Friday 30 September 2022

Energy efficiency experts give top five tips for cutting household winter energy bills

Energy efficiency experts' five energy-saving tips could save up to £782 a year.

Experts have given their top five tips for saving fuel this winter, urging billpayers 'not to be fooled' into cranking up heating and hot water after the 1 October price cap freeze.

Over 270 domestic energy assessors were asked how billpayers could cut their energy bills, set to average £2,500 per year – doubled since October 2021.

From 800 recommendations, installing loft insulation, programming the thermostat correctly and limiting hot water waste came out on top, followed by switching from traditional to LED lightbulbs and getting rid of draughts. These could save billpayers up to £782 annually depending on a home's age, energy efficiency and occupant number.

Stuart Fairlie, managing director of Elmhurst Energy – the UK's leading accreditation scheme for home energy assessors – said: "The new energy price cap average of £2,500 still means a bill at least double the cost of 2021. Billpayers shouldn't be fooled by the freeze into wasting energy, as they will still pay for the energy they use, meaning their bill could be significantly higher, especially if they live in a bigger, older home or have a larger family.

"Many of the most effective measures are free. One of the best energy-saving tips is simply to get to grips with your thermostat and programme it correctly, using a consistent temperature – one for day, one for night. Dropping by just one degree can slash 10 per cent off a bill."

The top five tips from Elmhurst's members – domestic energy assessors (DEA) who determine a home's energy performance certificate (EPC) rating from A to G – are:

1.  Install loft insulation

Loft insulation costs vary by material, starting from £5/m2 for blanket insulation at the 270mm required depth – or £150 to £285 for an average mid-terrace.

Saving: Up to £330 a year

2.  Use a programmable thermostat – at a consistent temperature

DEAs recommend setting to 15-16 degrees at night and 18-20 degrees during the day, depending on activity levels.

Saving: £127 minimum per year per degree

3.  Don't waste hot water

Set the hot water thermostat to around 60 degrees, switch from bath to shower, boil kettles using only the water needed and use dishwashers and washing machines when full.

Saving: Around £100 per year

4.  Make the LED switch

Every 75-watt incandescent bulb replaced with an LED can save around £10 a year, based on 503.5 hours' average per year – the amount for a typical kitchen or lounge.

Saving: £100 per 10 bulbs switched to LED

5.  Block out draughts

For doors, use draught excluders, cover keyholes, use letterbox flaps or brushes and fit brush, foam or wiper strips around to fill gaps. Use strips for windows and a chimney draught excluder for unused fireplaces.

Saving: £125 per year

DEA Faye Handfield, an accredited Elmhurst member and managing director of Oldro EPC Ltd., said: "This winter will be challenging for homeowners and tenants, so it's important to make the best use of heat created at home. One of the cheapest and easiest way to bring down costs and increase energy efficiency is to block out drafts through windows and doors and put up thick curtains to avoid losing heat."

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