Asda is embarking on a strategic project to create their first sustainability trial store, and Avery Berkel, a long-standing partner and leading provider of retail scales, was obviously a natural choice for the collaboration.
Avery Berkel's team and its digital labelling solution partner Hanshow worked very carefully and closely with Asda to develop a sustainable solution for the Middleton-based store, leveraging their expertise in retail scales and unwavering commitment to sustainability and innovation.
The collaboration has resulted in a successful solution that will have the potential for a meaningful impact on the retail industry and the wider environment.
Although zero-waste stores are gaining popularity amongst independent retailers and smaller chains on our high streets, they're still viewed as a niche concept in the market of larger consumer stores.Asda recognised the significance of this trend and aimed to develop a solution that will assist customers in the initial stages of their sustainable shopping journey. The result is a truly remarkable achievement brought to fruition by the combined efforts of Asda, Avery Berkel, and Hanshow, marking a milestone in the pursuit of sustainability in the retail sector.
The Avery Berkel Solution.
To advance the zero-waste solution and cater to shopper's needs, Avery Berkel partnered with Asda to develop a bring-your-own-container solution. Drawing on their specialised knowledge and expertise, Avery Berkel's team developed a comprehensive solution which includes customised enhancements to meet Asda's specific requirements.
This holistic solution comprised of weighing solutions, Avery Berkel’s enterprise scale management system, and electronic shelf labels powered by Hanshow.
All three components were designed to work seamlessly together, providing shoppers with an enriching refill experience.
Compared to standard printed shelf and product labels, the total refill solution presented additional product information, such as refill instructions, ingredients, allergens, and storage details to name but a few.
The simple, intuitive shopper interface was accessible to customers who might not have previously engaged in this kind of technology. To further support the shopper experience and deliver reassurance messaging, Avery Berkel also created a sophisticated set of screen graphics that can be used to deliver messaging direct to the consumer and which would remind them of the effect of their behaviour change.
Asda's concept store in Middleton was the site of the initial consumer trials for their zero-waste solution, which received highly positive customer feedback following its installation in 2020. Within just over a year, three more stores were added to the green roster. Asda continues to support and develop these refill trials, using Avery Berkel technology, with the goal of reducing the amount of single use plastic their customers take home as part of their overarching ambition to become a net zero carbon emissions business by 2040.
(EDITOR: Personally I am excited in this opportunity to help protect our environment by how we shop.)