Blend pineapple and mango until smooth. Strain the puree to remove fibers. Heat the juice with sugar and water until the sugar dissolves. Simmer until slightly thickened, then cool and bottle.

Tips for Cost-Effective Cordial Crafting:

Utilise ripe or slightly overripe fruits, or so-called wonky fruits that are imperfect, which may be available at discounted prices.

Buy in bulk when fruits are in season and freeze them for later use.

Consider using fruit scraps like citrus peels for extra flavoru and minimal waste.

Experiment with different fruit combinations to create unique flavours without breaking the bank.

Storage and Serving Suggestions:

Once your fruit cordials are ready, store them in clean, airtight bottles or jars in the refrigerator. They can typically last for several weeks when refrigerated properly. To serve, dilute the cordial with still or sparkling water to taste, or get creative and use them in cocktails, mocktails, or even drizzled over desserts for a burst of fruity sweetness.

Homemade fruit cordials offer a delightful way to capture the essence of seasonal fruits while keeping costs low. With just a few simple ingredients and a bit of creativity, you can craft an array of delicious cordials to enjoy year-round. So why not embark on a flavorful journey and start concocting your own fruit cordials today? Have fun!

Monday 22 April 2024

¡Viva el EspaƱol! 5 Delectable Dishes to Celebrate Spanish Language Day at Home

Every year on April 23rd, Spanish Language Day is celebrated worldwide. This day honors the richness and cultural significance of the Spanish language, spoken by millions across the globe.

What better way to celebrate than by indulging in the vibrant flavours of Spanish cuisine? Whether you're a fluent Spanish speaker or simply appreciate the language and its culture, here are five mouthwatering dishes to delight your senses on this special day:

1. Paella

No celebration of Spanish cuisine is complete without mentioning paella. This iconic dish hails from the Valencia region of Spain and is a true testament to the country's culinary prowess. Traditionally cooked in a wide, shallow pan, paella combines saffron-infused rice with an array of ingredients such as chicken, rabbit, seafood, and vegetables. The result is a tantalising medley of flavors and textures that will transport you straight to the sunny shores of Spain.

2. Gazpacho

As the temperatures rise, there's no better way to cool off than with a refreshing bowl of gazpacho. This chilled tomato soup originated in the southern region of Andalusia and has since become a beloved summer staple. Made with ripe tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, onions, garlic, and a splash of olive oil and vinegar, gazpacho is bursting with freshness and flavour. Serve it alongside crusty bread for a light and satisfying meal.

3. Tortilla EspaƱola

Simple yet undeniably delicious, tortilla espaƱola is a classic Spanish omelet that can be enjoyed any time of day. Made with just eggs, potatoes, onions, and olive oil, this humble dish showcases the beauty of Spanish cuisine's rustic simplicity. Whether served hot or at room temperature, tortilla espaƱola makes for a satisfyingly hearty meal that pairs perfectly with a crisp green salad and a glass of Spanish wine.

4. Patatas Bravas

For those craving something bold and flavorful, look no further than patatas bravas. These crispy fried potatoes are typically served with a spicy tomato-based sauce known as bravas sauce, which packs a punch with its combination of paprika, chili, garlic, and vinegar. Whether enjoyed as a tapa or a side dish, patatas bravas are sure to add a fiery kick to your Spanish Language Day festivities.

5. Churros con Chocolate

No celebration is complete without a sweet treat to top it off, and churros con chocolate fit the bill perfectly. These crispy fried dough pastries are dusted with cinnamon sugar and served alongside a rich and indulgent chocolate dipping sauce. Whether enjoyed for breakfast, dessert, or as a late-night snack, churros con chocolate are guaranteed to satisfy your sweet tooth and leave you craving more.

And don't forget to add some delicious Spanish beers and wines to accompany your Spanish dishes. 

As you celebrate Spanish Language Day at home, let these delectable dishes take you on a culinary journey through the vibrant and diverse flavors of Spain. Whether you're savoring the smoky notes of paprika in patatas bravas or reveling in the comfort of a hearty tortilla espaƱola, each bite is an opportunity to immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of Spanish culture. ¡Buen provecho!

Savouring Tradition: Celebrating Great British Beef Week

As the scent of sizzling steaks wafts through the air and the unmistakable aroma of roast beef fills kitchens across the nation, it can only mean one thing: Great British Beef Week is here! 

This annual celebration pays homage to one of Britain's most beloved culinary treasures – beef. 

From hearty Sunday roasts to succulent steaks, beef holds a special place in the hearts and palates of Britons far and wide.

A Rich Heritage:

The tradition of beef farming runs deep in the United Kingdom, with a history dating back centuries. From the rolling hills of the Scottish Highlands to the lush pastures of the English countryside, British farmers have long been stewards of some of the finest beef-producing land in the world. Their dedication to quality and sustainability has ensured that British beef remains renowned for its exceptional taste and texture.

A Culinary Delight:

Great British Beef Week is a time to celebrate the culinary versatility of beef. Whether you prefer your beef rare, medium, or well-done, there's no denying the sheer indulgence of sinking your teeth into a perfectly cooked steak. And let's not forget about the classic Sunday roast – a cherished tradition that brings families together around the dinner table to enjoy tender slices of roast beef, accompanied by all the trimmings.

Supporting Local Producers:

In addition to tantalising taste buds, Great British Beef Week also serves as an opportunity to support local farmers and producers. By choosing British beef, consumers can contribute to the sustainability of rural communities and help preserve the time-honoured tradition of farming in the UK. From small family-run farms to larger agricultural enterprises, every purchase of British beef helps to sustain the livelihoods of those who work tirelessly to bring this exceptional product to our tables.

A Commitment to Quality:

One of the hallmarks of British beef is its unparalleled quality. Rigorous standards and regulations ensure that beef produced in the UK is of the highest calibre, with strict protocols governing everything from animal welfare to environmental sustainability. When you buy British beef, you can trust that you're getting a product that meets the most stringent quality criteria, providing both peace of mind and culinary satisfaction.

Looking Ahead:

As Great British Beef Week draws to a close, let us carry forward the spirit of celebration and appreciation for this quintessentially British delicacy. Whether enjoyed in a gourmet restaurant or cooked up at home with friends and family, British beef is more than just food – it's a symbol of tradition, quality, and the enduring bond between farmers and consumers. So here's to another year of savouring the rich flavours and heritage of Great British Beef!

As we bid farewell to another Great British Beef Week, let us raise a fork (or perhaps a glass of red wine) in salute to the farmers, producers, and chefs who make this culinary celebration possible. May the tradition of British beef continue to thrive for generations to come, ensuring that future food-lovers have the opportunity to experience the unparalleled delight of savouring a taste of Great Britain's finest beef. Cheers to Great British Beef Week – long may it reign supreme on our plates and in our hearts!

Celebrating International Mother Earth Day: Cool Snacks and Drinks to Savour

In a world that's becoming increasingly conscious of our impact on the environment, there's no better time to celebrate International Mother Earth Day than now. 

This annual event, observed on April 22nd, serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of environmental protection and sustainability. And what better way to honor our planet than by indulging in delicious snacks and refreshing drinks that are not only tasty but also eco-friendly?

Whether you're hosting a gathering with friends or simply treating yourself to a moment of relaxation, here are some cool snacks and drinks that will tantalize your taste buds while leaving a minimal ecological footprint.

Sustainable Snack Delights:

Veggie Crisps: Swap out traditional potato crisps for a healthier and more sustainable alternative made from a variety of vegetables like sweet potatoes, beets, or kale. These crunchy snacks are packed with flavor and nutrients, and you can even try making your own at home for a personalised touch.

Hummus Platter: Hummus is not only delicious but also incredibly versatile. Serve up a platter of creamy hummus accompanied by an array of fresh veggies, crackers, and whole-grain bread for dipping. Opt for locally sourced ingredients to support nearby farmers and reduce carbon emissions associated with transportation. Try baking hummus for a tasty treat.

Stuffed Dates: Elevate your snack game with stuffed dates filled with creamy almond butter or tangy goat cheese. These bite-sized treats are perfect for satisfying your sweet or savoury cravings while providing a burst of energy to keep you going throughout the day.

Seaweed Snacks: For a taste of the ocean, try munching on crispy seaweed snacks. Not only are they low in calories and high in nutrients, but they also require minimal resources to cultivate, making them an eco-friendly choice for conscientious snackers.

Refreshing Eco-Friendly Drinks:

Herbal Infusions: Brew up a batch of refreshing herbal infusions using fresh herbs like mint, basil, or lemongrass. Simply steep the herbs in hot water and let them cool for a rejuvenating drink that's bursting with natural flavours and aromas.

Fruit-Infused Water: Stay hydrated in style by infusing your water with slices of fresh fruit such as strawberries, oranges, or cucumbers. Not only does this add a burst of flavour, but it also encourages you to drink more water throughout the day, promoting good health and well-being.

Cold Brew Coffee: Beat the heat with a glass of cold brew coffee, a smooth and rich alternative to traditional hot coffee. Plus, cold brew requires less energy to produce since it doesn't involve heating water, making it a more sustainable choice for coffee lovers.

Iced Tea: Quench your thirst with a refreshing glass of iced tea, brewed from sustainably sourced tea leaves and flavoured with a hint of lemon or honey. It's the perfect beverage for enjoying a moment of tranquility while reflecting on the beauty of nature.

As we commemorate International Mother Earth Day, let's take a moment to appreciate the wonders of our planet and the abundance of natural resources it provides. By choosing eco-friendly snacks and drinks, we can nourish our bodies while minimising our environmental impact, making every bite and sip a small but meaningful step towards a healthier planet for future generations to enjoy. Cheers to Mother Earth!

Florette Gourmet Slaws are on the way

Be ready for a tasty adventure this spring! Why? Because Florette Gourmet Slaws are about to hit the shelves. 

Perfectly shredded, each wonderful bite is packed full of flavour. It's going to be your culinary great escape from the bland and too often boring coleslaws we are used to.

Three brand new slaws recipes will spice up your life when they land in Sainsbury’s from April and in early May in Tesco and Booths, at a RRP £1.80*.

Florette Gourmet Slaws feature the finest tastes from around the world with South and East Asian inspired flavours and adding a dash of colour and inspiration to salads, sandwiches, wraps and so forth.

Korean Gochujang (215g)

A delicious mix of aromatic spices and chilli with carrot, red cabbage, and red onion.

Indian Spiced (195g)

A combination of Asian flavours with yoghurt and brightly coloured cabbages and red onion.

Chinese Inspired (185g)

A tasty and tangy combination of soy and ginger with white cabbage, carrot, and red onion.

Warrendale Wagyu introduce the salads created to transform your Spring and Summer menus

As the season turns from Winter to Spring and then to Summer, households all over the UK start to think of salads.

Delicious Winter warmers like casseroles, stews, chillis and hearty pies are swapped for refreshing dishes like risottos, pasta dishes, and salads. 

The UK’s leading producer  of wagyu beef, Warrendale Wagyu, has unveiled a delightfully tantalising array of fresh and flavourful salads, designed to satisfy our taste buds and our appetites for wholesome, good food.

Each salad is a celebration of seasonal produce, centred around the rich succulent taste of delicious Wagyu beef.

Warrendale Wagyu Sirloin, Pomegranate, Kale, and Whipped Feta Salad

This vibrant salad is a major star attraction, whether you are feeding your family, hosting guests or cooking for a date night. 

Tender Warrendale Wagyu sirloin meets the refreshing crunch of kale and the burst of pomegranate seeds.

You will need: 

200g block of Feta cheese

227g Warrendale Wagyu Sirloin Steak

Half a pot of Greek yogurt

Lemon zest and a couple of drops of lemon juice

2 tsp Extra virgin olive oil

A handful of pomegranate seeds

Half a bunch of spring onions chopped

Half a bag of kale

Pea shoots/micro herbs

Salt and pepper


Whisk together the feta, Greek yogurt, lemon zest, lemon juice, and olive oil until the mixture is smooth.

Roast the kale until it is crispy or fry it until it browns.

Cook the Wagyu sirloin steak to medium, then thinly  lice it.

SautƩ the spring onion.

In a bowl, layer the whipped feta, steak, kale, pomegranate seeds, spring onion, and pea shoots. Drizzle with olive oil.

Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Warrendale Wagyu Sirloin, Goat Cheese, Walnut, Fig, and Rocket Salad

This provides the perfect balance between sweet and savoury, featuring succulent Warrendale Wagyu sirloin paired with creamy goat cheese, crunchy walnuts, juicy figs, and peppery rocket.

You will need:

227g Warrendale Wagyu Sirloin Steak

100g Goat cheese

5 figs

Handful of walnuts

Half a bag of rocket salad

Balsamic vinegar syrup

Salt and pepper seasoning


Cook themn Wagyu sirloin steak to medium, then slice thinly.

In a bowl, mix the rocket, figs, goat cheese, and walnuts.

Add sliced steak.

Season with salt and pepper, then drizzle with balsamic vinegar syrup.

Wagyu Beef Fillet with Blue Cheese, Walnut and Fig Salad

This features tender Wagyu rump hearts accompanied by a medley of strong blue cheese, nuts, fruits, and a drizzle.

You will need:

170g (6oz) Fillet Wagyu Steak

Handful or 30g of Walnuts

100g Blue Cheese - Stilton

4 x Chopped Figs

Handful of Watercress and Rocket Salad

2 x Cooked Beetroots Sliced

Balsamic Drizzle Dressing


Cook a 170g (6oz) fillet of Wagyu steak to your desired finish.

Toast a handful or about 30g of walnuts until they are lightly browned and have become fragrant.

Crumble or slice 100g of Blue Cheese (Stilton) into the desired size.

Chop 4 figs into pieces.

Prepare a handful of watercress and rocket salad.

Slice 2 cooked beetroots.

Assemble the salad by arranging the cooked steak, walnuts, blue cheese, figs, watercress, rocket salad, and sliced beetroots on a plate.

Drizzle with balsamic dressing according to taste preference.

Serve and enjoy!

To order your wagyu beef visit Warrendale Wagyu here They can usually offer next day delivery and if you sign up for their newsletter you will receive a 10% discount on your first order, check for details.

Reinventing Tradition: A Novel Recipe for Victoria Sponge Cake

In the realm of classic British desserts, few treats hold the same iconic status as the classic Victoria Sponge Cake. 

With its light, fluffy layers sandwiched together with jam and cream, it's a timeless favourite that has graced countless tea tables and celebrations for generation after generation.

But what if we dared to reimagine this beloved classic, infusing it with a touch of creativity and modern flair? Join me on a culinary adventure as we explore a novel recipe for the Victoria Sponge Cake, marrying tradition with innovation in every delightful bite.


200g (1 cup) unsalted butter, softened

200g (1 cup) caster sugar

4 large eggs, use at room temperature

200g (1 ½ cups) self-raising flour

1 teaspoon baking powder

2 tablespoons milk

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

½ cup raspberry jam

1 cup whipped cream

Fresh raspberries or strawberries (optional, for garnish)

Icing sugar (optional, for dusting)


Preheat your oven to 180°C (350°F) and grease two 8-inch round cake pans, line the bottoms with greased paper or parchment paper, if available, for easy removal.

In a large mixing bowl, cream together the softened butter and caster sugar until the mixture is light and fluffy. This step is absolutely vital if you want to achieve a tender crumb in your sponge cake, so do take your time and ensure the mixture is well combined.

Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each egg is added. Why? Incorporating the eggs gradually helps to prevent curdling and ensures a smoother batter.

Sift the self-raising flour and baking powder together, then gradually add this to the moist ingredients, folding gently until they are just combined. Be careful that you don't over-mix, as this cause the cake to be too dense.

Next, stir in the milk and vanilla extract until the batter is smooth and well mixed in. Adding milk helps keep the cake moist, while the vanilla extract infuses it with a subtle flavour.

Divide the batter evenly between the two prepared cake pans, smoothing the tops with a spatula to ensure they bake evenly.

Bake in the preheated oven for 20-25 minutes, or until the cakes are golden brown and spring back lightly when touched. If a cake prod or cocktail stick inserted into the centre comes out clean, the cake is cooked.

Allow the cakes to cool in the pans for 10 minutes before you transfer them to a wire rack to fully cool. 

Once the cakes are cooled, spread a generous layer of raspberry or strawberry jam over the surface of one cake layer, then top this with whipped cream. Gently place the second cake layer on top and dust with icing sugar for a finishing touch.

For an extra burst of flavour and visual appeal, adorn your Victoria Sponge Cake with fresh raspberries or strawberries, or other seasonal fruits before serving.


Innovation meets tradition in this delightful reinvention of the classic Victoria Sponge Cake. By infusing the familiar recipe with a few modern twists, we've created a dessert that honors its heritage while delighting the taste buds with new and exciting flavours. 

Whether enjoyed with a cup of tea or served as the centerpiece of a special occasion, this novel recipe is sure to become a cherished favourite for years to come.

Sunday 21 April 2024

Unveiling Hidden Gems: Low-Priced British Supermarket Own Brand Spirits That Are Worth Buying

In the world of spirits, there's often a misconception that quality comes with a hefty price tag. However, British supermarkets have been quietly challenging this notion with their own-brand spirits, offering remarkable quality at affordable prices.

These hidden gems not only cater to budget-conscious consumers but also surprise enthusiasts with their exceptional taste profiles. Let's embark on a journey through the aisles of British supermarkets to discover the low-priced own-brand spirits that are truly worth buying.

1. Tesco: Tesco Finest Blended Scotch Whisky

Starting our exploration with Tesco, their Finest Blended Scotch Whisky stands out as a remarkable choice. Crafted with a blend of malt and grain whiskies, this spirit boasts a smooth and rich flavor profile with hints of oak and caramel. Perfect for sipping neat or mixing into cocktails, it offers an unparalleled value for its price.

2. Sainsbury's: Sainsbury's London Dry Gin

Sainsbury's London Dry Gin is a true testament to the quality found in own-brand spirits. This classic gin delivers a refreshing burst of juniper alongside citrus and herbal notes. Whether enjoyed in a classic G&T or as the base for a variety of cocktails, this gin offers exceptional versatility without breaking the bank.

3. Asda: Asda Extra Special Triple Distilled Vodka

For vodka enthusiasts, Asda's Extra Special Triple Distilled Vodka is a must-try. Distilled three times for purity and smoothness, this vodka boasts a clean and crisp taste with subtle hints of sweetness. Whether enjoyed on the rocks or as the foundation for your favourite vodka cocktails, it offers a premium drinking experience at an unbeatable price.

4. Morrisons: Morrisons Signature Blended Scotch Whisky

Morrisons Signature Blended Scotch Whisky is a hidden gem waiting to be discovered. Crafted using a blend of malt and grain whiskies, this spirit offers a complex flavour profile with notes of oak, caramel, and a subtle hint of spice. Whether savored neat or mixed into your favorite whisky cocktails, it delivers an impressive drinking experience that belies its affordable price tag. (I must say this personally that I love this Scotch.)

5. Aldi: Aldi Oliver Cromwell London Dry Gin

Aldi's Oliver Cromwell London Dry Gin has gained quite a reputation for its exceptional quality and unbeatable price. This award-winning gin offers a classic juniper-forward profile with citrus undertones, making it a versatile option for cocktails or a refreshing G&T. With its premium taste at a fraction of the cost of other brands, it's no wonder this gin has become a favourite among budget-savvy consumers.

In conclusion, the world of spirits is filled with hidden treasures waiting to be discovered, and British supermarkets are no exception. From Tesco's Finest Blended Scotch Whisky to Aldi's Oliver Cromwell London Dry Gin, these low-priced own-brand spirits offer exceptional quality and value. Whether you're a whisky connoisseur, gin enthusiast, or vodka aficionado, there's a hidden gem waiting for you on the shelves of your local supermarket. Also, look out for own brand rums, brandies and liquors. 

So why not embark on a tasting journey and uncover your new favorite spirit without breaking the bank? Cheers to quality and affordability!

Sunflower Seed "Chocolate" Bars

Here's another non-chocolate recipe, but this one is for those folks who aren't too keen on carob. 

Sunflower Seed "Chocolate" Bars


1 cup raw sunflower seeds (Shelled, of course!)

1 cup pitted dates

2 tablespoons coconut oil

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Pinch of salt


In a food processor, blend the sunflower seeds until they form a fine powder.

Add the pitted dates, coconut oil, vanilla extract, and a pinch of salt to the food processor.

Blend all the ingredients together until they form a thick, sticky dough.

Line a modest sized baking dish or tray with some parchment paper, or something similar to parchment paper.

Transfer the dough to the lined baking dish and press it down firmly to form an even layer.

Place the baking dish in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour to firm up.

Once firm, remove the "chocolate" from the refrigerator and cut it into bars or squares.

Enjoy your homemade sunflower seed "chocolate" bars!

These bars have a rich, chocolate-like flavor without any actual chocolate or carob. They're perfect for satisfying your sweet tooth while providing a nutritious snack thanks to the sunflower seeds and dates. Feel free to customise them by adding nuts, dried fruit, or spices like cinnamon or ginger for extra flavour.