Saturday 12 November 2022

Moo Free Chocolates but not taste free!

Moo Free Chocolates may well be "moo" free, but they are most certainly not taste free.

When I tasted Moo Free Chocolates there was absolutely no way that I could tell that it was not dairy free. It has an excellent bite, an excellent level of mouthfeel and an utterly dreamy and very creamy taste to it.

Also Moo Free work very hard to be a "green" brand using only the choicest Rainforest Alliance and organic cocoas, only sourced from suppliers who make absolutely certain that employment standards are adhered to and that no child workers are exploited.

Incidentally they are justifiably proud of their employment policies, employing a wide mixture of people including people with autism and dyslexia because they believe in giving everyone the opportunities they deserve.

And their packaging is recyclable and their plastic is 100% recycled. Also if you buy online the package filler they use are made from corn and are biodegradable.

We feel that Moo Free will make excellent Christmas presents for the lactose intolerant and the vegetarians and vegans in your life.  

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