Tuesday 30 July 2024

Creating a Bird and Insect Sanctuary in Your Garden

Turning your garden into a sanctuary for birds and insects not only enhances its beauty but also supports local biodiversity. 

Birds and beneficial insects play crucial roles in pollination, pest control, and maintaining the ecological balance. 

Here’s a guide to transforming your garden into a thriving habitat for these creatures, creating a peaceful and vibrant space.

1. Attracting Birds

Provide Food Sources:

Bird Feeders: Install a variety of bird feeders with different types of seeds, such as sunflower seeds, millet, and nyjer, to attract a diverse range of birds. Consider specialised feeders for species like woodpeckers and finches.

Natural Food Plants: Plant berry-producing shrubs like holly, elderberry, and hawthorn. These not only provide food but also add visual interest to your garden. Trees like oak and birch can attract insects that are food for birds.

Nectar Plants: For hummingbirds and other nectar-feeding birds, plant flowers like honeysuckle, fuchsia, and salvias.

Water Sources:

Bird Baths: Install bird baths to provide drinking and bathing water. Place them in a quiet area and keep the water clean and fresh. Consider a heated bird bath during winter months.

Ponds and Water Features: Small ponds or water features can attract birds for drinking and bathing, as well as provide a habitat for insects that birds feed on.

Shelter and Nesting:

Nesting Boxes: Provide nesting boxes to attract species like blue tits, robins, and swallows. Ensure they are placed in safe, sheltered locations and are of appropriate size and design for the target species.

Dense Shrubs and Trees: Plant dense shrubs and trees like ivy, yew, and conifers to offer shelter and nesting sites. These also provide protection from predators and harsh weather.

2. Encouraging Beneficial Insects

Plant a Variety of Flowers:

Pollinator-Friendly Plants: Choose plants that attract pollinators such as bees, butterflies, and hoverflies. Examples include lavender, foxglove, echinacea, and borage. Aim for a variety of shapes and colours to attract different species.

Continuous Blooming: Ensure your garden has flowers blooming throughout the growing season to provide a consistent food source for insects. Include early spring flowers like crocuses and late-blooming species like asters.

Create Habitats:

Insect Hotels: Construct insect hotels using materials like bamboo, wood, and straw. These structures provide nesting sites for solitary bees, ladybirds, and other beneficial insects. Place them in sunny, sheltered spots.

Leaf Litter and Wood Piles: Leave some leaf litter, fallen branches, and logs in your garden. These provide habitat and breeding grounds for beetles, spiders, and other ground-dwelling insects.

Avoid Pesticides:

Natural Pest Control: Minimise the use of chemical pesticides, which can harm beneficial insects. Instead, encourage natural predators by creating a diverse garden environment. Use companion planting, such as marigolds to deter pests, and consider introducing predatory insects like ladybirds.

Organic Practices: Adopt organic gardening practices, using natural fertilisers and soil conditioners. This supports a healthy ecosystem and encourages a wide range of beneficial insects.

3. Creating a Balanced Ecosystem

Plant Diversity:

Native Plants: Incorporate native plants, which are well-adapted to your local environment and provide essential resources for local wildlife. Native plants are more likely to attract native insects and birds.

Layered Planting: Create a variety of habitats by including ground cover, shrubs, and trees. This layered approach provides food, shelter, and breeding sites for a wide range of species.

Reduce Lawn Areas:

Wildflower Meadows: Replace part of your lawn with a wildflower meadow, which can attract a diverse range of insects and birds. Wildflowers provide nectar and pollen, and the seeds attract birds.

Natural Lawn Care: If maintaining a lawn, consider using natural lawn care methods, such as mowing less frequently and leaving grass clippings to decompose and enrich the soil.

Provide Safe Havens:

Avoid Reflective Surfaces: Birds can be injured by flying into windows. Use window decals or other markers to make glass more visible to birds.

Safe Feeding Practices: Keep bird feeders and baths clean to prevent the spread of diseases. Ensure food is fresh and suitable for the bird species you want to attract.


Creating a bird and insect sanctuary in your garden is a fulfilling endeavour that enhances your outdoor space and contributes to conservation efforts. By providing food, water, shelter, and a variety of plants, you can attract a rich diversity of species and enjoy the beauty and benefits they bring. Embrace organic practices and encourage a balanced ecosystem, transforming your garden into a haven for wildlife and a tranquil retreat for yourself. Happy gardening!

Transforming Your Garden into an Organic and Insect-Friendly Haven

Gardening is more than just a pastime; it’s a way to connect with nature, produce your own food, and create a sanctuary for yourself and local wildlife. 

Making your vegetable and flower garden organic and insect-friendly not only benefits your plants but also supports biodiversity. Here’s how you can transform your garden into a thriving ecosystem.

1. Embrace Organic Gardening Principles

Avoid Synthetic Chemicals: The cornerstone of organic gardening is avoiding synthetic pesticides and fertilisers. These chemicals can harm beneficial insects and degrade soil health over time. Instead, opt for organic alternatives like compost, manure, and green manure crops that enrich the soil naturally.

Use Organic Seeds and Plants: Start your garden with organic seeds and seedlings. These plants are grown without synthetic chemicals, making them healthier choices for your garden. Look for certified organic labels when purchasing seeds and plants.

Practice Crop Rotation: Rotate your crops to prevent the depletion of specific soil nutrients and reduce the risk of pests and diseases. For example, follow nitrogen-fixing legumes with nitrogen-hungry leafy greens to maintain soil balance.

2. Create a Habitat for Beneficial Insects

Plant a Variety of Flowers: Flowers are not just beautiful; they also attract pollinators like bees and butterflies, as well as predatory insects that control pests. Include a variety of flowering plants that bloom at different times to provide continuous food sources.

Build Insect Hotels: Insect hotels offer shelter for beneficial insects, such as ladybirds, lacewings, and solitary bees. These insects are natural predators of garden pests like aphids and caterpillars. You can create simple insect hotels using bamboo canes, straw, and wood.

Avoid Insecticides: Even organic insecticides can harm beneficial insects. Instead, focus on natural pest control methods like introducing predatory insects, using physical barriers, or practising companion planting. For instance, planting marigolds near vegetables can repel nematodes and attract predatory insects.

3. Enhance Soil Health

Compost: Composting is a fundamental organic practice that recycles kitchen scraps and garden waste into nutrient-rich soil. It improves soil structure, enhances water retention, and provides a steady release of nutrients.

Mulching: Mulch helps retain soil moisture, suppresses weeds, and adds organic matter as it decomposes. Use natural mulches like straw, wood chips, or leaf mould. Mulching also provides a habitat for soil-dwelling insects and microorganisms.

Nurture Soil Microorganisms: Healthy soil is teeming with microorganisms that support plant health. Avoid practices that disturb the soil excessively, like over-tilling, and avoid using chemicals that can kill beneficial soil life. Instead, use natural soil amendments and encourage earthworms and other beneficial organisms.

4. Water Wisely

Collect Rainwater: Using rainwater is more sustainable and beneficial for plants than tap water, which often contains chlorine and other chemicals. Set up a rain barrel to collect runoff from your roof.

Water Efficiently: Water your garden in the early morning or late evening to reduce evaporation. Use drip irrigation or soaker hoses to deliver water directly to the roots, reducing wastage and keeping foliage dry, which helps prevent fungal diseases.

5. Encourage Wildlife

Create Habitats: Incorporate features like birdbaths, ponds, and hedgerows to attract a variety of wildlife. Birds, frogs, and hedgehogs can help control pest populations.

Provide Food Sources: Leave some areas of your garden wild or plant native species to provide food and shelter for wildlife. Berry-producing plants and seed heads are excellent winter food sources for birds.

Reduce Lawn Area: Lawns offer little biodiversity. Replace parts of your lawn with wildflower meadows or vegetable patches to create a more diverse and vibrant garden.


Creating an organic and insect-friendly garden is a rewarding journey that contributes to a healthier environment. By avoiding chemicals, promoting biodiversity, and supporting soil health, you can cultivate a garden that is both beautiful and sustainable. Not only will you enjoy a bountiful harvest of vegetables and flowers, but you’ll also play a part in conserving local ecosystems and supporting beneficial insects. Happy gardening!

Monday 29 July 2024

The Importance of Hygiene in Food Premises. Or: It's not cool to be filthy!

Recently my wife and I visited a branch of a chain of reasonably well known coffee houses. It was utterly filthy and it was clear that the premises had not been properly cleaned in weeks or even longer. And the toilets were even worse. 

As a result of our experience, we have written this blogpost as a reminder that hygiene and cleanliness is of vital importance.

Hygiene is a cornerstone of any food-related business, from restaurants and cafes to food manufacturing plants and catering services.

 Ensuring high standards of cleanliness and safety is not only a legal requirement but also crucial for protecting public health and maintaining a reputable business. In this blog post, we'll explore why hygiene is vitally important in food premises and the key practices to uphold these standards.

1. Preventing Foodborne Illnesses

Health Risks:

One of the primary reasons for maintaining hygiene in food premises is to prevent foodborne illnesses. Contaminated food can harbour harmful bacteria, viruses, and parasites, leading to serious health issues such as food poisoning, salmonella, E. coli, and norovirus infections. These illnesses can result in severe symptoms, long-term health complications, and, in extreme cases, death.


Cross-contamination occurs when harmful microorganisms are transferred from one food or surface to another. This can happen through improper handling of raw and cooked foods, unclean surfaces, or using the same utensils for different food items. Stringent hygiene practices, such as regular hand washing, sanitising surfaces, and using separate equipment for raw and cooked foods, are essential to prevent cross-contamination.

2. Compliance with Legal Standards

Food Safety Regulations:

Food premises are required to adhere to strict food safety regulations and standards set by authorities such as the Food Standards Agency (FSA) in the UK. These regulations cover everything from food handling and storage to personal hygiene and equipment cleanliness. Failure to comply can result in penalties, fines, closure of the business, and even legal action.

Regular Inspections:

Health inspectors conduct regular inspections of food premises to ensure compliance with hygiene standards. These inspections assess factors like food storage, cleanliness, pest control, and staff hygiene. Poor inspection results can damage a business’s reputation, leading to loss of customers and revenue.

3. Protecting Your Business Reputation

Customer Trust:

A clean and hygienic environment fosters trust among customers. People are more likely to frequent and recommend food establishments that prioritise cleanliness and safety. On the other hand, reports of poor hygiene or foodborne illness outbreaks can severely damage a business’s reputation, leading to a decline in customer numbers and financial losses.

Positive Reviews and Ratings:

In today's digital age, online reviews and ratings play a significant role in a business’s success. High standards of hygiene can lead to positive reviews, boosting your business's visibility and attractiveness to potential customers. Conversely, negative reviews highlighting hygiene issues can deter potential customers and harm your brand.

4. Ensuring Staff and Customer Safety

Staff Health:

Maintaining hygiene is not only about protecting customers but also about safeguarding staff health. Staff members working in a clean environment are less likely to contract illnesses that could result in sick leave or even the spread of infections to customers. Proper hygiene training for staff is essential to ensure they understand and implement best practices.

Allergen Management:

Effective hygiene practices also play a crucial role in managing food allergens. Cross-contact with allergens can have severe consequences for allergic individuals, including life-threatening reactions. Clear labelling, separate preparation areas, and thorough cleaning procedures are necessary to prevent allergen contamination.

5. Key Hygiene Practices

Personal Hygiene:

Staff should maintain high levels of personal hygiene, including regular hand washing, wearing clean uniforms, and using hairnets or caps. Staff with symptoms of illness should not handle food, as they could contaminate it.

Cleaning and Sanitising:

Regular cleaning and sanitising of all surfaces, equipment, and utensils are crucial. Use appropriate cleaning agents and follow a schedule to ensure all areas are covered, including hard-to-reach places.

Proper Food Storage:

Store food at the correct temperatures and in appropriate conditions to prevent spoilage and contamination. Raw and cooked foods should be stored separately to avoid cross-contamination.

Pest Control:

Implement an effective pest control plan to keep pests like rodents, insects, and birds away from food premises. This includes sealing entry points, keeping areas clean, and conducting regular inspections.


Hygiene in food premises is not merely about meeting regulatory requirements; it is a fundamental aspect of running a responsible and successful food business. By prioritising cleanliness and safety, you protect your customers, employees, and your business's reputation. 

Implementing rigorous hygiene practices helps prevent foodborne illnesses, comply with the law, and build trust with your clientele. In the competitive food industry, high standards of hygiene are not just an obligation but a vital component of quality service and customer satisfaction.

Sunday 28 July 2024

The Advantages of Ordering Groceries from Amazon in the UK

In recent years, online shopping has transformed the way we buy essentials, including groceries. 

Among the various online platforms available, Amazon has emerged as a prominent player in the UK market.

Known for its vast selection and efficient delivery, Amazon offers numerous advantages when it comes to ordering groceries. 

Here’s a look at why you might consider making Amazon your go-to for grocery shopping.

1. Convenience and Time-Saving

One of the biggest advantages of ordering groceries from Amazon is the convenience. You can shop from the comfort of your own home, avoiding the need to navigate busy supermarkets or carry heavy bags. With just a few clicks, you can have your entire shopping list delivered to your doorstep. This convenience is particularly beneficial for those with busy schedules, limited mobility, or anyone who prefers to avoid the hassle of physical shopping.

2. Wide Range of Products

Amazon offers an extensive range of products, including groceries. Whether you’re looking for fresh produce, pantry staples, speciality items, or international foods, Amazon has it all. The platform provides a diverse selection from various brands, including both popular and niche products that might be hard to find in local stores. This variety makes it easier to complete your weekly shop without having to visit multiple shops.

3. Competitive Pricing and Discounts

Amazon is known for its competitive pricing, and the grocery section is no exception. The platform often offers discounts, deals, and special offers that can make shopping more affordable. For Amazon Prime members, there are additional savings and exclusive deals, making it a cost-effective option for regular grocery shoppers. Additionally, Amazon frequently offers subscriptions for recurring purchases, allowing you to save even more on items you use regularly.

4. Subscription Services and Pantry Boxes

Amazon offers convenient subscription services for products you buy regularly. With the “Subscribe & Save” option, you can set up automatic deliveries for essentials like household supplies and non-perishable food items, often at a discounted price. This ensures you never run out of your favourite products and can be a great way to manage household essentials efficiently. Additionally, Amazon’s Pantry service provides the option to fill a box with a selection of everyday items and have them delivered at a reduced shipping cost.

5. Fast and Reliable Delivery

Amazon is renowned for its efficient delivery service. With options like Amazon Fresh and Amazon Pantry, you can choose a delivery slot that suits your schedule, and receive your groceries quickly, often the next day. This is particularly advantageous for those who need items urgently or have unpredictable schedules. The option to track your order in real-time also adds a layer of convenience and reliability.

6. Eco-Friendly Options

Amazon is increasingly focusing on sustainability, offering eco-friendly and organic product options. They provide information about the environmental impact of certain products and have initiatives in place to reduce packaging waste. This allows environmentally-conscious shoppers to make informed choices and support sustainable practices.

7. Customer Reviews and Recommendations

The platform’s extensive customer review system is another significant benefit. Shoppers can read reviews and ratings from other customers before making a purchase, helping them to choose the best products. Additionally, Amazon’s recommendation system suggests products based on your shopping history, making it easier to discover new items that you might like.

8. Safety and Hygiene

In the current global climate, health and safety have become paramount. Ordering groceries online from Amazon minimises physical contact, reducing the risk of exposure to viruses and other pathogens. This is especially important for vulnerable populations or those wishing to maintain strict hygiene practices.


Ordering groceries from Amazon in the UK offers numerous advantages, from convenience and a wide selection to competitive pricing and fast delivery. Whether you’re looking to save time, find speciality items, or simply make your shopping experience more pleasant, Amazon provides a comprehensive solution. As online grocery shopping continues to grow, Amazon remains a reliable and efficient option for UK consumers.

Incidentally That's Food and Drink carried our first story on Amazon Grocery deliveries way back in April 2011. https://thatsfoodanddrink.blogspot.com/2011/04/amazon-now-sells-food-and-drink.html

Saturday 27 July 2024

Exploring the Charm of Coastal Cafes: A Review of "The Coastal Cafe Guide"

If you're a lover of the sea, a connoisseur of coffee, or simply someone who enjoys discovering unique eateries, then The Coastal Cafe Guide is a must-have addition to your bookshelf, your car or your packback.

This newly released book serves as a comprehensive guide to some of the most charming and picturesque cafes located along the British coastline.

With its stunning photography and detailed descriptions, the guide is not only a visual treat but also an invaluable resource for planning your next seaside escape.

A Celebration of Coastal Culture

The UK boasts a rich maritime history, and its coastal towns and villages reflect a vibrant cultural tapestry. The Coastal Cafe Guide captures this essence beautifully, offering readers a journey through quaint fishing villages, bustling seaside resorts, and serene coastal hamlets. Each entry in the book provides a glimpse into the unique character of these places, from the weather-beaten charm of Cornwall's cafes to the refined elegance of those along the Scottish coast.

Curated with Care

What sets The Coastal Cafe Guide apart is its meticulous curation. The authors, well-versed in the art of cafe-hopping, have selected establishments not just for their coffee and cuisine, but for the overall experience they offer. This includes the ambiance, the view, and the warmth of the staff. Whether you're looking for a spot to enjoy a quiet read with a latte or a lively venue to savour fresh seafood with friends, the guide has something for every taste.

More Than Just Coffee

The guide delves into the diverse culinary offerings of each cafe. Many featured locations serve locally sourced food, with menus that reflect the regional flavours and seasonal ingredients of their coastal settings. From freshly baked pastries and artisanal bread to full meals featuring the catch of the day, the guide highlights the best of what each cafe has to offer.

Travel Tips and Hidden Gems

In addition to cafe reviews, The Coastal Cafe Guide provides practical travel tips. It includes information on nearby attractions, accommodation options, and the best times to visit. For those who enjoy a bit of adventure, the book also features 'hidden gems'—lesser-known cafes off the beaten path that offer a more intimate and unique experience.

A Feast for the Eyes

The book is a visual delight, with high-quality photographs that capture the essence of each location. From the rugged cliffs of the Jurassic Coast to the sandy beaches of the Welsh coastline, the images transport readers to these beautiful destinations. The photography not only showcases the cafes themselves but also the stunning natural landscapes that surround them.

A Perfect Gift for Coffee Lovers and Travellers Alike

The Coastal Cafe Guide is more than just a guidebook; it's a celebration of the UK's coastal culture and a tribute to the cafes that serve as the heart of these communities. It makes an ideal gift for anyone who enjoys travel, food, or simply the charm of a well-brewed cup of coffee by the sea.

In conclusion, The Coastal Cafe Guide is a delightful exploration of the UK's coastal cafes, offering readers a perfect blend of culinary discovery and travel inspiration. Whether you're planning your next coastal adventure or simply dreaming of one, this book is sure to ignite your wanderlust and satisfy your taste for something special.




You can order it on Amazon.

Cooking with Beer: A British Perspective

Beer, a beloved British beverage, isn't just for sipping; it can also be a versatile and flavourful ingredient in cooking. 

Whether you're a seasoned chef or a home cook, incorporating beer into your recipes can elevate your dishes, adding depth and complexity. 

Let's explore how you can use beer in your cooking, from classic British pub fare to innovative culinary experiments.

The Basics of Cooking with Beer

Cooking with beer isn't new; it's a tradition that dates back centuries. Beer can be used in various forms, including:

Marinades: Beer tenderises meat and infuses it with flavour. The acidity in beer helps break down tough fibres, making it an excellent choice for marinating beef, pork, or chicken.

Braising and Stewing: Dark ales and stouts are perfect for slow-cooking meats. The beer's rich, malty flavours meld beautifully with ingredients, resulting in hearty, comforting dishes.

Baking: Surprisingly, beer can be an ingredient in baking too. It adds a subtle yeasty flavour to bread and can make cakes and pastries lighter and more moist.

Batter and Breading: Beer batters are famous for their light, crispy texture. The carbonation in beer creates bubbles in the batter, leading to a delightful crunch.

Choosing the Right Beer

The type of beer you use can significantly impact the final dish. Here’s a quick guide:

Lager: Light and crisp, lager is great for batters and light dishes. It adds a subtle flavour without overpowering the other ingredients.

Ale: With its rich, malty taste, ale is excellent for stews, braises, and marinades. It complements hearty dishes like beef stew or shepherd’s pie.

Stout and Porter: These dark beers have robust flavours with hints of coffee, chocolate, and caramel. They are ideal for rich desserts, braised meats, and even chilli con carne.

Wheat Beer: Fruity and spicy, wheat beers pair well with seafood and lighter dishes. They can add a refreshing note to salads and sauces.

Classic British Dishes with Beer

Beef and Ale Pie: A quintessential British comfort food, this dish combines tender chunks of beef slow-cooked in a rich ale sauce. The beer not only tenderises the meat but also adds a deep, malty flavour that complements the flaky pastry.

Beer-Battered Fish and Chips: A staple of British cuisine, fish and chips take on a new level of crispiness when the batter is made with beer. The carbonation in the beer creates a light, airy batter that fries to perfection.

Welsh Rarebit: This traditional dish is a savoury cheese sauce made with ale, poured over toast. The beer adds a slight tanginess and enhances the cheese's flavour, making for a deliciously rich dish.

Guinness Chocolate Cake: For dessert, consider a rich chocolate cake made with stout. The beer adds moisture and depth to the cake, with subtle coffee and chocolate undertones that elevate the cocoa's richness.

Tips for Cooking with Beer

Mind the Bitterness: Beer can impart a bitter taste, especially darker varieties. Balance this with sweetness or acidity in your dish.

Cook with What You Drink: Use a beer you'd enjoy drinking. The flavour will intensify during cooking, so choosing a beer you like ensures you'll enjoy the final dish.

Start Small: If you're new to cooking with beer, start with small amounts and gradually adjust to taste. It's easier to add more than to take away!

Experiment and Enjoy

Cooking with beer is all about experimentation and enjoying the process. It’s a wonderful way to add new dimensions to your cooking and explore different flavours. Whether you're making a hearty stew, a light batter, or even a decadent dessert, beer can be a delightful addition to your culinary repertoire. So, next time you're in the kitchen, don't just pour yourself a pint—consider pouring some into your dish as well!

Happy cooking, and cheers to delicious beery good meals! (Sorry!) 

Cooking with Cider: A British Culinary Delight

Cider (the alcoholic type, obviously!) a traditional British beverage made from fermented apples, is not only a refreshing drink but also a versatile ingredient in cooking. 

Its sweet, tart, and sometimes slightly bitter profile can add depth and complexity to a wide range of dishes. Whether you prefer a crisp dry cider or a rich, sweet variety, there's a place for it in your kitchen. 

Let's explore the art of cooking with alcoholic cider and how it can enhance your culinary creations.

Why Cook with Cider?

Cider's unique flavour profile makes it a fantastic ingredient in both savoury and sweet dishes. Here's why you should consider cooking with cider:

Natural Sweetness and Acidity: Cider adds a natural sweetness and acidity, which can balance and enhance the flavours of your dish. It works particularly well with pork, poultry, and seafood.

Tenderising Properties: Like many alcoholic beverages, cider can help tenderise meats, making them juicy and mote flavourful.

Versatility: Cider can be used in marinades, sauces, stews, and even desserts. Its fruity undertones bring a fresh and vibrant taste to your cooking.

Seasonal Appeal: Cider, especially when paired with autumnal ingredients like apples, pears, and spices, brings a seasonal warmth to dishes, perfect for cooler weather.

Choosing the Right Cider

The type of cider you use can significantly affect the outcome of your dish. Here’s a guide to selecting the right cider:

Dry Cider: This type has a crisp, clean taste with less sweetness. It's excellent for savoury dishes like sauces and braises, where a less sweet profile is desired.

Medium Cider: With a balance of sweetness and acidity, medium cider is versatile and can be used in both savoury and sweet dishes.

Sweet Cider: Rich and fruity, sweet cider is perfect for desserts and dishes that benefit from a sweeter flavour. It’s also great for glazing meats.

Flavoured Ciders: Some ciders are infused with other fruits or spices. These can add an extra layer of flavour to your dishes but should be used thoughtfully to avoid overpowering the primary ingredients.

Classic British Dishes with Cider

Cider-Braised Pork: Pork and cider are a classic combination. The cider tenderises the pork and infuses it with a subtle apple flavour. A dry or medium cider is ideal for this dish, paired with herbs like rosemary or sage.

Cider and Onion Soup: A twist on the traditional French onion soup, this British version uses cider instead of wine. The cider adds a fruity depth to the caramelised onions, making for a comforting and hearty soup.

Cider-Glazed Chicken: A sweet cider glaze can transform simple roasted chicken into a succulent, flavourful dish. The cider caramelises as it cooks, creating a beautiful, glossy finish.

Apple and Cider Cake: For dessert, an apple and cider cake is a delightful choice. The cider adds moisture and a subtle tang, complementing the sweetness of the apples and the warmth of spices like cinnamon and nutmeg.

Tips for Cooking with Cider

Balance the Sweetness: Cider can be sweet, so balance it with acidic or savoury ingredients. A squeeze of lemon juice or a dash of mustard can help achieve this.

Reduce for Intensity: If you want to intensify the cider's flavour, reduce it by simmering. This concentrates the flavours, making them more pronounced.

Pair with Complementary Flavours: Think about the flavours that pair well with apples—such as pork, chicken, cinnamon, and sage—when choosing recipes to use cider in.

Experiment and Enjoy

Cooking with alcoholic cider is a delightful way to explore new flavours and enhance your dishes. Whether you're creating a comforting stew, a flavourful sauce, or a delectable dessert, cider can add a unique twist. So, next time you're planning a meal, consider reaching for a bottle of cider—not just for drinking, but for cooking too.

Cheers to culinary creativity and delicious results!

Cooking with Wine: A British Culinary Tradition

Cooking with wine is an age-old tradition that adds depth, richness, and complexity to dishes. 

In British cuisine, wine is often used to enhance sauces, marinades, and braises, transforming simple ingredients into gourmet meals. 

Whether you're a novice cook or an experienced chef, learning to cook with wine can elevate your culinary skills. 

Let's explore how to use wine in cooking and discover some classic British dishes where wine plays a starring role.

The Basics of Cooking with Wine

Wine is a versatile ingredient in the kitchen, capable of both enhancing and complementing the flavours of a dish. Here are some fundamental ways to incorporate wine into your cooking:

Deglazing: After sautéing meat or vegetables, you can add wine to the pan to lift the caramelised bits stuck to the bottom. This process, known as deglazing, creates a rich, flavourful base for sauces.

Marinades: Wine can be used in marinades to tenderise and infuse meats with flavour. The acidity in wine helps to break down proteins, resulting in a more tender and juicy dish.

Braising and Stewing: Slow-cooking meats in wine adds depth and complexity. The alcohol evaporates during cooking, leaving behind a concentrated flavour.

Sauces and Reductions: Wine can be reduced to create concentrated sauces, perfect for pairing with meats, fish, or pasta. White wine works well with lighter dishes, while red wine is best for richer, heartier meals.

Choosing the Right Wine

Selecting the right wine for cooking is crucial. Here’s a guide to help you choose:

White Wine: Typically used in lighter dishes, such as chicken, fish, and seafood. A dry white wine like Sauvignon Blanc or Pinot Grigio is ideal for most recipes, providing a crisp, clean flavour without overpowering the other ingredients.

Red Wine: Best suited for robust dishes like stews, braises, and red meat. Varieties like Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, and Shiraz add depth and richness, complementing the strong flavours of these dishes.

Fortified Wines: Sherry, Madeira, and Port are excellent for adding complexity to sauces and desserts. They are sweeter and more concentrated, so a little goes a long way.

Cooking Wine vs. Drinking Wine: Always cook with a wine you'd be happy to drink. The quality of the wine will impact the final flavour of the dish.

Classic British Dishes with Wine

Coq au Vin: A classic French dish embraced by British cooks, Coq au Vin features chicken slow-cooked in red wine, with mushrooms, onions, and bacon. The wine adds richness and depth, making this a perfect dish for a hearty meal.

Beef Bourguignon: This dish is a favourite in British kitchens, featuring tender beef braised in red wine with garlic, onions, and mushrooms. The wine imparts a deep, robust flavour, making it a perfect dish for cold evenings.

Fish Pie with White Wine Sauce: A comforting British classic, fish pie is often made with a creamy white wine sauce. The wine adds a subtle acidity and depth to the sauce, enhancing the flavours of the fish and seafood.

Pears Poached in Red Wine: For a delightful dessert, try poaching pears in red wine with sugar and spices. The wine infuses the pears with a rich, fruity flavour, creating a sophisticated and elegant dessert.

Tips for Cooking with Wine

Use Moderation: A little wine goes a long way. Too much can overwhelm the dish and impart a harsh, alcoholic taste.

Cook Out the Alcohol: Simmer the wine to cook off the alcohol, leaving behind the flavour without the harshness.

Pair with Complementary Ingredients: Think about the flavours in the wine and how they complement the ingredients in your dish. For example, a white wine with citrus notes pairs well with seafood, while a robust red wine complements red meat and game.

Experiment and Enjoy

Cooking with wine is an exciting way to explore new flavours and elevate your dishes. Whether you're making a rich stew, a delicate sauce, or a sophisticated dessert, wine can add a unique twist to your cooking. So, next time you're preparing a meal, consider reaching for a bottle of wine—not just for sipping, but for adding a touch of elegance and complexity to your dishes.

Cheers to delicious meals and culinary adventures!

And remember: You can use homemade wine in your cooking.

Tuesday 23 July 2024

Matthews Cotswold Flour Launches Cotswold Pizza Flour in Waitrose

Matthews Cotswold Flour is thrilled to announce its special Cotswold Pizza Flour is now launched in Waitrose stores all over the country.

Cotswold Pizza Flour (RRP £2.00 in Waitrose) is an award-winning finely milled white pizza flour specially made for pizza dough. 

It's a light flour with a superior gluten quality that supports ideal water absorption. This creates an elastic dough perfect for stretching and creating the ultimate pizza bases.

To celebrate the arrival of this premium pizza flour on the shelves of Waitrose stores across the country, Matthews Cotswold Flour has got together with Grant Batty, who is the winner of the UK's Best Home Pizza Chef 2024, to create a fantastic Tandoori Peppers and Jalapeno Pizza recipe.

Waitrose will also be running a promotion on the flour from September 11th for four weeks.

For more recipes and information visit www.cotswoldflour.com or follow @CotswoldFlour on Instagram or Facebook.

Monday 22 July 2024

Exploring the Rich World of Mexican Cheeses


When one thinks of Mexico, images of vibrant festivals, delicious street food, and lively music often come to mind. However, another aspect of Mexican culture that deserves equal celebration is its diverse array of cheeses. 

From the fresh and mild to the aged and robust, Mexican cheeses play a pivotal role in the nation’s cuisine. Join me on a journey to discover the unique characteristics and culinary uses of some of Mexico’s most beloved cheeses.

Queso Fresco: The Fresh Cheese

Queso Fresco, which translates to “fresh cheese,” is a staple in Mexican households. This soft, crumbly cheese is made from cow's milk and occasionally a mix of cow's and goat's milk. It has a mild flavour with a slight tanginess that complements a variety of dishes. Often used as a topping for tacos, enchiladas, and salads, Queso Fresco adds a delightful creaminess without overpowering other ingredients.

Queso Blanco: The White Cheese

Similar to Queso Fresco, Queso Blanco is another fresh cheese that boasts a soft texture and mild taste. Made from cow's milk, it is slightly firmer and can be sliced or cubed. Queso Blanco holds its shape well when heated, making it perfect for grilling or frying. It is often enjoyed in dishes like quesadillas or served alongside fresh fruit and vegetables.

Oaxaca Cheese: The Mexican Mozzarella

Named after the state of Oaxaca, this cheese is known for its stringy, stretchy texture, similar to mozzarella. Oaxaca cheese is traditionally made from cow's milk and has a buttery, slightly salty flavour. It melts beautifully, making it ideal for use in quesadillas, empanadas, and as a topping for nachos. Its unique texture also makes it a fun cheese to pull apart and enjoy on its own.

Cotija: The Aged Cheese

Cotija cheese, named after the town of Cotija in Michoacán, is a hard, crumbly cheese with a strong, salty flavour. Made from cow's milk and aged for several months, it is often referred to as the “Parmesan of Mexico.” Cotija does not melt easily, which makes it perfect for grating over dishes like elotes (Mexican street corn), beans, and salads. Its robust flavour adds a punch to any dish it accompanies.

Queso Chihuahua: The Melting Cheese

Originating from the northern state of Chihuahua, this cheese is known for its excellent melting properties. Made from cow's milk, Queso Chihuahua has a mild, buttery flavour with a hint of sharpness. It is commonly used in dishes that require melted cheese, such as quesadillas, chiles rellenos, and casseroles. Its versatility and creamy texture make it a favourite in many Mexican recipes.

RequesĂłn: The Mexican Ricotta

RequesĂłn is Mexico’s version of ricotta cheese. It is a fresh, soft cheese made from cow's milk whey. RequesĂłn has a creamy, slightly grainy texture and a mild, sweet flavour. It is often used as a filling for tacos, enchiladas, and tamales, or spread on toast with a drizzle of honey. Its light, airy consistency makes it a versatile ingredient in both savoury and sweet dishes.

Panela: The Grilling Cheese

Queso Panela is a fresh, white cheese made from cow's milk. It has a smooth, firm texture and a mild, slightly salty taste. One of its unique characteristics is its ability to hold its shape when heated, making it ideal for grilling or frying. Panela is often served as a snack with a sprinkle of chilli powder and lime juice, or as a component in salads and appetisers.


The world of Mexican cheeses is as rich and varied as the country’s culture itself. Each cheese brings its own unique flavour and texture to the table, enhancing the culinary experience. Whether you are a cheese enthusiast or a curious foodie, exploring Mexican cheeses offers a delightful journey into the heart of Mexico’s gastronomic traditions. So next time you prepare a Mexican dish, consider adding one of these wonderful cheeses to truly elevate your meal.