Sunday 31 March 2024

Mindful Eating: Strategies for Cultivating a Healthy Relationship with our Food

In today's fast-paced world, the act of eating has often become a mindless activity, hurriedly undertaken between tasks or on-the-go. We frequently find ourselves consuming meals while scrolling through our smartphones, watching television, or engrossed in work. 

This disconnect between our minds and bodies during meals can lead to overeating, poor digestion, and an unhealthy relationship with our food.

Enter mindful eating, a practice deeply rooted in mindfulness principles, aimed at bringing awareness and attention to the present moment during meal times. By cultivating a mindful approach to eating, we can foster a healthier relationship with food, enhance our enjoyment of meals, and promote overall well-being.

Here are some strategies to help you embrace mindful eating and nourish your body and soul:

1. Slow Down: In our hurried,  modern life, we often rush through meals without fully appreciating the sensory experience of eating. Slow down and take your time to savour each bite. Put down your fork between bites, chew slowly, and pay attention to the taste, texture, and aroma of your food.

2. Engage Your Senses: Before taking your first bite, take a moment to engage your senses. Notice the colours, shapes, and smells of your food. As you eat, pay attention to the different textures and flavours. By fully immersing yourself in the sensory experience of eating, you can enhance your enjoyment of meals.

3. Listen to Your Body: Tune in to your body's hunger and fullness cues. Eat when you're hungry and stop when you're satisfied. Avoid eating out of boredom, stress, or habit. By listening to your body's natural signals, you can develop a healthier relationship with food and avoid overeating.

4. Practice Gratitude: Take a moment before each meal to express gratitude for the nourishment you are about to receive. Reflect on the journey of your food from farm to table and the efforts of those involved in its production. Cultivating a sense of gratitude can enhance your appreciation for food and foster a deeper connection to what you eat.

5. Minimise Distractions: Create a mindful eating environment by minimizing distractions during meals. Turn off the television, put away your phone, and focus solely on the act of eating. By eliminating distractions, you can fully immerse yourself in the present moment and savour the experience of nourishing your body.

6. Practice Mindful Snacking: Apply mindful eating principles to your snacking habits as well. Instead of mindlessly munching on snacks while working or watching television, take a moment to pause and savour each bite. Choose nourishing snacks that satisfy your hunger and provide your body with essential nutrients.

7. Be Gentle with Yourself: Remember that mindful eating is a practice, not a perfection. Be gentle with yourself and approach each meal with curiosity and compassion. If you find yourself slipping into old habits, gently redirect your focus back to the present moment without judgment.

By incorporating these mindful eating strategies into your daily life, you can cultivate a healthier relationship with food and nourish your body, mind, and soul. So, slow down, savour each bite, and embrace the transformative power of mindful eating. Your body will thank you for it.

Decoding Food Labels: Understanding What's Really in Your Food

In the modern world, food labels can often resemble cryptic puzzles, filled with an array of unfamiliar terms and ingredients. Yet, decoding these labels is crucial for making informed decisions about what we consume. 

From deciphering nutritional content to understanding additives and preservatives, delving into food labels can empower individuals to make healthier choices and better understand what's really in their food.

Understanding Nutritional Information

At first glance, the nutritional information on food labels might seem overwhelming, with percentages, grammes, and unfamiliar terms abound. However, breaking it down into key components can make it more manageable.

1. Serving Size: This indicates the amount of food typically consumed in one sitting and serves as the baseline for all other nutritional information listed.

2. Calories: The total number of calories per serving gives an indication of the energy content of the food.

3. Macronutrients: These include carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, each with its own recommended daily intake. Pay attention to the amounts of saturated fats, trans fats, and sugars, aiming to keep these at moderate levels.

4. Micronutrients: These are essential vitamins and minerals necessary for various bodily functions. Look for foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals, such as Vitamin A, Vitamin C, calcium, and iron.

Deciphering Ingredient Lists

Ingredient lists provide valuable insight into what goes into our food, helping us identify potential allergens, additives, and preservatives.

1. Allergens: Ingredients like nuts, gluten, soy, and dairy are common allergens and must be clearly labelled. Individuals with allergies or intolerances should carefully check ingredient lists to avoid adverse reactions.

2. Additives and Preservatives: Food labels often contain additives and preservatives to enhance flavor, texture, and shelf-life. While many are harmless, some may have adverse health effects, particularly in large quantities. Look out for artificial colourings, flavourings, and preservatives, opting for products with fewer additives where possible.

Navigating Food Claims

Food packaging often boasts various claims and certifications, promising everything from "organic" to "low-fat" or "gluten-free." While these claims can be helpful, it's essential to understand their significance and validity.

1. Organic: Organic certification indicates that the food was produced without synthetic pesticides, fertilisers, or genetically modified organisms (GMOs). While organic foods may offer environmental and health benefits, they can also be more expensive.

2. Low-fat or Reduced Sugar: These claims suggest that the product contains lower amounts of fat or sugar compared to standard versions. However, be wary of compensatory ingredients added to improve taste or texture, which may not necessarily make the product healthier overall.

3. Gluten-Free: Gluten-free products are essential for individuals with Coeliac disease or gluten intolerance. However, for those without these conditions, gluten-free doesn't necessarily equate to healthier, as gluten-free products may still be high in sugar, fat, or additives.

Final Thoughts

Decoding food labels is a skill that empowers consumers to make informed choices about their diet and nutrition. By understanding nutritional information, ingredient lists, and food claims, individuals can navigate the aisles of supermarkets with confidence, selecting foods that align with their health goals and dietary requirements.

Remember, while food labels provide valuable information, they're just one tool in the toolbox of healthy eating. Incorporating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins remains key to maintaining overall health and well-being. So next time you pick up a product at the grocery store, take a moment to decode its label - your body will thank you for it.

Friday 29 March 2024

Behind the Scenes: A Day in the Life of a Professional Chocolatier

Welcome to the vibrant, enchanting world of chocolate, where artistry meets culinary finesse. 

Ever wondered what goes on behind the tantalising displays of decadent chocolates in those artisanal shops? Join us as we take a peek behind the curtains into the daily life of a professional chocolatier.

6:00 AM - Rise and Shine:

While the city is still wrapped in slumber, our day begins with the soft hum of anticipation. Professional chocolatiers are early risers, for precision and dedication are the cornerstones of their craft. With a cup of steaming tea in hand, we embark on our journey to create chocolate magic.

7:00 AM - Ingredient Preparation:

Quality is paramount in the world of chocolate. As the sun ascends, we meticulously select the finest cocoa beans, sourced from exotic locales across the globe. Each bean tells a story, and it's our job to honour its journey. We weigh, roast, and grind the beans with reverence, setting the stage for the symphony of flavours to come.

9:00 AM - Crafting Confections:

The aroma of chocolate fills the air as we step into the heart of our workshop. Here, creativity knows no bounds. From silky truffles to delicate bonbons, every creation is a testament to our passion for perfection. With nimble fingers, we temper chocolate to achieve that coveted glossy finish, a hallmark of craftsmanship.

12:00 PM - Lunch Break:

Amidst the whirlwind of activity, we pause to replenish our spirits. A hearty meal shared amongst colleagues is not just a necessity but a cherished tradition. It's a time to swap stories, share insights, and perhaps indulge in a sneaky nibble of our latest creations.

2:00 PM - Artistic Expression:

In the afternoon, our focus shifts to the artistry of chocolate. With precision akin to a painter's brushstroke, we adorn our confections with intricate designs. From shimmering gold leaf to vibrant fruit coulis, each embellishment adds depth and character to our creations, transforming them into edible masterpieces.

4:00 PM - Quality Control:

Before bidding adieu to the day, we subject our creations to rigorous scrutiny. Each chocolate undergoes a series of sensory tests, ensuring that it meets our exacting standards. Only those deemed worthy of bearing our name are granted passage to the storefront, where they await eager patrons.

6:00 PM - Reflection and Rest:

As twilight descends, we take a moment to reflect on the day's achievements. The hum of the city outside serves as a gentle reminder of the world beyond our workshop. With hearts full of satisfaction, we bid farewell to another day in the life of a professional chocolatier, knowing that tomorrow holds new opportunities for chocolate alchemy.

In conclusion, the life of a professional chocolatier is a delicate dance between science and art, precision and passion. It's a journey fuelled by creativity and dedication, where every chocolate tells a story of craftsmanship and love. So the next time you indulge in a velvety truffle or a silky ganache, remember the hands that brought it to life, and savour the magic of chocolate in every bite.

I am by no means anything near to being a professional chocolatier, but I have made chocolate in the past and, having completed the research and writing for this feature, I feel the chocolate making bug nipping at me, so I'll be making some more chocolate in the near future. I'll get the double boiler out, get the moulds ready and purchase the necessary ingredients. 

Navigating Food Allergies: A Guide to Thoughtful Catering

In a world where culinary delights are abundant, food allergies can cast a shadow over the joy of dining. For those with allergies, every meal becomes a potential minefield, fraught with the risk of an adverse reaction. 

As hosts and caterers, it's our responsibility to ensure that everyone can partake in the pleasures of good food without compromising their health. So, how can we navigate the culinary landscape with sensitivity and inclusivity? Let's explore some essential tips for catering to those with food allergies.

Open Communication: Communication is key when it comes to catering for individuals with food allergies. Whether you're hosting a dinner party or organizing a large event, it's crucial to inquire about dietary restrictions well in advance. Encourage guests to inform you of any allergies or intolerances they may have, and be receptive to their needs.

Thorough Ingredient Checking: Scrutinize every ingredient that goes into your dishes. Familiarize yourself with common allergens such as nuts, dairy, eggs, gluten, and shellfish, and be vigilant in avoiding cross-contamination. Remember that even trace amounts of allergens can trigger severe reactions in sensitive individuals.

Don't allow anyone on your staff to cut corners:

The owner of an Indian restaurant decided to save money by substituting almond powder for a cheaper powdered nut mixture which contained peanuts, despite having received warnings about the risk of this. He did not advise customers of this substitution. As a result a customer with a severe peanut  allergy died and the restaurant owner received a  six year jail sentence for gross negligence manslaughter.

Offer Diverse Options: Diversity is the spice of life, especially when it comes to catering for allergies. Provide a range of dishes that cater to different dietary requirements, including vegan, gluten-free, and nut-free options. This ensures that everyone can find something delicious to enjoy without feeling like an afterthought.

Transparent Labelling: Clearly label all dishes with their ingredients to empower guests to make informed choices. Use prominent signage to indicate which dishes are allergen-free, and be specific about any potential cross-contamination risks. Transparency builds trust and demonstrates your commitment to guest safety.

Creative Substitutions: Embrace creativity in your cooking by experimenting with allergen-free substitutes. There's a wealth of alternative ingredients available, from almond milk in place of dairy to chickpea flour as a gluten-free binder. Get inventive in the kitchen and discover new flavors that cater to a diverse range of dietary needs.

Educate Your Staff: If you're running a catering service, ensure that your staff are well-educated on food allergies and safety protocols. Provide training on how to handle allergen-free dishes, prevent cross-contact, and respond appropriately to guest inquiries. Knowledge is empowering and instills confidence in both your team and your guests.

Stay Informed: Keep abreast of the latest developments in food allergies and dietary trends. Attend workshops, conferences, and seminars to deepen your understanding of allergen management and culinary innovation. By staying informed, you can adapt your catering practices to meet evolving needs and preferences.

Seek Feedback: After the event, solicit feedback from guests regarding their dining experience. Listen attentively to any concerns or suggestions they may have, and use this input to refine your catering approach in the future. Continuous improvement is the hallmark of exceptional service.

In conclusion, catering for food allergies is not just a matter of accommodation, it's a testament to inclusivity and respect for every guest's well-being. By fostering open communication, exercising diligence in ingredient selection, and embracing culinary creativity, we can create memorable dining experiences that delight the palate and nourish the soul, regardless of dietary restrictions. So let's raise our forks to a future where everyone can dine with joy, comfort, and peace of mind. Cheers to safe and satisfying eating for all!

The Art of Food Pairing: Matching Flavours and Textures

Food, glorious food! It's not just about sustenance; it's an experience that engages all our senses. The taste, aroma, texture, they all play a crucial role in our culinary journey. 

And when it comes to truly elevating a meal, mastering the art of food pairing is essential. Today, let's delve into the intricate dance of flavours and textures and discover how to create harmonious culinary symphonies on our plates.

Flavours, the soul of any dish, come in a myriad of profiles, sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and umami. Each flavour has its unique charm, and when paired thoughtfully, they can either complement or contrast each other, creating delightful sensations on our taste buds.

One of the fundamental principles of food pairing is balancing these flavours. For instance, the sweetness of a honey-glazed pork pairs beautifully with the tanginess of apple compote, creating a harmonious blend of sweet and sour notes. Similarly, the saltiness of feta cheese can be balanced by the sweetness of roasted beets in a salad, resulting in a well-rounded flavour profile.

But it's not just about balancing flavours; it's also about creating depth and complexity in your dishes. Incorporating contrasting flavours can add excitement and intrigue to your meals. Picture the rich, earthy taste of roasted mushrooms paired with the bright acidity of balsamic vinegar – a match made in culinary heaven that tantalises the palate with its contrasting yet complementary flavours.

Textures, another vital aspect of food pairing, add a layer of interest and dimension to your dishes. From crispy to creamy, crunchy to smooth, textures can elevate the dining experience, providing a delightful contrast that keeps your taste buds engaged.

Consider the classic combination of crispy fish fillet served atop a creamy bed of mashed potatoes. The contrast between the crunchy exterior and the velvety smoothness of the potatoes creates a satisfying culinary experience that satisfies both the palate and the senses.

When it comes to pairing flavours and textures, experimentation is key. Don't be afraid to think outside the box and explore unconventional pairings. Who would have thought that the crunch of fried chicken could be enhanced by the luscious creaminess of ice cream? Yet, the juxtaposition of crispy and creamy in a chicken and waffle ice cream sandwich is a testament to the endless possibilities of food pairing.

Of course, mastering the art of food pairing takes time and practice. It requires a keen understanding of ingredients, an appreciation for different flavour profiles, and a willingness to embrace creativity in the kitchen. But the rewards are well worth the effort – the ability to create unforgettable dining experiences that linger in the memory long after the last bite is savoured.

So, the next time you find yourself in the kitchen, take a moment to consider the flavours and textures at play. Experiment, explore, and above all, enjoy the journey of discovering the endless possibilities of food pairing. After all, as the saying goes, "Life is too short to eat boring food." Embrace the art of food pairing, and let your culinary creations dazzle and delight!

Thursday 28 March 2024

Exploring Coffee Culture Around the World: From Espresso to Cold Brew

Coffee, the beloved elixir of life for many of us, transcends mere beverage status to embody a cultural phenomenon. 

From the bustling cafes of Europe to the serene tea houses of Japan, each corner of the world boasts its own unique coffee culture. 

In this blog post, we embark on a journey to explore the diverse coffee traditions around the globe, from the intense kick of Italian espresso to the refreshing simplicity of Japanese cold brew.

Italy: Espresso, the Heartbeat of Italian Culture

Italy, the birthplace of espresso, has a coffee culture deeply ingrained in its social fabric. Espresso, a concentrated shot of coffee brewed under pressure, is not just a beverage in Italy; it's a way of life. Italians typically consume their espresso standing at the bar, quickly sipping it down while engaging in lively conversation. The ritual of enjoying espresso is as much about the social interaction as it is about the caffeine boost.

France: Café Culture and the Art of People Watching

In France, cafes are more than just places to grab a quick cup of coffee; they are institutions where people gather to socialize, relax, and observe the world around them. French cafe culture emphasizes the importance of taking time to savor the moment, whether it's enjoying a leisurely breakfast with a croissant or spending an afternoon people-watching from a sidewalk table.

Ethiopia: The Birthplace of Coffee

Ethiopia holds a special place in the history of coffee, as it is widely believed to be the birthplace of the beloved beverage. Coffee ceremonies, which involve roasting, grinding, and brewing coffee beans in a traditional manner, are an integral part of Ethiopian culture. These ceremonies are often conducted as a sign of hospitality and are an opportunity for friends and family to come together and bond over a shared love of coffee.

Japan: Embracing the Art of Cold Brew

In Japan, where summers can be hot and humid, cold brew coffee has become increasingly popular. Cold brew is made by steeping coffee grounds in cold water for an extended period, resulting in a smooth, low-acid brew that is perfect for sipping on a sweltering day. Japanese cold brew culture emphasizes simplicity and purity, with many cafes serving cold brew over ice without any added milk or sweeteners.

United States: The Rise of Specialty Coffee

In recent years, the United States has seen a surge in interest in specialty coffee, with artisanal roasters and third-wave cafes popping up in cities across the country. Americans have embraced coffee as more than just a morning pick-me-up, elevating it to an art form with a focus on quality, sustainability, and craftsmanship. From single-origin pour-overs to meticulously crafted latte art, the U.S. coffee scene is as diverse and dynamic as the country itself.

Coffee culture is a reflection of the unique customs, traditions, and values of each society. Whether it's the ritualistic espresso culture of Italy, the laid-back cafe culture of France, or the innovative cold brew culture of Japan, coffee has the power to bring people together and create meaningful connections across borders. So the next time you take a sip of your favorite brew, take a moment to appreciate the rich tapestry of coffee culture that spans the globe.

Ro-Gro Launches Pioneering Biofortified Microgreens

In what is believed to be a first for the industry, pioneering vertical farm Ro-Gro is cultivating biofortified pea shoots with added Vitamin B12, available in Spring 2024 for retailers and the hospitality sector.

This is the fruit of a collaboration between Ro- Gro, the John Innes Centre, the Quadram Institute, and LettUs Grow.

The collaboration has resulted in the first pea shoots biofortified with vitamin B12 coming to market. The pea shoots grown in Ro- Gro's Kent- based vertical farm are biofortified with B12, employing special unique and groundbreaking ultrasonic technology developed by LettUs Grow.

Combing agricultural and nutritional science, this amazing development in food production is a notable step forward in developing biofortified food and it also easily demonstrates the success of combining advanced technology and farming to produce a sustainable food system in the UK.

Jason Perrot, Ro- Gro's MD and principal grower at Ro- Gro said “ We are obviously thrilled to adopt such advanced farming techniques to be more sustainable and also produce nutritional food. The B12 biofortified pea shoot is a wonderful illustration of what can happen when we work together.

Ultrasonic aeroponic technology developed by LettUs Grow uniquely enables seedlings to be nutritionally enhanced with a vitamin not usually found within plants. With aeroponics, plants are grown without soil and irrigated with a special nutrient- rich mist.

Jack Farmer, Co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer at LettUs Grow said" It's brilliant to see this project transition over the past few years from original concept to marketable reality."

Martin Warren, Chief Scientific Officer at the Quadram Institute which jointly led the research effort said “ This marks a significant and exciting advancement in perfecting health and well- being via dietary intake of vitamin B12. ”

The pea shoots also contain vitamins A, C and K, plus being a source of fibre and protein, all of which are vital for a healthy diet. Biofortified pea shoots retain sufficient micronutrients to improve human health.

Antony Dodd, Head of Cell and Developmental Biology at the John Innes Centre who conducted research in his laboratory to deliver this technology, said “ Advances in understanding of how plants interact with their surroundings, including new horticultural technologies such as perpendicular farms that use aeroponics, provides exciting openings to produce crops that are more nutritional, with lower environmental impact."

Microgreens are becoming increasingly popular with chefs and the health-conscious population due to their concentrated flavour and antioxidants. Ro- Gro's Pea Shoots with B12 are ideal for chefs or home cooks looking to add nutrition, fineness and flavour to finished dishes.

Ro- Gro will be appearing at the IFE( International Food & Drink Event) from the 25th to 27th March at ExCeL London, you can find Ro- Gro at the Start- Up Market 571n. Ro- Gro will also be at the Farm Shop & Deli Show from 29th April to 1st May at NEC Birmingham stand P269.

Available to retailers, chefs and hospitality in spring 2024, Ro- Gro B12 Pea Shoots will be available in 60g punnets. Please communicate for orders or visit for further details.

Devonia Spring Water Reveals New Branding

Devon's very own bottled water brand, Devonia has taken the decision to develop a new brand identity making sure to inform bottled water fans of their collect, wash, reuse process, which ensures their bottles are refilled an average of eight times. 

Director Fiona Graham said: “Reusing bottles instead of recycling means a longer life for each bottle. 

Our process makes a difference to not us but also to the environment and our customers within the hospitality and catering industry. We help them reduce costs and energy usage, and reduce their impact on the environment, whilst at the same time providing a great product for their diners.

“We're absolutely thrilled with the process we've gone through with leading Plymouth-based brand agency, Upshot. They helped us to develop our new brand identity and establish a solid base to continue our growth, helping us on our mission to inspire other businesses to choose to reuse.”

Upshot, was commissioned to take on the rebrand project, including a new visual identity. Upshot's Creative Director, Owen Jones, said: “Devonia's model makes so much sense. They're absolutely wonderful to work with, they have a readily identifiable clear purpose, strong values, distinctive personality and extremely high standards.

"Together we were able to unpacke and articulated their story, creating an idea and visual language that immediately differentiates their product and beautifully communicates their simple yet impactful narrative. We're proud to see them launch the new branding and excited to see the Devonia brand push forward to bigger and even better things.”

Devonia's long-term PR agency, RAW Food & Drink PR (in the opinion of That's Food and Drink, one of the best specialist PR agencies in the country) was also involved in the process.

Devonia prides itself on being the only bottled water brand in Southern England to collect, wash and reuse glass bottles and offers its solution to hotels, pubs, cafes, restaurants, special events and private customers across Devon. The traditional wash and reuse system dramatically reduces not only its own but also its customers' carbon footprint and improves their environmental impact. 

Bovey Castle Hotel, Harbour Beach Club, Burgh Island Hotel, Sidmouth Harbour Hotel, Salcombe Harbour Hotel, Hotel Endsleigh, Gara Rock Hotel, South Sands Hotel and The Salutation Inn are just a few of the places to enjoy being associated with Devonia. 

Over the past 18 years, Devonia has saved a stunning 180 tonnes of glass from going to landfill, equating to 2.7 million bottles. This approach significantly reduces the use of single-use plastic waste and the need to recycle every glass bottle after just one use.

Available in both still and sparkling and in 330ml or 750ml bottles, the water has a natural soft taste that's proven to be incredibly popular with customers.

Wednesday 27 March 2024

Goodrays features in Tesco's new Functional Drinks Lineup

Created by CBD industry expert Eoin Keenan and ex-Diageo taste developers, Goodrays CBD drinks are said to be "a deep breath for your brain."

Three flavours will be appearing on shelf on the new Functional Drinks Bays at Tesco: Namely 4x250ml packs of Raspberry & Guava, Elderflower & Yuzu, and Blood Orange & Grapefruit. 

Science shows to experience the full effects of CBD, a reduction in anxiety, better sleep, less muscle and joint pains, for example, consumers should consume at least 25mg of CBD. 

A market-leading 'dose' of 30mg of premium CBD and a daily dose of Vitamin D, with no added sugars, all-natural ingredients and a fully recyclable, entirely plastic-free product puts this product ahead of the game.

As the only CBD drinks brand currently offeedr, Goodrays plans to support the listing with PR support, in-store education and ongoing marketing activity throughout the partnership.

Said Eoin Keenan Founder of Goodrays: “We design and deliver the most exciting, effective and accessible CBD products to people who desire to improve their mental wellbeing. Our drinks are the most cost-effective way of accessing CBD and Tesco shares our vision in making CBD more affordable and accessible for everyone. We're excited to be part of this new direction for Tesco and expect more  retailers to follow their lead, as wellness continues to be the dominant trend in drinks.”

Goodrays is the UKs fastest-growing CBD brand and second largest brand in the category. It is the top-selling adult soft drink on Amazon with over 1,000 5* reviews.


Sustainable Eating: Tips for Reducing Food Waste and Eating Responsibly

In a world grappling with environmental challenges and with the current cost of living crisis, adopting sustainable practices in our daily lives has become imperative. 

One significant area where we can make a substantial difference is in our eating habits. The concept of sustainable eating goes beyond just choosing organic or locally-sourced foods; it encompasses reducing food waste and making conscious decisions about what and how much we consume. Let's explore some practical tips for embracing sustainable eating and reducing our environmental footprint.

Understanding the Importance of Sustainable Eating

The food we consume has a profound impact on the environment. From production and transportation to packaging and disposal, every step of the food supply chain contributes to greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, water pollution, and biodiversity loss. By adopting sustainable eating practices, we can minimise these negative effects and promote a healthier planet for future generations.

Tips for Reducing Food Waste

Plan Meals Carefully and Mindfully: Create a weekly meal plan before grocery shopping to ensure you only buy what you need. Check your pantry and fridge to avoid purchasing items you already have.

Buy in Bulk: Buying staple foods like grains, legumes, and spices in bulk reduces packaging waste and often costs less per unit. But only bulk buy items that you know you and your family will use.

Store Food Properly: Improper storage leads to premature spoilage. Keep fruits and vegetables in the crisper drawer of your refrigerator, store grains and cereals in airtight containers, and freeze leftovers for future meals.

Embrace Imperfect Produce: Misshapen or slightly blemished fruits and vegetables are often discarded by retailers despite being perfectly edible. Support initiatives that sell "ugly" produce at discounted prices to reduce food waste.

Practice FIFO (First In, First Out): When unpacking groceries, move older items to the front of the fridge or pantry and place newer purchases behind them. This ensures perishable items are used before they spoil.

Get Creative with Leftovers: Instead of letting leftovers languish in the back of the fridge, re-purpose them into new meals. For example, turn boiled or roasted vegetables into soups or stews, and transform stale bread into croutons or breadcrumbs.

Compost Food Scraps: If you can't consume certain food scraps (like fruit and vegetable peels, coffee grounds, and eggshells), compost them instead of sending them to the landfill. Composting enriches soil, reduces methane emissions, and completes the food waste cycle.

Eating Responsibly

Consider Plant-Based Options: Incorporating more plant-based meals into your diet reduces the environmental impact associated with meat and dairy production. Opt for plant proteins like beans, lentils, tofu, and tempeh, and experiment with vegetarian or vegan recipes.

Support Local and Sustainable Producers: Purchase foods from local farmers' markets or farms that prioritise sustainable farming practices. Look for organic certifications in the UK from Organic Farmers and Growers CIC, Organic Food Federation, Soil Association Certification Ltd, Biodynamic Association Certification, Quality Welsh Food Certification Ltd, OF&G (Scotland) Ltd, Irish Organic Association, Organic Trust CLG. Also look for Rainforest Alliance to ensure your purchases align with your values.

Reduce Packaging Waste: Choose products with minimal packaging or opt for reusable containers when shopping. Avoid single-use plastics whenever possible and support brands that prioritize eco-friendly packaging alternatives.

Mindful Portion Control: Be mindful of portion sizes to avoid overeating and minimize food waste. Serve meals on smaller plates, and listen to your body's hunger cues to prevent unnecessary food consumption.

Limit Food Waste When Dining Out: When dining at restaurants, consider sharing dishes with dining companions or taking leftovers home. Ask about portion sizes before ordering to avoid excessive leftovers. For example, the Wetherspoon chain offers half portions of some meals on its menu.

Sustainable eating is not just a trend; it's a fundamental shift in how we approach food consumption. By reducing food waste, making conscious purchasing decisions, and embracing plant-based options, we can play a significant role in mitigating environmental degradation and building a more sustainable future. Let's commit to making small changes in our daily lives that collectively have a profound impact on the health of our planet and future generations.

Brewing Beer at Home: A Beginner's Guide to Crafting Your Own Brew

In recent years, homebrewing has surged in popularity as enthusiasts embrace the art and science of crafting their own beer. Whether you're drawn to the idea of experimenting with different flavours, saving money, or simply enjoying the satisfaction of creating something from scratch, homebrewing offers a rewarding and fulfilling hobby. 

If you're new to the world of brewing and eager to embark on your own brewing adventure, this beginner's guide will provide you with the essential knowledge and steps to get started on your journey to brewing delicious beer in the comfort of your own home.

Understanding the Basics:

Before diving into the brewing process, it's important to have a basic understanding of the key ingredients and equipment involved in brewing beer.


Malt: Malted barley is the main source of fermentable sugars in beer. It provides the foundation of flavour, colour, and body.

Hops: Hops add bitterness, flavour, and aroma to beer. They balance the sweetness of the malt and contribute to the beer's overall complexity.

Yeast: Yeast is responsible for fermenting the sugars in the malt into alcohol and carbon dioxide. It also plays a crucial role in shaping the beer's flavour profile.

Water: Water makes up the bulk of beer and affects its taste, mouthfeel, and clarity. Using quality water is essential for brewing great beer.


Brew Kettle: A large pot used for boiling the wort (unfermented beer).

Fermenter: A vessel where the wort is fermented into beer. It can be a plastic bucket or a glass demijohn.

Airlock: This lets CO2 escape during the fermentation process whilst at the same time stopping while outside air from entering.

Thermometer: To monitor the temperature during brewing and fermentation.

Hydrometer: A tool used to measure the specific gravity of the wort and monitor the fermentation process.

The Brewing Process:

Now that you have a fundamental knowledge of the basic ingredients and equipment you will require, let's take you through the whole process.

Mashing: Mashing involves steeping crushed malted grains in hot water to extract fermentable sugars. This process typically takes place in a brew kettle or a dedicated mash tun at a controlled temperature (usually between 145°F to 158°F) for about 60 to 90 minutes.

Boiling: After mashing, the liquid extract known as wort is boiled in the brew kettle. During the boil, hops are added at different times to achieve bitterness, flavor, and aroma. Actually, this is an important stage because boiling sanitises the wort and assists in concentrating the flavours.

Cooling: Once the boil is complete, the wort needs to be rapidly cooled to a temperature suitable for fermentation (usually around 65°F to 75°F). This can be achieved using a wort chiller or by placing the brew kettle in an ice bath.

Fermentation: The now cooled wort is moved to a fermenter, and the necessary yeast is added. The fermenter is then sealed with an airlock, allowing the carbon dioxide produced during fermentation to escape while preventing outside contaminants from entering. Fermentation typically takes place for one to two weeks, depending on the beer style and yeast strain used.

Bottling or Kegging: Once fermentation is complete, the beer is ready to be carbonated and packaged. For bottling, priming sugar is added to the beer before bottling to facilitate carbonation. The beer is then bottled and allowed to carbonate for another one to two weeks. Alternatively, the beer can be transferred to a keg for carbonation and serving.

Homebrewing is a fascinating and rewarding hobby that allows you to explore your creativity while producing high-quality beer to enjoy with friends and family. While this guide covers the basics of brewing beer at home, there is always room for experimentation and refinement as you gain experience and confidence in your brewing skills. So roll up your sleeves, gather your ingredients and equipment, and embark on your own brewing adventure. Cheers to brewing your first batch of homemade beer!

Tuesday 26 March 2024

Elevating the Humble Baked Bean: Transforming a Classic into a Culinary Masterpiece

Baked beans, a staple in many households, often conjure images of simple, comforting meals. 

However, this humble dish has the potential to transcend its basic reputation and become a culinary masterpiece with just a few creative touches. 

By infusing flavours, experimenting with textures, and incorporating complementary ingredients, you can elevate baked beans to a whole new level of gastronomic delight.

Start with Quality Ingredients:

The foundation of any culinary masterpiece lies in the quality of its ingredients. Opt for high-quality canned or dried beans, such as navy beans or cannellini beans, and look for varieties with minimal additives or preservatives. Alternatively, you can cook your beans from scratch for an even fresher taste.

Enhance the Flavor Profile:

Transform the flavor profile of your baked beans by adding aromatic ingredients such as onions, garlic, and herbs. Sauté diced onions and garlic in olive oil until golden brown before mixing them into the bean mixture. Fresh herbs like thyme, rosemary, or parsley can also impart a burst of freshness and complexity to the dish.

Experiment with Sweeteners:

While traditional baked bean recipes often call for brown sugar or molasses, don't be afraid to experiment with alternative sweeteners to add depth and complexity. Try maple syrup, honey, or even balsamic glaze for a unique twist on the classic sweetness.

Incorporate Savory Elements:

Balance the sweetness of the beans with savory elements like smoked paprika, Worcestershire sauce, or bacon. Smoked paprika adds a subtle smokiness, while Worcestershire sauce lends a tangy, umami-rich flavour. For meat lovers, crispy bacon crumbles can provide a satisfying contrast in texture and taste.

Add Texture and Crunch:

Elevate the texture of your baked beans by incorporating ingredients that add crunch and contrast. Toasted breadcrumbs, fried onions, or even crushed potato crisps can provide a satisfying crunchiness that takes the dish to new heights.

Experiment with Toppings:

Get creative with toppings to add visual appeal and extra layers of flavor. Garnish your baked beans with fresh herbs, microgreens, grated cheese, diced avocado, or a dollop of sour cream for a finishing touch that's sure to impress.

Serve with Accompaniments:

Elevate your baked beans into a complete meal by serving them with complementary accompaniments. Pair them with fluffy cornbread, crusty bread rolls, or creamy mashed potatoes for a hearty and satisfying feast.

With a little creativity and experimentation, the humble baked bean can be transformed into a culinary masterpiece that tantalises the taste buds and delights the senses. By incorporating quality ingredients, enhancing the flavor profile, and experimenting with textures and toppings, you can elevate this classic dish to new heights of gastronomic delight. 

So next time you're craving comfort food with a gourmet twist, don't underestimate the potential of the humble baked bean to dazzle and delight.

World Baking Day is on Sunday 19th May. Celebrate it with Matthews Cotswold Flour

Matthew Cotswold Flour is going to celebrates World Baking Day on Sunday 19th May 2024 and they are inviting everyone, including That's Food and Drink and our readers to join in the celebrations. 

Here are Matthews Cotswold Flour's premier top tips for celebrating the big day.

First on the list is to just bake! It doesn't matter what you bake, bread, cakes, biscuits or cookies, just bake something! And it doesn't matter if you are a skilled, regular baker or a total neophyte, because their are plenty of recipes in books, magazines or online for lots of stuff you can bake yourself, savoury or sweet. Some recipes are fairly complex, some are basic, so there's inspiration for everyone, no matter what their skill levels might be.

And it will be a nice ideas experienced bakers to encourage non-baking family members or friends to have a bash at a more easy recipe. Sharing our skills can be great fun for everyone.

Why not immerse your whole self in a morning or afternoon of baking? Enjoy the benefits of taking some time to relax and enjoy the benefits of switching off from the strains and stresses of everyday life. Maybe tune in to Classic FM for some musical inspiration?

If you have children, why not get them involved in the baking process? Share your knowledge with them.

Try a new recipe? Here's one for Red Velvet Cookies

If you feel the need for some interaction with other bakers you can participate in an online baking community like the free-to-join Cotswold Flour Baking Club. You'll find yourself inspired, checking out new recipes, taking part in competitions, enjoying useful and comforted by the support you'll receive.

Got a good cause that you raise money for? This time why not launch a bake sale (perhaps with like-minded people?) and raise money for that good cause.

You've got the baked goods that you have created, so why not get your family members and friends to come round to your home to help you celebrate World Baking Day by helping to eat your baked goods? Perhaps they can supply something suitable to drink, and some charcuterie and selected cheeses and fresh butter to complement your baked goods?

Sophie Carey, Bakery Development Manager for Matthews Cotswold Flour, says: “'Baking is one of our most ancient crafts and it is just as important today as it ever has been!"

For more information visit or follow @CotswoldFlour on Instagram or Facebook.

The Dark Side of Vegan Dairy Alternatives: Unveiling the Chemicals and Environmental Impact

As consumers of both dairy and non-dairy products, we make no comment on the contents of this blogpost. However, we are sharing it with our readers to help stimulate an informed debate on the subject of alternatives to dairy produce.

In recent years, the rise of veganism has spurred a massive demand for dairy alternatives. Whilst many embrace these substitutes as a healthier and more environmentally friendly option, the reality might not be as rosy as it seems at first glance,

Contrary to popular belief, many vegan dairy alternatives often come loaded with chemicals, contribute to environmental degradation, and can pose health risks to consumers.

The Chemical Conundrum: What's Hiding in Your Vegan Cheese?

One of the primary concerns with vegan dairy alternatives is the reliance on synthetic additives, stabilisers, and flavourings to mimic the taste and texture of dairy products. Ingredients like carrageenan, xanthan gum, and artificial flavours are commonly used to achieve the desired consistency and flavour, but they often come with a host of health risks.

Carrageenan, extracted from red seaweed, is a common thickening agent found in many plant-based milks and cheeses. However, studies have linked carrageenan consumption to inflammation, digestive issues, and even cancer in some studies. Similarly, artificial flavours and colours used in vegan dairy alternatives may contain chemicals that are potentially harmful to human health.

Environmental Impact: Are Vegan Alternatives Really Eco-Friendly?

While veganism is often touted as a more sustainable lifestyle choice, the environmental impact of dairy alternatives tells a different story. Despite what some campaigners have claimed, the production of ingredients like almond milk and soy milk requires vast amounts of water and land, leading to deforestation, habitat destruction, and depletion of natural resources.

Moreover, the processing and packaging of vegan dairy alternatives contribute to pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. From energy-intensive manufacturing processes to the disposal of non-biodegradable packaging materials, the ecological footprint of these products can be substantial.

Health Risks for Consumers: Unintended Consequences of Going Vegan

Despite being marketed as healthier options, vegan dairy alternatives may not always live up to their health claims. Many commercial varieties are high in added sugars, preservatives, and sodium to enhance flavour and shelf life. Excessive consumption of these additives can lead to various health issues, including obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases.

Furthermore, the nutritional content of vegan dairy alternatives may not necessarily match that of their dairy counterparts. While they may be fortified with vitamins and minerals, they often lack essential nutrients like calcium, vitamin D, and protein, leading to potential deficiencies in vegan diets.

A Call for Transparency and Conscious Consumption

In light of these concerns, it's crucial for consumers to be informed about the ingredients and production processes behind vegan dairy alternatives. By prioritising transparency and seeking out products made with wholesome, minimally processed ingredients, individuals can make more conscious choices for their health and the environment.

Additionally, supporting local and sustainable producers can help minimise the environmental impact of dairy alternatives whilst promoting healthier, more nutritious options. By advocating for stricter regulations on food labelling and ingredient transparency, consumers can empower themselves to make informed decisions and navigate the complex landscape of vegan food products.

In conclusion, while vegan dairy alternatives offer a cruelty-free and plant-based alternative to traditional dairy products, they are not without their drawbacks. 

From the use of synthetic additives to their environmental footprint and potential health risks, it's essential to approach these alternatives with caution and scrutiny. By promoting transparency, sustainability, and conscious consumption, we can strive towards a more ethical and balanced food system for both people and the planet.

The Looming Crisis: High Energy Costs Threaten Britain's Beloved Pubs and Restaurants

In the heart of every British city, town and village, you'll find a quintessential institution: the pub. These cozy corners of community life have been the backdrop for countless gatherings, celebrations, and heartfelt conversations for many centuries. 

Similarly, restaurants across the nation offer a diverse array of culinary delights, drawing locals and tourists alike to savor their unique flavours. However, beneath the convivial atmosphere and gastronomic delights lies a looming crisis that threatens to dim the lights of these cherished establishments: the soaring cost of energy and the crushing weight of the cost of living crisis.

Britain's pub and restaurant sector has long been an integral part of our cultural fabric, but recent challenges have pushed many establishments to the brink. Among the most pressing issues is the relentless rise in energy costs. From heating to lighting and kitchen appliances, energy is a vital component of daily operations for pubs and restaurants. However, the sharp increase in energy prices in recent years has placed an unprecedented strain on businesses already grappling with thin profit margins.

The cost of living crisis further compounds these challenges. As the prices of essentials such as food, fuel, and housing continue to escalate, consumers are left with less disposable income to spend on dining out or enjoying a pint at their local pub. This has led to a decline in footfall and a reduction in consumer spending, further squeezing the already tight margins of pubs and restaurants.

One of the most visible impacts of these challenges is the closure of beloved establishments. According to recent reports, hundreds of pubs and restaurants have closed their doors for good in the past year alone, unable to withstand the financial pressures exacerbated by high energy costs and the cost of living crisis. Each closure represents not only the loss of a business but also the loss of local jobs and the erosion of community spaces that play an essential role in bringing people together.

Moreover, the ripple effects of these closures extend far beyond the doors of individual establishments. The hospitality sector is a significant contributor to the British economy, providing employment opportunities for millions of people across the country. The closure of pubs and restaurants not only results in job losses but also disrupts supply chains and affects ancillary businesses that rely on the patronage of these establishments.

So, what can be done to support Britain's struggling pubs and restaurants in the face of these challenges? First and foremost, urgent action is needed to address the root causes of the crisis. Government intervention to mitigate the impact of soaring energy costs through targeted subsidies or tax relief measures would provide much-needed relief to struggling businesses. 

Similarly, measures to alleviate the burden of the cost of living crisis, such as increasing wages or reducing VAT on hospitality services, could help stimulate consumer confidence and spending and bolster the resilience of the sector.

Furthermore, collaboration between industry stakeholders, policymakers, and energy providers is essential to develop sustainable solutions that ensure the long-term viability of Britain's pub and restaurant sector. This may involve investment in energy-efficient technologies, promoting renewable energy sources, and exploring alternative business models that prioritise sustainability and resilience.

Ultimately, the fate of Britain's pubs and restaurants hangs in the balance. As cherished symbols of community and tradition, they deserve our support and protection in the face of mounting challenges. By addressing the underlying issues of high energy costs and the cost of living crisis, we can ensure that these vital institutions continue to thrive for generations to come. The time to act is now, before it's too late to save the heart and soul of Britain's culinary landscape.

The Art of Plating: Elevating Your Home Cooking to Restaurant-Worthy Presentation

The saying goes, "we eat with our eyes first," and there's perhaps no realm where this rings truer than in the world of culinary artistry. 

The art of plating, often overlooked by amateur chefs, is a crucial aspect of presenting food in a visually appealing and appetising manner. 

Whilst it's tempting to focus solely on taste and flavour, mastering the art of plating can elevate your home cooking to restaurant-worthy presentation, turning a simple meal into a feast for the senses.

Understanding the Importance of Plating:

Plating is more than merely arranging food on a plate; it's a creative process that involves balance, symmetry, and attention to detail. A well-plated dish not only looks beautiful but also enhances the dining experience by stimulating the appetite and creating anticipation for what's to come. Whether you're serving a casual weeknight dinner or hosting a special occasion, thoughtful plating can take your culinary creations to the next level.

Key Principles of Plating:

Balance: Achieving balance on the plate involves a harmonious combination of colours, textures, and flavors. Aim for a variety of elements that complement each other, such as pairing creamy mashed potatoes with crispy vegetables or tender protein with a tangy sauce.

Proportion: Pay attention to the proportion of each component on the plate. Avoid overcrowding or leaving large empty spaces. Instead, aim for a visually pleasing distribution of food that allows each element to shine forth.

Contrast: Contrast is essential for creating visual interest. Play with different shapes, sizes, and colours to make your dish pop. For example, pair vibrant green vegetables with a rich, dark sauce or garnish a light-colored protein with a bright, colourful salsa.

Focus Point: Every plate should have a focal point that draws the eye and serves as the centerpiece of the dish. This could be the main protein, a vibrant sauce, or a carefully placed garnish. Use plating techniques such as stacking, drizzling, or layering to highlight the focal point and create depth.

Garnishes: Garnishes are the finishing touch that adds flavour, texture, and visual appeal to a dish. Fresh herbs, edible flowers, citrus zest, or microgreens can all elevate the presentation and make your food look more polished.

Practical Tips for Home Cooks:

Plan Ahead: Before plating, visualise how you want the finished dish to look and plan your components accordingly. Preparing and organising your ingredients in advance will make the plating process smoother and more efficient.

Use Quality Ingredients: Start with high-quality, fresh ingredients that are visually appealing on their own. Vibrant vegetables, colourful fruits, and perfectly cooked proteins will make your plated dishes stand out.

Experiment with Plate Shapes and Sizes: Don't be afraid to get creative with your choice of plates and serving dishes. Different shapes, sizes, and textures can complement the food and enhance the overall presentation.

Practice Precision: Pay attention to the small details, such as wiping the rim of the plate clean or arranging ingredients with precision. A little extra effort in presentation can make a big difference in the overall appearance of the dish.

Seek Inspiration: Draw inspiration from professional chefs, cookbooks, and food photography for ideas and techniques to incorporate into your plating style. Experiment with different presentations until you find what works best for you.

Mastering the art of plating takes practice, patience, and a keen eye for detail, but the results are well worth the effort. By applying key principles of balance, proportion, contrast, and focus, home cooks can transform their everyday meals into culinary masterpieces that rival those served in restaurants. So next time you step into the kitchen, don't just focus on the flavours; consider the presentation too, and let your creativity shine on the plate. Happy plating!

(Image courtesy of celeste onofre from Pixabay)

Monday 25 March 2024

Mastering the Art of Baking: Tips and Tricks for Perfect Pastries and Breads

Whilst we were enjoying a loaf of bread my wife made, I thought: "We really do need to write about making bread." Here is the result.

Baking is more than just following a recipe; it's a delicate dance between ingredients, techniques, and timing. 

Whether you're a seasoned baker or just starting out on your culinary journey, mastering the art of baking is a rewarding endeavour. In this blog post, we'll explore some invaluable tips and tricks to help you achieve perfection in your pastries and bread-making adventures.

Start with Quality Ingredients:

The foundation of any great baked good lies in the ingredients you use. Opt for high-quality flour, fresh eggs, real butter (or top quality plant-based alternatives if baking for vegans) and top-notch spices and flavourings. Using fresh ingredients will elevate the taste and texture of your creations, making them truly memorable.

Precision in Measurements:

Although there's a good deal of artistry and a certain amount of magic involved, we must remember that baking is a science, and precision is key. 

Invest in a good set of scales, measuring items and spoons, and follow recipes closely, especially when it comes to ingredients like flour, sugar, and leavening agents. Even slight deviations can significantly impact the final result.

Understand Your Oven:

Every oven has its quirks, so take the time to get to know yours. Invest in an oven thermometer to ensure accurate temperature readings, and be mindful of hot spots and uneven heat distribution. Adjust baking times and temperatures accordingly to achieve consistent results.

Master the Techniques:

From folding and creaming to kneading and proofing, mastering fundamental baking techniques is essential for success. Take the time to practice and hone your skills, whether it's achieving the perfect pie crust or mastering the art of the flaky croissant.

Don't Overmix:

Overmixing can lead to tough, dense baked goods, particularly with recipes that involve flour. Mix ingredients until just combined to avoid overdeveloping gluten, which can result in a less-than-ideal texture.

Embrace the Resting Period:

Many recipes call for resting or chilling the dough before baking. This allows flavours to meld and develop, while also giving the dough time to relax, resulting in better texture and structure. Don't rush this step, it's often the secret to bakery-quality results.

Experiment with Flavours and Textures:

Baking is as much about creativity as it is about technique. Don't be afraid to experiment with different flavours, fillings, and textures to put your own unique spin on classic recipes. Whether it's adding a hint of citrus zest to your scones or incorporating nuts and seeds into your bread, let your imagination run wild.

Practice Patience:

Good things come to those who wait, especially in the world of baking. Whether it's waiting for dough to rise or allowing a cake to cool before frosting, patience is essential. Rushing the process can lead to disappointment, so take your time and savour the journey.

Baking is a timeless art form that rewards patience, precision, and passion. By incorporating these tips and tricks into your baking routine, you'll be well on your way to creating picture-perfect pastries and breads that will impress friends and family alike. So roll up your sleeves, preheat that oven, and let the aroma of freshly baked treats fill your kitchen, it's time to unleash your inner baker!

(Image courtesy of congerdesign from Pixabay)

Fusion Cuisine: Mixing and Matching Culinary Traditions for Bold Flavours

In the realm of culinary exploration, fusion cuisine stands as a beacon of creativity, offering a playground where diverse culinary traditions converge to create entirely new flavor experiences. 

This innovative approach to cooking transcends borders, blending ingredients, techniques, and cultural influences to produce dishes that tantalise the taste buds and challenge traditional notions of cuisine. 

With its ability to marry the familiar with the exotic, fusion cuisine opens up a whole world of possibilities for adventurous food enthusiasts seeking bold and unforgettable dining experiences.

The Art of Fusion:

At its core, fusion cuisine is a celebration of diversity, embracing the myriad flavors and ingredients found across different cultures. It draws inspiration from a rich tapestry of culinary traditions, including Asian, Mediterranean, Latin American, and beyond, weaving them together to form harmonious and unexpected combinations. Whether it's a Japanese-inspired taco, a Thai-infused pizza, or a Mexican-Indian curry, fusion cuisine knows no bounds, constantly pushing the boundaries of taste and innovation.

One of the hallmarks of fusion cuisine is its emphasis on balance. By carefully blending contrasting flavors, textures, and spices, chefs can create dishes that are greater than the sum of their parts. For example, the heat of a traditional Mexican salsa can be tempered by the creaminess of Greek tzatziki, resulting in a harmonious fusion of flavours that dance on the palate. Similarly, the umami richness of Japanese miso can lend depth to Italian pasta dishes, while the brightness of citrus can elevate the richness of Indian curries.

Embracing Fusion:

Embracing fusion cuisine opens up a world of culinary possibilities, inviting both home cooks and professional chefs alike to experiment with new ingredients and techniques. For those looking to embark on their own fusion culinary adventures, the key lies in understanding the flavor profiles and cooking styles of different cuisines, and fearlessly mixing and matching them to create something uniquely delicious.

However, while fusion cuisine encourages creativity and experimentation, it's important to approach it with respect for the cultural traditions from which it draws inspiration. By honoring the origins of the ingredients and techniques used, chefs can ensure that their fusion creations are both innovative and respectful of the culinary heritage they represent.

The Future of Fusion:

As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, fusion cuisine is poised to continue its ascent, evolving and adapting to reflect the ever-changing tastes and preferences of global food enthusiasts. With access to a vast array of ingredients from around the world and a growing appetite for culinary exploration, the possibilities for fusion cuisine are truly limitless.

In conclusion, fusion cuisine represents a thrilling convergence of culinary traditions, offering a canvas upon which chefs can paint bold and vibrant flavor combinations. By embracing diversity and pushing the boundaries of traditional cooking, fusion cuisine invites us to embark on a gastronomic journey that celebrates the richness and complexity of global food culture. So, whether you're a seasoned chef or an adventurous home cook, why not step into the world of fusion cuisine and discover the endless possibilities that await? After all, in the kitchen, the only limit is your imagination.

Award-Winning Chef Jamie Rogers Named Executive Head Chef at the Millbrook Inn

There's good news for diners and lovers of good food in Devon in the Westcountry, because South Pool's Millbrook Inn has just announced the appointment of Jamie Rogers as its new executive chef.

Jamie, the celebrated owner of Kingsbridge's award-winning Twenty Seven restaurant, brings with him a whole wealth of experience and numerous accolades.

Recognised and acclaimed for his outstanding food, Jamie, who grew up in Wales, began his chef's career in Devon, beginning as a salad prep worker and cooking pot washer in the Cricket Inn in Beesands. 

Since that start to his career he's worked in some of the area's leading kitchens, including Tanners and the Barbican Kitchen, the Barbican's Glassblowing House, South Sands Hotel, plus the Langdon Court Hotel. He has also participated in Masterchef: The Professionals and was South West Chef of the Year.

Jamie said: “I'm thrilled to be joining the Millbrook Inn as their executive chef. It's a pub I've been an admirer for several years. Its reputation for serving some of the area's best food is well-deserved. I'm obviously looking forward to contributing to its continued success."

Jamie isn't abandoning his foodies haven, Twenty Seven which he opened back in 2018 and quickly established it as a destination for foodies across Devon and beyond, which he will continue to operate. The Millbrook Inn, also justifiably famed for its culinary offerings will provide Jamie with a new outlet for his skills. 

This will include using a Josper, an indoor oven that allows cooking over living flames. Jamie said: “The Josper will enable me to be really creative with my cooking."

Owners of The Millbrook Inn the Owens family, source most of the ingredients Jamie will cook with from Fowlescombe Farm, their family farm, with organic native and rare breed meats, plus home grown vegetables and fruit from the market garden.

“That much of the food is sourced from Fowlescombe Farm is an added bonus as I've always been committed to using top quality, local ingredients whenever possible," added Jamie.

The Owens family, who also own some holiday cottages near the pub, are pleased that delighted with the appointment of Jamie hss been appointed, saying: and said: “We are really excited that Jamie has joined us.”

Friday 22 March 2024

Celebrate Holi At Mandira's Kitchen

4th April, 6.30-10pm

Venue:  Mandira's Kitchen, Silent Pool, Shere Road, Albury, Guildford, Surrey. GU5 9BW


Telephone 01483 940789

Join them for a Holi Extravaganza as they paint the town red, blue, green, and every colour of the rainbow as they celebrate spring, love, and new life at this special pop-up dining experience at Mandira's Kitchen. 

This culinary 3-course Holi feast embraces all the rich traditions and spices of this absolutely joyous occasion, includes savoury Chaats, decadent desserts plus a delicious Holi Special Pulao and tasty Chicken/Mushroom Rezala.

Holi is known as the festival of colours or the festival of love. It marks the arrival of spring and the triumph of good over evil. 

During Holi, people come together and they have play with colours, have fun, dance, and enjoy delicious food.

It's a vibrant and joyous celebration that promotes unity and happiness among people who participate.

Paper suits are included for the colour celebrations on the field or please wear dark clothing  that you don't mind getting messy. And practice your throwing!

Tickets are £55 per person and there are only 40 places available, so don't miss your opportunity to be a part of this unique experience. Book your tickets now and let the festivities begin!

Celebrate Holi at Mandira's Kitchen (


Tikka Chole Chaat

(Crispy potato patties topped with spiced chickpeas, tangy chutneys, and crunchy sev, evoking the lively streets of Holi festivities. (Dairy)

Bhel Puri

(Crispy puffed rice, tangy tamarind chutney, and zesty spices, reminiscent of colourful street-side celebrations. (Nuts, Gluten)

Kachori Chaat

(Flaky pastry shells filled with aromatic spiced lentils, yogurt, and chutneys, capturing the essence of Holi's vibrant flavours. (Dairy, Gluten)

Sandwich Dhokla

(Fluffy steamed lentil cakes sandwiched together with vibrant chutneys, offering a delightful fusion of textures and tastes, perfect for festive gatherings. )

Holi Special Pulao

(Fragrant basmati rice prepared with spices, symbolising the vibrant colours of Holi. Rajma Creamy kidney beans cooked in a rich tomato gravy, embodying the warmth and abundance of the season.)

Chicken Rezala

(Succulent chicken simmered in a fragrant yogurt-based gravy, infused with delicate spices, reminiscent of festive feasts)

Or Mushroom Rezala

(Tender mushrooms cooked in a luscious yogurt and cream sauce, delicately spiced and bursting with flavour)

Poppadums, Chutney, Raita, Puri (Puffed Bread)

Jalebi with Rabri

(Crispy golden spirals soaked in fragrant sugar syrup, served with creamy reduced milk, a quintessential treat to sweeten the festivities.)


(Golden-fried pastries filled with a rich mixture of khoya, nuts, and spices, capturing the essence of traditional Holi sweets.)

Served with Masala Chai or upgrade to Bubbles (extra £6 secures this) 

Branded Foodie Corporate Gifting Hampers from Letterbox Hampers

Of the absolutely perfect size, crammed with specially selected exclusively British treats, all hand-wrapped and branded to suit your needs, the Letterbox Corporate Hampers make the perfect gift for all occasions.

No matter what they are for: A sincere thank-you to a valued client or customer, a special reward for a member of your team who went above and beyond on a consistent basis, or something to make your conference presence really memorable or a wonderful Christmas gift from your business, their collection of corporate hampers will be exactly what you need.

There's no minimum order amount, you can order completely bespoke hampers and there's also a next day delivery service available for when time is of the essence, their corporate hampers make for the perfect gifts for a range of occasions.

Want to learn more? Visit their website You can email Jonathan or give them a call on 01326 378180. 

Would you drink alcohol-free beer if it was on draught in your local?

Making alcohol-free beer widely available on draught in pubs and bars could help people who are wanting to switch over to alcohol-free beers. 

That's the belief expressed in a new study published in Addiction today. Pubs and bars which participated in a University of Bristol-led trial of the concept actually witnessed an increase in sales of non-alcoholic draught beer.

In partnership with Bristol City Council, researchers from the University's Tobacco and Alcohol Research Group (TARG) recruited 14 pubs and bars across Bristol which were happy to change the drinks that they offered on draught for a limited period of time.

Previous research by the same group, using an online experiment showed increasing the proportion of alcohol-free options make people more likely to select an alcohol-free drink over an alcoholic one.

In the current study, participating pubs and bars offered only alcoholic beer on draught for two weeks, and an alcohol-free option on draught for two weeks, and did this twice (over two months in total). The order in which this happened was randomised. The researchers measured the amount of alcoholic and alcohol-free beer sold, plus total monetary takings, across the different periods.

The researchers learned when an alcohol-free option was available the pubs and bars sold, on average, 29 litres less of alcoholic beer per week, equivalent to 51 pints and a five per cent reduction in sales. However, this was replaced by an equivalent increase in sales of alcohol-free beer, suggesting customers were simply going for a different option. Vitally, there was no net impact on overall monetary takings, suggesting the change wasn’t hurting the takings of the pubs and bars which took part.

Even small changes in drinking behaviour could have an important public health benefit. A five per cent reduction in consumption, if scaled up, could reduce the harms associated with alcohol.

The research team opined: "Although alcohol-free options have been available for a considerable period in many pubs and bars, they haven't had the same visual prominence as alcoholic drinks and are very rarely sold on draught."

The opinion of That's Food and Drink is that whilst we are broadly in favour of the offering of alcohol-free draught beers, ales and lagers, that the flavour and mouthfeel of the alcohol-free drinks must be as good as if not better than their alcoholic equivalents.

My own experience with an alcohol-free beer on draught in a pub I was visiting when I was on anti-biotics was that it tasted nothing like the alcoholic version of the beer. In fact it tasted pretty vile to be honest.

Crafting Your Own Gins at Home Using Vodka as a Base

By coincidence when we at That's Food and Drink received  the news about James May's newly released gins, my wife and I were experimenting with a DIY gin making kit.

So, we decided to run a feature on making gin at home and the result is: Crafting Your Own Gins at Home Using Vodka as a Base.

In recent years, the art of craft distilling has surged in popularity, with enthusiasts exploring unique flavors and botanical combinations in their homemade spirits. 

One such endeavor is the creation of homemade gins, a process that allows for endless experimentation and customisation. Contrary to popular belief, you don't need a traditional pot still or elaborate equipment to embark on this journey. With a bottle of vodka as your starting point and a selection of botanicals, you can craft your own delicious gin right in your own kitchen. So let's get into the fascinating world of DIY gin-making.

Choosing Your Base:

Vodka serves as the perfect base for crafting homemade gin due to its neutral flavour profile. It provides a clean canvas upon which you can layer your chosen botanicals, allowing their intricate flavours to shine through. 

Opt for a high-quality, unflavoured vodka to ensure the best results. While some purists may insist on using a traditional grain-based vodka, others find success with alternatives such as potato or grape-based vodkas. Ultimately, the choice is yours, so feel free to experiment with different options to discover your preferred base.

Selecting Botanicals:

The magic of gin lies in its botanical blend, typically dominated by juniper berries but complemented by a diverse array of herbs, spices, fruits, and flowers. When selecting botanicals for your homemade gin, let your creativity guide you. Juniper berries are a must-have, providing the classic piney flavour that defines gin. 

Beyond juniper, consider adding botanicals such as coriander seeds, citrus peels, cardamom pods, lavender, or even unconventional choices like rose petals, fresh ginger root or lemongrass. The possibilities are endless, so don't hesitate to experiment with different combinations until you find the perfect blend that suits your taste preferences.

The Infusion Process:

Infusing vodka with botanicals is where the magic truly happens. To begin, gather your chosen botanicals and add them to a clean, airtight container. There's no strict recipe to follow here, feel free to adjust the quantities based on your personal preferences and desired flavour profile. 

Once your botanical blend is assembled, pour your vodka over the botanicals, ensuring that they are fully submerged. Seal the container tightly and place it in a cool, dark place to infuse. The duration of the infusion process can vary depending on the potency of your chosen botanicals and your desired flavour intensity. As a general guideline, aim for anywhere from 24 hours to several weeks, tasting periodically until you achieve the desired flavour profile.

Straining and Bottling:

Once the infusion period is complete, it's time to strain your homemade gin to remove the spent botanicals and sediment. Line a fine mesh strainer with cheesecloth or a coffee filter and carefully pour the infused vodka through the strainer into a clean container. 

Press gently on the botanicals to extract any remaining liquid, then discard the spent ingredients in your composter 

Your homemade gin is now ready to be bottled and enjoyed. Transfer the strained gin into glass bottles or jars, ensuring that they are clean and airtight to preserve the freshness of your creation. Don't forget to label your bottles with the date of creation and the botanicals used, it's always satisfying to look back on your flavour experiments.

Crafting your own gin at home using vodka as a base is a rewarding and creative endeavor that allows you to tailor your spirits to your exact specifications. Whether you prefer a classic London dry style or a more adventurous botanical blend, the possibilities for experimentation are endless. 

With a bit of patience and a willingness to explore different flavours, you can create unique and delicious gins that rival those found on supermarket shelves or in your pub. 

So gather your botanicals, pour yourself a glass of creativity, and embark on the journey of homemade gin-making. Cheers to the art of craft distilling!

Also, we'll let you know how our first batch of gin goes. Wish us luck!

Thursday 21 March 2024

Introducing James May Gins

James May is a TV Presenter, automotive enthusiast, musician (Pendle College, Lancaster University, where he studied flute and piano) and the landlord of a pub in Wiltshire. And now he has entered the world of gin making.

But rather than just sticking his face on a bottle of gin made by someone else, he took the different, more honest path of crafting his very own uniquely different gin flavours. 

His range of savoury gins tested by the enthusiastic customers at the pub he co-owns in Wiltshire, has garnered numerous awards, is now available in 41 countries, constantly sells out and has even been deemed good enough to go in the fish batter at the pub. 

Mostly famed for presenting Top Gear and The Grand Tour, James, with West Countryman Gus Colquhoun and Hugh Anderson of Downtown Distillery, has created a range of truly remarkable and utterly original gins using combinations of botanicals that no-one has ever even considered before, such as -parsnip, mustard and beetroot. 

Each of his gins are based on ideas from James' love of cooking and experience of global travelling. His first flavour, Asian Parsnip combines British parsnips with a hint of exotic spices. 

His latest, London Drizzle, aims to recreate the uniquely British feeling of rain on a damp London summer's day. All things the British public, plus, as it turns out, a fairly large wodge of American Gin Drinkers, are keen to try. 

A little bit of history. In September 2020 James became co-owner of The Royal Oak Swallocliffe in Wiltshire.

He thought it might be a great idea to create a gin for his customers. James has travelled extensively during his TV career and as a consequence, experienced a vast range of foods and flavour combinations in some fairly interesting locations. 

His thinking was that as he enjoyed experimenting with cooking, so why not experiment with gin? Local man Hugh's nano-distillery is about half an hour from James' pub, and many hours were spent experimenting with different flavours.

Said James: “Originally, I'd intended to make enough to sell in the pub. But Hugh suggested a run of 1,000 litres, about 1420 bottles. That's quite a lot for a village pub, so we decided to put the gin for sale online as a signed, numbered limited edition. 

"Amazingly, it sold out within days, rather than the few years I'd anticipated. Our experiment has since turned into a gin-fuelled monster. Like most things involving gin, it got a bit out of hand.”

Flavours available include: Asian Parsnip, American Mustard and London Drizzle.

To learn more and to buy visit