Wednesday 10 August 2022

Bug Lives Matter. To all of us

Wildlife like earthworms, ladybirds and bees don't normally have a voice. But now they do, which is due to a new petition launched in advance of Organic September, which is asking the next Prime Minister of the UK to take action to save nature in their first 100 days in government.

On behalf of nature, the Organic Trade Board (OTB) is requesting the new PM to make a commitment to protecting wildlife in any policies that they implement and represents the UK at the vitally important UN Biodiversity Conference (COP15) in December.

Not only are insects a vital part of a balanced ecosystem, providing food for other animals and recycling nutrients, they also play an essential role in our global food system. One in three mouthfuls of food depends on pollinators and without pollinators we wouldn't have potatoes, strawberries, tomatoes, coffee, chocolate or cotton.

Popular children's author and illustrator, Kate Pankhurst, a relation of Suffragette Emmeline Pankhurst, was the first person to sign the petition. She has thrown her support behind the campaign, also creating an illustration to depict insects holding placards in protest against harmful pesticides and fertilisers that are often sprayed on crops,  which is leading to their decline. 

Said Kate: “As a mum of two, and an author and illustrator of children's books, I'm obviously passionate about preserving nature to ensure the next generations have a beautiful and thriving planet to enjoy in the future. 

"I hope other people around the UK will join me in signing this petition to help give nature a voice.”

The theme for this year's Organic September  is “Nature would choose organic”, which reflects that if wildlife such as bees, earthworms and ladybirds had a voice, they would want all farming to be organic to help keep the delicate ecosystem in balance.

Cristina Dimetto, General Manager of the Organic Trade Board (OTB), said: “Organic farming works with nature, not against it, encouraging natural predators like ladybirds and pollinators like bees and butterflies rather than spraying harmful pesticides. As a result, on average, plant, insect and bird life is 50% more abundant on organic farms. There are up to seven times more wild bees in organic grain fields. So if nature did have a voice - it would choose organic. 

“If pesticides were substituted for more sustainable farming practices (like organic), this could slow or reverse the decline in insects. The hope is that even tiny insect-sized steps can make a big difference when it comes to keeping nature's crucial keyworkers thriving.”

For more information visit and to sign the petition head to

That's Food and Drink has already signed the petition, we ask all of our lovely, kind and wonderful readers to sign it, too!

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