Showing posts with label health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health. Show all posts

Monday 6 May 2024

Exploring the Pros and Cons of Intermittent Fasting for Weight Control

Intermittent fasting has gained significant popularity in recent years as a strategy for weight management and overall health improvement. 

This dietary approach involves cycling between periods of eating and fasting, with various methods ranging from daily fasting windows to alternate-day fasting. 

While intermittent fasting has been praised for its potential benefits, it also comes with its share of drawbacks. Let's look at the pros and cons of intermittent fasting for weight control:


Weight Loss: Intermittent fasting can lead to calorie restriction, which is a key factor in weight loss. By limiting the time frame for eating, individuals may naturally consume fewer calories, promoting fat loss over time.

Improved Insulin Sensitivity: Fasting periods can enhance insulin sensitivity, making it easier for the body to regulate blood sugar levels. This can be especially beneficial for individuals with insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes.

Simplicity: Unlike restrictive diets that require meticulous meal planning and calorie counting, intermittent fasting is relatively simple to follow. Once individuals establish their fasting schedule, they can focus on making healthy food choices during eating periods.

Potential Health Benefits: Beyond weight control, intermittent fasting has been associated with various health benefits, including reduced inflammation, improved heart health, and enhanced brain function. Some research suggests it may even promote longevity.

Flexibility: Intermittent fasting allows for flexibility in meal timing, making it adaptable to different lifestyles. Whether you're an early riser or a night owl, you can customise your fasting window to suit your preferences.


Potential Nutrient Deficiencies: With a restricted eating window, individuals may struggle to consume an adequate amount of essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. This could potentially lead to nutrient deficiencies if not managed properly.

Risk of Disordered Eating: Intermittent fasting may trigger unhealthy eating behaviors or a preoccupation with food during fasting periods. For individuals prone to disordered eating patterns, this approach could exacerbate existing issues.

Difficulty Sustaining: While intermittent fasting can yield initial weight loss results, some individuals may find it challenging to maintain over the long term. Without a sustainable eating pattern, there's a risk of regaining lost weight once normal eating habits resume.

Potential for Muscle Loss: Extended fasting periods, especially without adequate protein intake, may lead to muscle breakdown. This can be detrimental for individuals looking to preserve or build lean muscle mass while losing weight.

Not Suitable for Everyone: Intermittent fasting may not be suitable for certain populations, including pregnant or breastfeeding women, individuals with a history of eating disorders, or those with certain medical conditions. It's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any fasting regimen.

In conclusion, intermittent fasting can be an effective tool for weight control and may offer additional health benefits. However, it's important to approach it mindfully, considering individual needs, preferences, and potential risks. By balancing the pros and cons and adopting a sensible approach, individuals can harness the potential benefits of intermittent fasting while mitigating any drawbacks. As with any dietary strategy, consistency, moderation, and personalised guidance are key to long-term success.

It's advisable to consult with medical professionals before starting any diet, especially if you have underlying health issues.

Wednesday 6 March 2024

Unlocking the Potent Benefits of Herbal Teas for Health and Relaxation

In a world where stress and hectic schedules often dominate our daily lives, finding moments of peace and relaxation is essential for our overall well-being. 

While various methods exist to unwind, one timeless and natural solution stands out: herbal teas. These delightful brews not only offer a comforting experience but also pack a punch of health benefits, too. Join us as we explore the myriad advantages of incorporating herbal teas into your daily routine for both physical and mental rejuvenation.

The Herbal Tea Renaissance:

Herbal teas, also known as tisanes, have a rich history that spans cultures and centuries. From ancient Chinese medicine to traditional Ayurvedic practices in India, the use of herbs and botanicals in teas has been celebrated for their therapeutic properties. Today, this age-old tradition is experiencing a renaissance as more people seek natural remedies for common ailments and stress relief.

Health Benefits:

One of the primary appeals of herbal teas lies in their health benefits. Unlike traditional teas derived from the Camellia sinensis plant, herbal teas are caffeine-free and derive their healing properties from a diverse array of herbs, flowers, spices, and fruits. Here are some notable health benefits associated with herbal teas:

Digestive Support: Peppermint, ginger, and chamomile teas are renowned for their ability to soothe digestive issues such as indigestion, bloating, and nausea.

Immune Boost: Echinacea, elderberry, and rooibos teas are packed with antioxidants and vitamins that can bolster the immune system, helping the body fend off illnesses.

Stress Relief: Lavender, passionflower, and lemon balm teas possess calming properties that promote relaxation, reduce anxiety, and improve sleep quality.

Anti-inflammatory Effects: Turmeric, cinnamon, and green rooibos teas exhibit anti-inflammatory properties, which can alleviate symptoms of conditions like arthritis and promote overall wellness.

Hydration: Herbal teas offer a flavorful way to stay hydrated, contributing to healthy skin, improved energy levels, and optimal bodily functions.

Relaxation and Mental Well-being:

Beyond their physical health benefits, herbal teas also play a crucial role in promoting relaxation and mental well-being. The ritual of preparing and savoring a warm cup of herbal tea encourages mindfulness and serves as a gentle reminder to slow down and embrace the present moment. 

The soothing aroma and comforting warmth of herbal teas can alleviate stress, promote mental clarity, and create a sense of tranquility amidst life's chaos. As can the whole process of brewing your cup or pot of herbal tea.

Moreover, certain like chamomile, lemon balm, and valerian root have been scientifically proven to have sedative effects, making them ideal choices for winding down before bedtime. I

ncorporating herbal teas into your evening routine can signal to your body that it's time to relax and prepare for restful sleep, contributing to overall sleep quality and mental rejuvenation.

Embracing Herbal Wellness:

As we navigate the demands of modern life, prioritising self-care and holistic wellness becomes increasingly important. Herbal teas offer a simple yet effective way to nurture your body, mind, and spirit. Whether you're seeking relief from physical ailments, aiming to reduce stress, or simply looking to indulge in a moment of peaceful tranquility, there's a herbal tea blend to suit your needs and preferences.

Incorporate herbal teas into your daily routine by exploring a diverse range of flavours and ingredients. Experiment with different brewing methods, such as steeping loose leaves or brewing tea bags, to customise your experience. Whether enjoyed solo or shared with loved ones, the ritual of sipping herbal tea is a gentle reminder to prioritise your well-being and embrace the simple joys of life.

In a fast-paced world filled with distractions and stressors, herbal teas offer a sanctuary of tranquility and wellness. From their myriad health benefits to their ability to promote relaxation and mental well-being, herbal teas have earned their place as cherished allies on the journey to holistic wellness. So, take a moment to pause, breathe, and indulge in the comforting embrace of a warm cup of herbal tea. As Mrs Doyle from Father Ted might have put it: "Go on, go on, go on. You deserve a nice cup of herbal tea!"

Tuesday 5 March 2024

The Hidden Dangers Lurking in Over-Processed Foods: A Wake-Up Call for Better Health

In the hustle and bustle of our modern lives, convenience often takes precedence over nutrition. We live in an era where processed foods reign supreme, offering quick and easy solutions to our busy schedules. 

From packaged snacks to microwave meals, the appeal of these products is absolutely undeniable. However, beneath their enticing convenience lies a dark reality: the health risks associated with over-processed foods.

What exactly are over-processed foods? Simply put, they are products that have been heavily altered from their natural state through various methods such as refining, cooking, and preserving. Think of your typical fast food items, sugary cereals, canned soups, and even seemingly harmless granola bars. While these items may seem harmless at first glance, their consumption can have detrimental effects on our health.

One of the most concerning aspects of over-processed foods is their high levels of added sugars, unhealthy fats, and sodium. These ingredients are often used to enhance flavour, texture, and shelf life but come at a significant cost to our well-being. 

Excessive sugar intake has been linked to obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and even certain types of cancer. Similarly, consuming high amounts of unhealthy fats can lead to elevated cholesterol levels and an increased risk of cardiovascular issues. Additionally, excessive sodium intake can contribute to high blood pressure and kidney problems.

But it's not just what over-processed foods contain that poses a threat, it's also what they lack, too. Many of these products are stripped of essential nutrients during their processing, leaving them devoid of the vitamins, minerals, and fibre that our bodies need to function optimally. As a result, regular consumption of over-processed foods can lead to nutritional deficiencies and a weakened immune system.

Furthermore, the additives and preservatives commonly found in these products have raised concerns among some health experts. Chemicals such as artificial flavours, colours, and preservatives have been linked to various health issues, including allergic reactions, digestive problems, and neurological disorders. While these additives may extend the shelf life of over-processed foods, they come with a host of potential risks to our health.

So, what can we do to protect ourselves from the risks and dangers of over-processed foods? The answer lies in making conscious choices and decisions about what we put into our bodies. 

Instead of reaching for that pre-packaged snack or ready meal, opt for whole, unprocessed foods whenever this is possible. Stock up on fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats. Not only will these foods nourish your body with essential nutrients, but they'll also support your overall health and well-being, too.

Additionally, take the time to read food labels carefully and familiarise yourself with the ingredients lists. Choose products with minimal additives and preservatives, and prioritise items that are low in added sugars, unhealthy fats, and sodium. By becoming a more informed consumer, you can empower yourself to make healthier choices for you and your family.

In conclusion, the health risks associated with over-processed foods are real and significant. From obesity and diabetes to heart disease and cancer, the consequences of consuming these products can be dire. However, by prioritizing whole, unprocessed foods and minimizing our intake of over-processed products, we can take control of our health and reduce our risk of chronic disease. Let's make the conscious choice to nourish our bodies with the wholesome foods they deserve.

Tuesday 27 February 2024

Crafting Your Perfect Plate: A Guide to Creating a Balanced Meal Plan for Optimal Health

In our fast-moving modern world, maintaining a healthy lifestyle often takes a back seat amidst our busy schedules and endless responsibilities. 

But we need to be mindful that one of the basic pillars of well-being is proper nutrition. Designing a balanced meal plan not only fuels our bodies but also supports our overall health and vitality. Whether we are looking to lose weight, boost our energy levels, or just improve our overall well-being, a balanced meal plan lays the foundation for future success.

Understanding the Basics:

Before getting into meal planning, it's vital to understand the key components of a balanced diet. A well-rounded meal typically consists of macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, fats),plus micronutrients (vitamins and minerals). Each plays a unique role in supporting various bodily functions and maintaining our overall health.

Building Blocks of a Balanced Meal Plan:

Incorporate a Variety of Nutrient-Dense Foods: Aim to include a coloruful variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats in your meals. Variety ensures we receive a wide range of essential nutrients necessary for our optimal health.

Balance Macronutrients:

Carbohydrates: Opt for complex carbohydrates like whole grains, legumes, and vegetables, which provide sustained energy and essential nutrients and fibre.

Proteins: Include lean sources of protein like poultry, fish, tofu, legumes, and dairy products. Protein supports muscle repair, immune function, and satiety.

Fats: Incorporate healthy fats from sources such as avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil. These fats are essential for brain health, hormone production, and nutrient absorption.

Mindful Portion Control: Pay attention to portion sizes to avoid any danger of overeating. Use visual cues such as your hand or specific utensils to estimate appropriate portion sizes for every food group.

Prioritise Whole Foods: Minimise the consumption of processed foods, sugary snacks, and refined carbohydrates. Instead, focus on whole, unprocessed foods that are rich in nutrients and free from artificial additives.

Hydration: Do not overlook hydration. Water is absolutely vital for various bodily functions, including digestion, nutrient transport, and temperature regulation. Aim to drink plenty of water throughout the day.

Practical Tips for Meal Planning:

Plan Ahead: Set aside time every week to plan your meals and create a suitable grocery list. Having a plan in place reduces the dangerous temptation to resort to unhealthy options when hunger strikes.

Batch Cooking: Prepare large batches of staple foods such as grains, proteins, and vegetables to use throughout the week. This saves time and ensures you have healthy options that are readily available. You can freeze batch cooked meal items such as rice, vegetables, etc.

Include Snacks: Do not avoid snacks. But you should only incorporate nutritious snacks such as fresh fruit, Greek yogurt, nuts, or vegetable sticks with hummus to keep hunger at bay between meals.

Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to hunger and fullness cues, and adjust your meal plan in accordance with this. One size does not fit all. Everyone's nutritional needs are completely  unique, so it's absolutely vital to remain tuned in to your body's signals.

Be Flexible: While planning is important, it's also sensible to be flexible and adaptable. Life happens, and sometimes plans have to be changed to cope with how our life is and not how it should be. Embrace flexibility and make adjustments as required without feeling guilty or allowing yourself to become stressed.

Creating a balanced meal plan is an important and powerful tool for promoting optimal health and well-being. 

By incorporating a variety of nutrient-dense foods, balancing macronutrients, and practicing mindful eating habits, you can fuel your body with the nutrients it needs to thrive.

But do remember that small, sustainable changes over time can lead to significant improvements in your overall health and vitality. Start by implementing these tips today and embark on a journey towards a healthier and happier you.

Sunday 25 February 2024

Debunking the Myth: The Truth About "Diet Water"

In the relentless pursuit of health and wellness, we often find ourselves bombarded with a myriad of fad diets, miracle supplements, and trendy wellness products. 

One such trend that has gained traction in recent years is the concept of "diet water." Marketed as a healthier alternative to regular, normal water, diet water claims to offer additional benefits such as weight loss, improved metabolism, and detoxification. 

But behind the flashy marketing lies a myth that needs to be debunked.

Let's start by dissecting the very notion of diet water. Water, by its very nature, is already devoid of calories, fat, sugar, and any other additives. It is the epitome of purity and simplicity, serving as the cornerstone of hydration and overall health. So, what exactly distinguishes "diet water" from its regular counterpart? The answer, quite simply, is nothing.

The concept of diet water often involves the addition of various ingredients such as vitamins, minerals, or herbal extracts, purportedly to enhance its health benefits. However, the scientific evidence supporting these claims is sorely lacking. While it's true that certain vitamins and minerals are essential for our well-being, they are best obtained through a balanced diet rather than through artificially fortified water.

Furthermore, the notion of "diet water" promoting weight loss or boosting metabolism is nothing short of a marketing gimmick. No credible scientific evidence supports the idea that drinking water with added ingredients will magically melt away excess pounds or rev up your metabolism. Weight loss and metabolism are complex processes influenced by numerous factors such as diet, exercise, genetics, and overall lifestyle, not by the type of water you drink.

In fact, some variants of so-called diet water may contain artificial sweeteners or other additives in an attempt to enhance flavour without adding calories. While these additives may indeed make the water taste better, they also come with their own set of potential health risks. Artificial sweeteners, for instance, have been linked to adverse effects such as digestive issues, cravings for sweet foods, and even metabolic disturbances.

Moreover, the idea of "detoxifying" the body through diet water is deeply misleading. Our bodies are already equipped with highly efficient detoxification systems, primarily centered around the liver, kidneys, and gastrointestinal tract. Drinking water, plain, unadulterated water, is essential for supporting these natural detox processes by keeping our bodies hydrated and our organs functioning optimally. However, there is no need for special "detox" water formulas to achieve this effect.

So, what's the bottom line? When it comes to hydration and overall health, stick to the basics: drink plenty of plain water throughout the day, eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains, and engage in regular physical activity. There are no shortcuts or quick fixes when it comes to genuine health and wellness.

In a world inundated with gimmicks and empty promises, it's essential to approach health trends with a critical eye and rely on evidence-based information. The myth of the benefits of diet water serves as a poignant reminder that sometimes, the simplest solutions are also the most effective. So, raise a glass of good old-fashioned H2O and toast to the power of pure, unadulterated hydration. Your body will thank you for it.

Wednesday 10 January 2024

Nutritionist Dr Naomi Beinart writes on ’Seven things to consider if you’re going to embrace Veganuary'

That's food and Drink would like to thank Dr Beinart for writing this feature for us as part of our series of Veganuary features.

1. Don’t neglect your thyroid health

Your thyroid is a small gland at the front of your neck. It uses iodine to make thyroid hormones, but if you are deficient in iodine then your body can’t make enough thyroid hormones. 

When this happens, your thyroid starts to work overtime to make these vital hormones and can result in overgrowth of the thyroid gland, called goiter. Luckily, if caught soon enough this can be reversed by improving iodine intake. 

Thyroid hormones are vital for so many of our body’s natural processes including bone health, metabolism, reproductive health, and brain health. As a nutritionist I have seen numerous women over the years who struggle with low energy, weight gain, dry skin and feeling cold all the time. While there is a lot to consider when someone presents with these symptoms, iodine status is the number one place we start and is often found to play a role in some of these issues. 

The primary sources of iodine are white fish and dairy making it challenging for vegans.  Seaweed is the only natural and plant-based source that provides adequate amounts of iodine for optimal function. Try Doctor Seaweed’s Pure Organic Seaweed.  Each 500mg capsule contains similar levels of iodine as one portion of haddock.

2. Make sure you are eating a good diet

Eat lots of brightly coloured fruits and vegetables which are high in antioxidants, which help to to protect against free radicals and keep us healthy. We tend to eat less fruit and veg in Winter, but there are so many tasty Winter vegetables and brightly coloured root vegetables (e.g. butternut squash, sweet potato and carrots) contain carotenoids which reduce inflammation and boost immune function by increasing disease-fighting cells in the body. 

So, if you enjoy being outside on these cold, sunny, Winter days, don’t forget your root veg soup.. One of the main challenges with a vegan diet is getting enough good quality protein. Vegans can get protein from plant based sources like peanut butter, seeds, grains, and legumes, and alternative products like tofu and soymilk also provide protein. 

Include healthy starches like  potatoes, rice, and pasta (choose wholegrain where possible) and have some fortified dairy alternatives, such as soya drinks and yogurts (choose lower-fat and lower-sugar options).

3. B12 is one of the most important vitamins for Vegans

Ensuring you have enough B12 you can make a big difference to how you feel, your energy levels and your overall well-being. So how can you make sure you have enough B12? This is far easier for people who eat animal products, such as meat, fish and dairy. However, even if you are eating the right foods, Vitamins B12 is notoriously hard to absorb. 

Also, B12 can be difficult to find if you are vegetarian or vegan. Some vegan foods and drinks are fortified with B12, and you can find some in vegan foods like nori and nutritional yeast. However, research shows that our B12 needs cannot be met from vegetarian / vegan sources alone ( So, what can you do to make sure you are getting enough B12? Since your body can’t make B12, I always recommend a good quality B12 spray.  BetterYou B12 Spray - uses the most bio-available form of B12 (methylcobalamin) which is a naturally active form found within human metabolism. It is really easy to use and can be applied directly onto the inner cheek of the mouth. 

4. Ensure your immunity isn’t compromised 

If you’re someone who works long hours, with busy personal and family schedules, travel and frequent commuting, you will find that you are more susceptible to any viruses that are going around. Taking care of your immune system by ensuring that you aren’t lacking any vital vitamins and minerals, is essential. 

Public Health England recommends that we all supplement with Vitamin D to support and strengthen our immune defences and to support energy levels and mood throughout the Winter. Plus, Vitamin D is essential for healthy bones, muscles and teeth. Mushrooms are one of the best sources of Vitamin D, together with some fortified foods. But it's best to ensure you have adequate Vitamin D levels by taking a good quality daily supplement, especially throughout the Winter months.  I like BetterYou Vitamin D Oral Spray

5. Don’t let your energy levels fall

Due to the absence of red meat in a plant-based diet, vegans (and vegetarians) are typically deficient in vitamin B12 and iron. This can lead to fatigue, headaches, dizziness and if left untreated, anemia. As well as eating a healthy diet, as outlined below make sure you are eating lots of energy dense foods that are rich in iron - nuts and nut butters are especially good for this. As well as diet, make sure you are adapting lifestyle changes to make sure you are staying healthy and well. 

Fresh air is always the best thing when you're feeling a little lethargic or mentally low. Getting outside and going for a walk in green space will allow you to clear your mind and get a bit of exercise whilst you're at it. Dr Naomi recommends, if you live in a city, try to head to a park or a larger green space so you can really immerse yourself in nature and enjoy the sunny weather, and perhaps listen to a motivational or inspirational podcast whilst you're out and about. 

Most likely you will come home feeling more positive and upbeat.  Also if you are just starting a vegan diet, try a  relaxing exercise like a yoga class, which is gentle but can leave you feeling really energized, upbeat and centered. Swimming is also a great relaxing exercise that is low impact and you can take as gently as you like - swim in the morning to feel energised for the rest of the day

Readers might like to check out the following links for further help and inspiration:- (Link for Vitamin D 3000 IU Oral Spray)

Thursday 16 November 2023

Boost Your Immunity With the Winter Watercress Challenge

Did you know that by eating or one bag of watercress a week you can supercharge your health and immune system this winter? 

The Watercress Company, the UK's largest grower of watercress is encouraging us all to eat more of the nutrient-packed leafy green in their Winter Watercress Challenge.

Watercress is a winter superfood. Just one nutrient-packed bag of watercress a week (or more if you like) is a step in the right direction to give your immune system the tools it needs to do its job effectively.

According to the nutrient density index, watercress hits the maximum score of 1000¹, putting it in joint first place with kale and way ahead of other well-known superfoods like blueberries, edamame, broccoli or spinach.

Just 100g of watercress contains more than half our recommended intake of vitamin A, which is required for a strong immune system, as well as improving iron absorption.

Gram for gram, the plant contains more vitamin C than an orange, which also helps us to absorb iron more efficiently, more folate than a banana and more vitamin E than broccoli. This all contributes to a robust and resilient immune system, enhancing your ability to defend against illnesses.

Award-winning registered nutritionist, Dr Lucy Williamson says, “The key to a good diet is eating a variety of 30 different plants a week (don't worry, that includes spices, nuts, pulses and herbs too). Just including watercress once a week is a fantastic way to boost your nutrient levels.”

Tom Amery, managing director of The Watercress Company says, “Watercress is nature's immune-boosting powerhouse. Incorporating just one portion to your diet once a week will be a delicious step towards supporting your health and resilience.” 

Whether a handful of watercress is added to your meal, to soups, sandwiches or blitzed up into pesto, this versatile green is easy to incorporate into your family's meal.

To kick start your Winter Watercress Challenge, simply grab one bag of fresh watercress a week from your local supermarket, or from The Watercress Company:, and let the green superfood transform your winter wellness. 

Simple recipes to try:

Watercress Pesto 

40g Watercress

2 tbsp Olive oil

Handful of nuts – pine or hazelnut are good options

30g Hard cheese like Parmesan (plus extra for grating)


Add the watercress, oil, nuts, cheese and a generous pinch of salt to a blender and blitz until everything is combined. Loosen the mixture with the olive oil; add a little at a time until your desired consistency is reached. 

Watercress Soup with an Egg

Serves 2 | Prep time 10 mins Cook Time 20 mins

60g watercress

30g spinach

1 shallot, finely chopped

1 large potato, chopped small approx. 150g

50ml crème fraiche

2 eggs

In a pan, gently soften the shallot in a little oil before setting aside. 

In a pot, boil the chopped potato until soft. Add the watercress and spinach at the last moment, allow to cook for no more than a minute. Strain the mixture but reserve the cooking liquid. 

Add the shallot to the potato mixture and, using a hand blender, blitz everything together. Add the reserved cooking liquid a little at a time to thin it out to your desired texture. 

Stir though the crème fraiche and season to taste with salt and pepper. 

To serve, poach 2 eggs for 2-3 minutes in boiling water, until the whites are cooked but the yolk is runny. Serve the soup in 2 bowls and place an egg in each. 

Enjoy piping hot with crusty bread. 

Tuesday 19 September 2023

Are You Taking the Phizz?

Phizz are taking on Berocca as the UK's fastest growing effervescent brand; the young, science-led team works with a PhD neuroscientist to develop innovative all-in-one health supplements, formulated to support daily wellbeing, exercise, travel, and nights out. This month, September, sees the rollout of Phizz's first Out of Home Campaign, which will run until the 24th of this month.

What is the objective of the campaign? It's simply to drive brand awareness across London and to support the launch of Phizz Caffeine Boost in Tesco Express. Bringing the brand to life across a variety of touchpoints and platforms to maximise brand awareness, impact and campaign longevity.

With an expected reach in excess of 7 million, taking advantage of the return to office working and September's back to school season, the campaign includes advertising across three high impact mega screens including Canary Wharf, Westfield Shepherds Bush and Westfield Stratford; advertising across 50 food delivery bikes in Zone 1, Central London; 32 further mega screens will run for the full two weeks across zones 1 and 2.

Phizz have also created 500 magnetic clings, pavement stencils and sampling bins, the team will be distributing sample product across London for the next couple of weeks. Lastly, Phizz has partnered with Gymfluencers to create 100 bespoke Phizz Caffeine fitness influencer boxes, to enhance social media awareness in tandem with the campaign.

Phizz Founder Dan Cray says, "In 2023, Phizz has soared to third place within the effervescent category, and with our recent debut in Tesco Express, we decided the time was ripe to take our visibility to even new heights.  

"With distribution now spanning over 4,500 national locations, we're embarking on an ambitious journey. Expect impactful ATL campaigns and exciting activations with renowned brands like Gymshark. This marks just the beginning of our significant growth.

"Our launch to Tesco Express is our first time in this convenience store format. The launch has been driven from the strong rate of sale nationwide in superstores. Tesco now sees a strong fit for Phizz to support non-stop city lifestyles.”

Phizz are also launching Orange, Mixed Berry, Apple & Blackcurrant Effervescent tabs to Morrisons. The brand will launch with a £6 promo running until 17th October, before retailing at £8.00 per tube of 20 tablets. 

Founder Dan Cray went on to say: “Morrison's decision to include Phizz in their range reinforces our position as the fastest-growing brand in the category. We're obviously pleased and utterly thrilled to introduce our unparalleled benefits in an array of delicious flavours, aiming to elevate lives across the nation.”

Here are some details about the range:-

The new Cherry Caffeine Boost, a triple-action energy boosting effervescent, aims to combat the major cause of fatigue: dehydration. Available now from Amazon and Tesco. The ground-breaking formula, a global first, aims to optimise natural energy levels, combat fatigue and drowsiness, and deliver a daily dose of invigorating wellness. 

We wake up every day with two basic health goals, to eat a well-rounded diet that achieves all our nutritional requirements and to drink enough water; busy modern lifestyles, travel and high-performance sport all get in the way of achieving these goals, and without optimal nutrients and hydration, you're not your best self. 94% of the UK is dehydrated, on average, consumers drink just 850ml of water per day – less than half of the recommended daily intake. A 2% drop in hydration leads to mental and physical fatigue.

With 75mg of caffeine, equivalent to a cup of coffee, and fortified with natural guarana, it heightens alertness and invigorates the mind and body. By adding Guarana to their tried-and-true formula, Phizz harnesses the Amazonian berry's energy boosting properties that can help to increase attention and alertness; it has more caffeine per berry than any other plant (even coffee beans) and it's also packed full of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Guarana gives a slower releasing and longer lasting caffeine effect than caffeine from tea and coffee, providing a smoother energy release. 

Further enhanced by a potent blend of essential B-vitamins, it unlocks the body's natural energy resource by helping convert food into energy. The low calorie (10kcal) tablet's energy proposition is complemented by a range of 17 essential nutrients for optimal health. Phizz Caffeine Boost can be incorporated into your daily routine, before a sports game or gym session, as a replacement for your morning coffee or energy drink, as a mid-afternoon pick-me-up, or when feeling jetlagged after a flight, making Phizz your new best friend.

“At Phizz, we provide comprehensive solutions with unmatched science to beat any other single product in the market. This product has a fresh perspective on the energy category while ensuring optimal hydration and health. And at only 40p per drink, we offer solid science at great value,” explains Daniel Cray, CEO and founder of Phizz. 

The London-based start-up creates everyday life armour with their trio of 3-in-1effervescent tablets that combine a hydration formula, electrolytes, and a comprehensive multivitamin. The young, science-led team works with a PhD neuroscientist to develop innovative all-in-one health supplements that are formulated to support daily wellbeing, exercise, travel, and nights out. Unlike other effervescent brands, Phizz is both a multivitamin and a rehydration remedy, helping you thrive every day across three main lifestyle pillars:


Dehydration and vitamin deficiencies are two common, daily challenges that can negatively affect our physical and mental performance. Just 1-2% dehydration can lead to fatigue, headaches, muscle cramps and concentration loss. (EDITOR: It certainly does! And it's very, very painful!)

Electrolyte Replenishment 

Phizz contains a range of key electrolytes to support heart, brain, nerve, and immune system function. These include four of the main electrolytes lost through sweat which helps prevent cramping and muscle fatigue.

High Dose Multivitamin 

Phizz offers eighteen essential vitamins and minerals for natural energy, reduction in fatigue, normal functioning of the immune system, mental performance, and antioxidants to prevent cellular damage.

We wake up every day with two basic health goals, to eat a well-rounded diet that achieves all our nutritional requirements and to drink enough water; busy modern lifestyles, travel and high-performance sport all get in the way of achieving these goals, and without optimal nutrients and hydration, you're not your best self. Phizz 3-in-1 is a small but mighty tablet (available in Orange, Apple & Blackcurrant and Mixed Berry), that helps you get one step ahead of your immune, energy, focus and hydration goals. 

Phizz's science-backed formula helps you hydrate three times faster (compared with drinking water alone), delivers natural energy, and supports your immune system. Just dissolve one tablet in a glass or bottle of water (best served chilled!).

Phizz is perfectly balanced with 18 quality and high-dose vitamins and minerals designed to boost your natural energy (thanks to a B-12 and B-6 vitamin hit, 375% of your daily dose of immune-boosting vitamin C (the equivalent of three oranges) and electrolytes, often lost through sweat. Phizz also packs a self-care punch with zinc (more than in three cups of spinach), potassium (more than in one banana) as well as other powerful antioxidants . 

Phizz is ideal as part of your everyday routine. It's diverse range of uses also support more targeted needs, including combating tiredness and fatigue, supporting an active lifestyle – such as marathon training – rapid rehydration after a big night, beating jetlag and supporting your body in hot climates.

Dehydration can have significant effects on physical performance, particularly during endurance events where large volumes of water can be lost through sweat. Phizz helps the body hydrate faster while also replacing key electrolytes to support muscle function. Drinking Phizz during, or prior to, exercise can therefore reduce fatigue, cramps, and thirst, while increasing energy and stamina. But don't just take our word for it! Phizz is rigorously vetted by medical departments and players and is chosen as their preferred hydration solution due to the superior formula. Damian Roden (High-Performance Consultant and former Premier League Head of Performance) says, “Phizz gives players a head start on the competition with the vitamins and electrolytes our players need to perform at their peak.” Phizz has supplied over 50 professional sports teams across rugby, football and cricket including Arsenal, Liverpool, and Saracens. Notable fans also include Olympic Champion Peter Reed OBE, TV personality Vicky Pattison and television presenter Andi Peters. 

Although a premium option, with quality at its core, Phizz offers value against a typical energy drink at just 40p per serving. Your plastic usage is also cut down to one recyclable tube, compared with 20 one-time-use drinks containers, helping you to minimise your impact and maximise your health. Phizz has partnered with Plastic Bank, for each Phizz product purchased 1.3x its weight in plastic waste is collected, recycled and prevented from entering our oceans; collectors are paid a premium, empowering local communities across some of the world's most vulnerable coastal environments. Phizz is proud to be leading the way as the only plastic-positive effervescent tablet in the category. 

Using the power of science, Phizz make all-in-one health supplements that help you thrive every day; find Phizz at Sainsbury's, Tesco, and Amazon, or buy direct from

Saturday 9 September 2023

Holland and Barrett launches new food range

Holland & Barrett, which is the UK’s top health and wellness retailer, is getting back to its roots with the relaunch of its entire food range. 

The first 500 products are hitting the shelves this month, September, and this marks the beginning the biggest transformation of its food category in its entire 150-year history.

Consisting in excess of over 300 entirely new own brand lines, designed from scratch and over 200 branded lines, the new range will see the return of over 70 fresh, chilled food and drinks to H&B’s high-street stores. 

In a market first, the new H&B range will also offer customers foods by key wellness need or specialist diet, with new lines designed by Holland & Barrett’s expert nutritionists, chefs and in-house experts for gut health, women’s health and skin health. 

From fresh foods to healthy snacks, and food cupboard items, the range is designed to complement its customers’ weekly grocery shop with simple, easy swaps that are packed with nutritious benefits. 

The launch sees Holland & Barrett become the first high-street retailer to include the concept of ‘Plant Points’ on food labelling, helping encourage customers to eat at least 30 different plants a week to support their overall wellbeing. 

In what is another first, customers can have free conversations with trained advisors in all stores and online who will be able to personalise a menu that includes the best nutritional solutions based on the goals of their a customers.

Alex Dower, who is the Chief Commercial Officer, Holland & Barrett, said: “We want to make wellness a way of life for everyone and what you eat is the starting place for a healthier life. 

"That’s why we’ve spent two years redeveloping and completely overhauling our food offering. We’ve brought together a team of nutritionists, chefs, ingredient specialists and in-house scientific experts, alongside 50 new artisan and small food suppliers to create a truly pioneering and diet-inclusive range. 

"Our priority has been on creating delicious food, bursting with benefits. This coupled with significant investment in a new proposition, range identity and marketing support will see H&B regain its place as the go to for the latest in healthy food on the high street.”

Alex Dower continues, “We're proud to be the first retailer to include Plant Points on our food labels.  Plant Points are a handy way to make sure you're eating a nutrient-packed diet.  We’re encouraging our customers to aim for at least 30 different plants a week to support their overall wellbeing. 

"There’s growing and emerging evidence that we need to go beyond five-a-day and focus on getting plant variety into our diets to support our gut health, and in turn our overall health. That’s why we’re adding plant points to our labelling, as part of our focus on raising awareness of the benefits of good gut health.”

Holland & Barrett has been a leader in health and nutrition for over 150 years. Established in 1870 as a grocer in Bishop’s Stortford, it has grown to 800 stores in the UK and Ireland alone, and healthy food has remained core to its proposition. 

"Known for supporting millions of people in the UK who follow specialist diets, from introducing the first vegan ranges to foods for lower carb, low and no sugar as well as those with food allergies or intolerances. The new range caters to over 10 different allergies and dietary intolerances as well as support for specific conditions and wellness needs including gut health, women’s health, immunity, energy and more.

As a specialist retailer, H&B’s size means it can work with small, artisan producers across the UK and Ireland to bring local, first to market products to its shelves. This includes Jess’s Dairy, a third-generation dairy farmer from Gloucestershire who H&B has partnered with to bring a kefir drinking yogurt to market. Hodmedods, who supply the range with British quinoa, flamingo peas and further grains and pulses, work directly with farmers committed to increasing biodiversity and are leading the way in regenerative farming. 

The new No 42 vegan sausages are created by Simplicity in partnership with chef, Ian Rankin, and are made with six plants and the power of fermentation to offer a healthier alternative.

The re-launch of H&B Food is being supported by a £5m marketing campaign, across out of home, print, digital, social and PR. It comes at a time when the retailer has also been investing in its store estate, opening 19 new stores and refitting 16 in the last calendar year (Oct ’22 – Sept’ 23). 

(EDITOR: I feel a trip to our nearest Holland and Barrett store in the very near future to stock up on some goodies!)

Monday 4 September 2023

Nearly Two-Thirds of People Aged 30-50 Could have Undiagnosed Blood Pressure warns top BP charity

A massive and worrying 63% of UK adults aged between 30–50 don't know their current blood pressure numbers and could be living daily with undiagnosed blood pressure, which  is increasing their chances of strokes, heart attacks and heart failure which, ironically, are amongst their most feared health conditions (i.e. heart attacks, 31% and stroke, 24%). 

That’s according to a NEW consumer poll by national charity, Blood Pressure UK to mark Know Your Numbers! Week (4-10th September).

With unhealthy lifestyles and poor diet contributing to more young people in their 30s, 40s and 50s being diagnosed with hypertension and around 1 in 3 people in the UK now living with high blood pressure, the charity urges adults of all ages to make the time to check their blood pressure, ideally with a home blood pressure monitor as it’s the easiest way to find out your blood pressure numbers. 

Since high blood pressure is largely without symptoms and the single biggest preventable cause of deaths in the UK, the more people test themselves, the more chance they'll have of controlling it and avoid unnecessary premature death, says Blood Pressure UK. Currently 6.5 million people in the UK remain undiagnosed.

Whilst age is one of many factors in rising blood pressure as our vascular system, which includes the heart and blood vessels, changes, it doesn't discriminate. 

That's why adults of ALL ages must Know Their Numbers. In fact, 72% of respondents agree blood pressure isn't only a concern for older people (i.e., those who are 50+).

Despite this and the high percentage of respondents who don't know their blood pressure numbers, 68% agree knowing their blood pressure numbers is vital, whilst two-thirds (66%) of those surveyed claim to understand that persistently high blood pressure can result in heart attacks.

‘My Blood Pressure’ developed alongside clinical experts and brought to you by Kinetik Wellbeing – with the exclusive support of Blood Pressure UK – will also launch as part of Know Your Numbers! Week (4-10th September). 

This user-friendly (and totally free) service empowers users to take control of their heart health and gives them the tools to understand and manage their blood pressure effectively. For more details visit:

Substantial evidence supporting the use of home blood pressure monitoring has shown it gives a better reflection of blood pressure, as being tested in somewhere like a GP surgery or pharmacy which can make patients feel anxious and can affect the result. 

Also, it allows patients to monitor their condition more easily over the longer term. According to NHS England, regular home blood pressure monitoring across a population of 50,000 patients could prevent up to 500 heart attacks and 745 strokes over five years.

Research studies also show eating too much salt can also be a major cause of high blood pressure, particularly the rise in blood pressure with age. As a nation, if we cut one gram of salt from our average daily salt intake, this would cause a fall in blood pressure and there would be approximately 6,000 fewer deaths from strokes and heart attacks each year in the UK.

Phil Pyatt, CEO of Blood Pressure UK said: “Given high blood pressure does not show any clear symptoms, hence being dubbed the ‘silent killer’ all adults, regardless of their age, need to take control of their health by checking their blood pressure regularly, either at home, at a pharmacy or at their GP. Furthermore, simple improvements in diet and lifestyle like eating less salt, more fruit and vegetables and doing more exercise can really help keep blood pressure down.”

Professor Graham MacGregor, Chairman of Blood Pressure UK says: “Half of all strokes and heart disease are due to high blood pressure which can easily be reduced, particularly by reducing your salt intake and if necessary, taking tablets which rarely have side effects. This will reduce your risk of developing a heart attack, heart failure or a stroke, which can either be fatal or cause life-changing disabilities. This is completely avoidable; it is not the time to dither and delay, it could save your life."

Hemini Bharadia, Marketing Manager for Blood Pressure UK explains: "We encourage the public to make the time to control their health and get their blood pressure checked ideally via home blood pressure monitoring or at their local pharmacy or GP. Home blood pressure monitoring is an effective and inexpensive way to manage your blood pressure and the evidence behind it continues to get stronger.”

To find out more you can visit:

(Image courtesy of Thomas H. from Pixabay)

Monday 26 June 2023

Goodrays Reports Growth of 1,491% as Waitrose Expands CBD Range

Waitrose supermarkets are taking four new products this month (June) which Goodrays predicts will contribute to the brand tripling its revenue over this next financial year.

A four flavour mixed pack will be sold exclusively through Waitrose as a permanent SKU, RRP £7.50. It contains 250ml cans of Elderflower & Yuzu, Blood Orange & Grapefruit, Raspberry & Guava and Passionfruit & Pomelo. It is completely plastic-free, vegan and low calorie, and each can contains a market-leading 30mg of CBD.

Waitrose has also taken CBD Zen Drops and CBD Night Drops Oil and 'anytime' CBD Gummies. CBD Oils, as recent research by Goodrays shows, are currently the most popular way for the UK to consume CBD. 

Goodways Head of Marketing Henry Colyer said: “For Waitrose to have taken on our whole range is game-changing for us - it supports our brand mission to educate on the benefits of CBD and provide daily calm and clarity to people all over the UK. We are excited to have launched the mixed four pack of our delicious flavours - just in time for the festival and summer party season in the UK. Our fully recyclable pack allows you to enjoy relaxation without the toxification. 

"Goodrays is the perfect alternative to a four pack of beer or cider when you want to take a break and achieve a bit of balance. Waitrose now offers an option for multiple moments of the customer's daily routine, thanks to our oils designed for day and night, and tasty gummies that can be enjoyed when needed.”

Goodrays recent research of 2000 CBD users showed that the most popular way to consume CBD is:

Oils and Tinctures (54% reported this was their preferred way to consume CBD)

Drinks (40%)

Gummies (32%)

Coffee (26%)

Balm (24%)

Other (6%)

Goodrays now has a team of ten and is based in Shoreditch, London.

Awareness around mental wellbeing has been a huge driving force for Goodrays' founder Eoin Keenan. Keenan has been a vocal advocate of the power of the hemp plant for over a decade.  He launched Goodrays in 2021 to focus on high quality CBD products at an accessible price point, such as oils and RTD canned drinks. Goodrays is now available at Waitrose and Tesco and other major retailers such as WH Smith.

Saturday 22 April 2023

Travelling afar? Then ProVen means you'll travel happy

It's a sad fact, but holiday tummy troubles and gut issues caused whilst on holidays and work trips abroad can blight the lives of millions of Britons travelling abroad, with a staggering two-thirds suffering from upset stomachs, a new health survey has learned. 

Travelling abroad and being exposed to new foods and different cultures can have an unfortunate impact on our digestive systems in a number of ways. Providing support for the microbiome can help when we are travelling for work or for pleasure is very important.

Unfamiliar foods, new routines, air travel and exposure to different ‘local’ bacteria may disturb the normal healthy balance of our microbiome and lead to tummy troubles and travellers’ diarrhoea. Which is no joke.

Introducing ProVen Probiotics for Travel - from the world's most clinically proven probiotics brand.

It contains friendly bacteria that has the sole aims of helping to  keep your gut happy, healthy and balanced.

ProVen Probiotics For Travel costs £9.95.

It includes:

○ 12.5 billion ProVen probiotics per capsule

○ For both business and holiday travel

○ With ginger, glutamine, aloe vera and calcium for additional digestive support whilst


ProVen Probiotics are available from nationwide Holland & Barrett stores all over the UK.

And you can shop the full range at

Friday 7 April 2023

HUX is a new, natural health supplement brand

HUX  is a stunning and new natural health supplement brand with a heck of a lot to offer to the health aware consumer.  Because it has something for everyone.

Having had COVID several time, my wife and I were diagnosed with long COVID. This left us with varying degrees of brain fog, poor focus and low energy.

HUX Nootropics are designed to help sharpen your focus, help increase energy levels plus help improve your brain health.

There's also HUX Sleep which are designed to help lowered anxiety levels and help reduce inflammation and help you receive good, restorative sleep.

There's also HUX Beauty capsules, which helps give you thicker hair, tougher more resilient nails, plus skin that is more radiant. 

Do you suffer from hydration issues, including cramps? I do. And I regularly use effervescing hydration tablets.

Some of them taste unpleasant, to be honest. Being reminiscent of citrus toilet blocks. But then! Then I discovered HUX effervescing hydration tablets.

I have tried HUX Watermelon flavour and HUX Ginger and Lemongrass flavour. Not only do they help me with my hydration and cramp issues, they also taste amazing, too. In fact, they taste so good that if you didn't know they were hydration tablets you would presume they were "just" refreshing drink tablets! 

HUX products are great and they actually work, too.

Other products are available, including Superfood Blends (another great tasting product that works really well, too.) 

To learn more and to place your orders please visit them at

Sunday 22 January 2012

Food expert and top chef publishes new lab-inspired recipe book

Gurpareet Bains, celebrated chef and author of the No. 1 best-selling Indian Superfood, presents Indian Superspices: lab-inspired recipes to help with everyday ailments such as colds, PMT, hangovers and even insomnia.

His unique approach uses spices in medicinal quantities to alleviate stress, anxiety, allergies and a range of other ailments. It will also help manage weight loss and aid with detox.

Gurpareet already has a large fan base among A-list celebrities and Royalty. He is the creator of the ‘world’s healthiest meal’ and winner of the 2011 English Curry Awards’ ‘Chef of the Year’ title.

On his journey, Gurpareet reveals the amazing secrets of a spice that has been scientifically-proven by the US FDA in the treatment of asthma, diabetes, psoriasis and viral infections, as well as inhibition of cancer cell growth and improvement of the immune system. Gurpareet proves that Indian cuisine is robust enough to absorb medicinal quantities of spices and still deliver delicious meals.

This Ebook is an extraordinary collection of over 60 recipes augmented with compelling medical research and photography. Indian Superspices is a radical shakeup of the Indian kitchen: a fascinating voyage into virgin gastronomic territory.

Release date: Thursday January 26, 2012 - OUT NOW!

Available to buy online from Amazon:

Sunday 10 April 2011

Water a little dull or tastes of lime? Try new Bio-Synergy Skinny Water Dilutable Orange drink!

Skinny Water Dilutable Orange

Bio-Synergy has announced the launch of Skinny Water Dilutable Orange. Apparently they are proud that it is the only functional concentrate on the market.

This fabulous new variant of the original celebrity endorsed Skinny Water is set to hit shelves this month, April.

It is a low calorie drink and is enhanced with a unique combination of ingredients to help you maximise weight loss. The naturally occurring amino acids and nutrients will help suppress your appetite and increase metabolism to burn more fat.

So what’s the secret behind Bio-Synergy Skinny Water? It’s the added benefits of Chromium and L-Carnitine. These nutrients have been scientifically proven to banish sugar cravings and help turn fat into energy.

Studies show Chromium can stave off cravings for high carbohydrate or sugary foods by regulating blood sugar levels. As such, it’s a valuable addition to a well-designed, long-term weight loss program and supports a healthier metabolism.

L-Carnitine is an amino acid which the body uses to turn fat into energy. It can help weight management by encouraging the body to lose fat - not muscle.

Skinny Water Orange Dilutable has the extra added benefit of vitamin C, which is a brilliant anti-oxidant that helps to boost the immune system.

Each delicious drink is an excellent complement to any meal as well as before, during and after a workout. This 1 Litre concentrate is perfect to store in your cupboard and is excellent for parties, as a brilliant healthy alternative to other concentrates.

Each bottle is lovingly produced at our UK factory from spring water. A 1 litre bottle provides 20 servings, and is less than 4k/cal per calories per serving.

"Bio-Synergy Skinny Water has also come out top in countless surveys carried out by national media – it was voted number one in a ‘no diet, diet’ test for News of the World’s Fabulous magazine, and scored nine out of ten in a weight loss poll for the Daily Mirror. In addition, it has been voted top product by Women’s Fitness and Slim at Home magazine," said a spokesman.

Bio-Synergy Skinny Water Orange 500ml is in store at Asda and sold online at Ocado, Amazon, Littlewoods & RSP £3.99

Also Available in Grapefruit version dilutable 1litre 20 servings. Also available in Pomegranate, Pink Grapefruit, Cola version 500ml. RSP £3.99 1 litre and £1.19 500ml.

(EDITOR: People taking certain medications for heart conditions, etc., MUST check with their doctor before consuming anything containing grapefruit or grapefruit extract.)