Wednesday 3 July 2024

The Health Benefits of DIY Flavoured Water Recipes

In a world where sugary drinks and artificial beverages dominate supermarket shelves, it's easy to overlook the simplest and healthiest hydration option: water. 

However, plain water can sometimes feel monotonous, making it tempting to reach for a fizzy drink or juice instead. 

Enter DIY flavoured water, a delightful and refreshing alternative that not only tastes fantastic but also offers numerous health benefits. Here's why you should consider making your own flavoured water at home.

1. Hydration with a Twist

Staying hydrated is essential for overall health, from regulating body temperature to aiding digestion and maintaining healthy skin. By adding natural flavours to your water, you're more likely to increase your water intake. Flavouring water with fruits, herbs, and vegetables can make hydration more enjoyable and encourage you to drink more throughout the day.

2. Goodbye to Sugary Drinks

One of the biggest benefits of DIY flavoured water is that it helps reduce your consumption of sugary beverages. Many commercial drinks, such as sodas and juices, are loaded with added sugars, which contribute to weight gain, tooth decay, and a host of other health issues. By creating your own flavoured water, you control exactly what goes into your drink, eliminating the unnecessary sugars and artificial additives.

3. Boosted Nutrient Intake

Adding ingredients like fruits, vegetables, and herbs to your water can provide additional nutrients and antioxidants. For example, adding slices of cucumber and mint not only gives your water a refreshing taste but also infuses it with vitamins and minerals. Citrus fruits such as lemons, limes, and oranges are rich in vitamin C, which can help boost your immune system.

4. Aids in Digestion

Certain ingredients used in flavoured water can help improve digestion. Ginger, for instance, is known for its digestive benefits, including reducing nausea and aiding in digestion. Lemon water is another popular choice that can stimulate the digestive tract and support healthy digestion.

5. Weight Management

Flavoured water can be a great tool for weight management. Drinking water before meals can help control your appetite and prevent overeating. Additionally, by replacing high-calorie sugary drinks with low-calorie flavoured water, you can significantly reduce your daily calorie intake, aiding in weight loss or maintenance.

6. Improved Skin Health

Staying well-hydrated is crucial for maintaining healthy skin. Water helps to flush out toxins and keeps your skin hydrated and plump. Adding antioxidant-rich ingredients like berries or citrus fruits to your water can further enhance these benefits, promoting clearer and more radiant skin.

7. Customisation and Variety

One of the best parts about DIY flavoured water is the endless possibilities for customisation. You can experiment with different combinations of fruits, herbs, and vegetables to find your favourite flavours. Some popular combinations include:

Lemon and mint

Cucumber and basil

Strawberry and lime

Orange and rosemary

Blueberry and lavender

This variety can keep your taste buds excited and make drinking water a pleasurable experience.

How to Make Your Own Flavoured Water

Creating your own flavoured water at home is incredibly simple. Here's a basic guide to get you started:

Choose Your Ingredients: Select fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs. Make sure they are thoroughly washed.

Prep Your Ingredients: Slice fruits and vegetables thinly to allow their flavours to infuse quickly. Lightly bruise herbs to release their oils.

Add to Water: Place your chosen ingredients in a jug or glass of cold water. You can also use a water bottle with an infuser if you prefer.

Let It Infuse: For the best flavour, let your water infuse in the fridge for at least 2 hours. You can also leave it overnight for a stronger taste.

Enjoy: Pour yourself a glass and enjoy your refreshing and healthy flavoured water.

In conclusion, DIY flavoured water is a fantastic way to enhance your hydration habits, reduce sugar intake, and enjoy a host of health benefits. It's easy to make, customisable, and a delicious alternative to plain water. So, grab some fresh ingredients and start experimenting with your own recipes today! Your body will thank you for it.

Craft Beer Tasting Tips and Etiquette: A Guide for Enthusiasts

Craft beer has taken the UK by storm, with microbreweries and taprooms popping up in every corner of the country. 

Whether you're a seasoned aficionado or a curious novice, understanding the nuances of beer tasting can enhance your experience and deepen your appreciation for this versatile beverage. 

Here are some essential tips and etiquette to guide you through the art of craft beer tasting.

1. Start with the Right Glassware

Using the proper glass can significantly impact your tasting experience. Different styles of beer are best enjoyed in specific types of glasses that highlight their unique characteristics. For instance:

Pint Glass (Nonic or Shaker): Ideal for most British ales and lagers.

Tulip Glass: Perfect for Belgian ales and high-ABV (alcohol by volume) beers, as it captures the aromas and maintains the head.

Snifter: Best for strong, aromatic beers like barleywines and imperial stouts.

Weizen Glass: Designed for wheat beers, allowing for a large, foamy head and enhancing the aromas.

2. Check the Beer’s Appearance

Before you take your first sip, take a moment to observe the beer’s appearance. Look at the colour, clarity, and head (the foam on top). A beer's colour can range from pale yellow to deep black, giving you hints about its malt content and flavour profile. Clarity can indicate filtration methods, while the head can tell you about the beer's carbonation and retention.

3. Engage Your Sense of Smell

A significant portion of tasting involves your sense of smell. Swirl the beer gently in your glass to release its aromas, then take a few short sniffs. Notice the different scents: malt, hops, yeast, and any additional ingredients like fruit or spices. Each beer style has its own aromatic profile, so take your time to savour the complexities.

4. Savour the Flavour

Take a small sip and let the beer linger on your palate. Notice the initial flavours, the mid-palate sensations, and the aftertaste. Pay attention to the balance between sweetness and bitterness, the presence of any fruity or spicy notes, and the overall mouthfeel (how the beer feels in your mouth, such as creamy, dry, or fizzy).

5. Cleanse Your Palate

Between tasting different beers, it's a good idea to cleanse your palate. Water and plain crackers are effective for this purpose. This helps prevent the flavours of one beer from influencing your perception of the next.

6. Mind Your Pace

Pacing yourself is crucial during a tasting session, especially when sampling high-ABV beers. Take your time to enjoy each beer and avoid rushing through the experience. This not only helps you appreciate the nuances of each brew but also prevents overindulgence.

7. Respect Serving Temperatures

Different beers are best enjoyed at specific temperatures. Generally, lighter beers like lagers and pale ales are served colder (around 4-7°C), while stronger, maltier beers like stouts and barleywines benefit from slightly warmer temperatures (10-13°C). Serving beer at the correct temperature enhances its flavour and aroma.

8. Share Your Thoughts

Tasting beer is a social experience. Share your impressions with friends or fellow enthusiasts. Discussing the flavours and characteristics can deepen your understanding and make the experience more enjoyable. Remember, everyone’s palate is different, so there are no right or wrong answers.

9. Respect the Brewery and Venue

When visiting a brewery or taproom, follow the venue’s guidelines and show respect for their staff and patrons. If you’re unsure about something, ask politely. Brewers and staff are often happy to share their knowledge and recommendations.

10. Stay Hydrated and Eat Well

Drinking water throughout your tasting session is essential to stay hydrated. Additionally, pairing beer with food can enhance your experience. Many taprooms offer food pairings or allow you to bring your own. Experiment with different combinations to see how they affect the flavours of the beer.

Final Thoughts

Craft beer tasting is an art that combines sensory exploration with social interaction. By following these tips and etiquette guidelines, you can elevate your tasting experience and develop a deeper appreciation for the craft. Cheers to discovering new brews and enjoying the rich world of craft beer!

Exploring Innovative Avenues in Plant-Based Cuisine

The plant-based culinary movement has surged in recent years, capturing the imaginations of chefs, food enthusiasts, and health-conscious individuals alike. 

Gone are the days when plant-based cuisine was synonymous with bland tofu and uninspired salads.

Today, the realm of plant-based food is a vibrant tapestry of flavours, textures, and creativity. 

Here, we explore some of the most exciting new trends and innovations transforming plant-based cuisine in the UK and beyond.

1. Fermentation: The Ancient Art Making a Comeback

Fermentation, a time-honoured method of food preservation, is experiencing a renaissance in plant-based cuisine. This process not only extends the shelf life of vegetables but also enhances their nutritional value and flavour. Fermented foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, and tempeh are becoming staples in the plant-based pantry.

Innovative Applications:

Fermented Cashew Cheese: A creamy, tangy alternative to traditional dairy cheese, made by fermenting cashew nuts with probiotics.

Miso-Infused Vegetables: Root vegetables and greens take on a new dimension when fermented with miso paste, adding umami depth to dishes.

2. Aquafaba: The Magic Bean Water

Aquafaba, the liquid from canned chickpeas, has revolutionised plant-based baking and cooking. This humble byproduct can be whipped into stiff peaks, making it an excellent substitute for egg whites.

Innovative Applications:

Aquafaba Meringues: Light and airy meringues, indistinguishable from their egg-based counterparts, perfect for pavlovas and Eton mess.

Egg-Free Mayonnaise: A creamy, rich mayonnaise made with aquafaba, offering the same texture and taste as traditional mayo.

3. Jackfruit: The Meat Substitute Hero

Jackfruit, a tropical fruit with a fibrous texture, has gained popularity as a versatile meat substitute. Its ability to mimic the texture of pulled pork or shredded chicken makes it a favourite among those seeking hearty, satisfying plant-based meals.

Innovative Applications:

Jackfruit Tacos: Spiced and sautéed jackfruit, served in soft tortillas with fresh salsa and avocado.

Jackfruit "Crab" Cakes: Flavoured with seaweed and Old Bay seasoning, these cakes offer a plant-based twist on a seafood classic.

4. Plant-Based Seafood: The New Frontier

With growing concerns about overfishing and sustainability, plant-based seafood alternatives are making waves. Companies are developing fish-free versions of popular seafood items that not only taste great but are also kinder to our oceans.

Innovative Applications:

Banana Blossom "Fish" and Chips: Banana blossoms, marinated and battered, offer a convincing fish texture, perfect for a plant-based take on this British classic.

Algal Oil Omega-3 Supplements: Derived from algae, these supplements provide the same benefits as fish oil without harming marine life.

5. Local and Seasonal: The Sustainable Choice

Embracing local and seasonal produce is not only environmentally friendly but also ensures the freshest and most flavourful ingredients. The UK's rich agricultural landscape offers a bounty of vegetables and fruits that change with the seasons, allowing for endless culinary creativity.

Innovative Applications:

Root Vegetable Pies: Utilising seasonal root vegetables like parsnips, carrots, and swedes in hearty, comforting pies.

Berry-Filled Desserts: Showcasing the summer's best berries in tarts, crumbles, and compotes.

6. Edible Flowers and Microgreens: Adding Flair and Flavour

Edible flowers and microgreens are more than just pretty garnishes. They add unique flavours, textures, and nutritional benefits to dishes, elevating plant-based cuisine to new heights.

Innovative Applications:

Flower-Infused Syrups: Lavender, rose, and elderflower syrups can enhance drinks, desserts, and savoury dishes.

Microgreen Salads: Packed with intense flavours and nutrients, microgreens can transform a simple salad into a gourmet experience.


The evolution of plant-based cuisine is a testament to human ingenuity and our growing commitment to health, sustainability, and culinary excellence. As we continue to explore and innovate, plant-based food promises to be not just an alternative but a celebration of the diverse, delicious potential of the plant kingdom. 

So whether you're a lifelong vegan, a curious flexitarian, or simply someone who loves good food, there's never been a better time to dive into the exciting world of plant-based cuisine.

Celebrating World Chocolate Day on July 7th: A Sweet Delight

July 7th marks a day that every chocolate lover eagerly awaits - World Chocolate Day! 

This annual celebration is a global homage to one of the most beloved treats, offering a delightful excuse to indulge in all things chocolate. 

Whether you’re a fan of dark, milk, or white chocolate, this day provides the perfect opportunity to savour your favourite confectionery.

The History of World Chocolate Day

World Chocolate Day commemorates the introduction of chocolate to Europe in 1550. Initially enjoyed as a luxury beverage, chocolate has evolved over centuries into a diverse range of delightful products. 

From bars and truffles to hot chocolate and cakes, its versatility is unparalleled. Celebrating this day allows us to appreciate both the rich history and the evolving artistry of chocolate-making.

Ways to Celebrate World Chocolate Day

1. Indulge in a Chocolate Tasting

Why not treat yourself to a chocolate tasting session? Pick a variety of chocolates, including different types and brands, to experience the full spectrum of flavours. Pay attention to the texture, aroma, and taste of each piece. You might discover a new favourite!

2. Bake a Chocolatey Treat

Baking enthusiasts can use this day to whip up some delicious chocolate recipes. Whether it’s a classic chocolate cake, brownies, or cookies, homemade treats add a personal touch to the celebrations. For an extra twist, try incorporating unusual ingredients like chilli, sea salt, or even bacon into your chocolate creations.

3. Visit a Chocolatier

If you prefer to leave the culinary skills to the experts, visit a local chocolatier. Many offer tours and tastings that provide insights into the art of chocolate-making. Supporting local businesses also helps keep the craft alive and thriving.

4. Share the Love

Chocolate is best enjoyed with others. Host a chocolate-themed party or simply share your favourite chocolate treats with friends and family. You could also surprise a loved one with a beautifully wrapped box of chocolates.

5. Learn About Chocolate Production

Take the time to learn about the journey from cocoa bean to chocolate bar. Understanding the production process and the effort that goes into creating high-quality chocolate can deepen your appreciation. Many documentaries and articles explore the ethical aspects of chocolate production, including fair trade practices.

Fun Facts About Chocolate

Ancient Roots: Chocolate has been consumed for over 3,000 years, starting with the ancient Mesoamerican cultures who drank a bitter beverage made from cocoa beans.

Health Benefits: Dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants and has been linked to numerous health benefits, including improved heart health and cognitive function.

Chocolate Money: The Maya and Aztec civilizations used cocoa beans as currency, highlighting their value and significance in ancient times.


World Chocolate Day is more than just a celebration of a tasty treat; it’s an opportunity to appreciate the history, craftsmanship, and joy that chocolate brings to our lives. Whether you choose to indulge solo, bake up a storm, or share the experience with others, make sure to savour every moment. After all, life is too short to say no to chocolate!

So, on July 7th, let’s raise a piece of chocolate and toast to this delicious day. Happy World Chocolate Day!

Cooperatives Building a Better Future for All: The Role of British Food Cooperatives

This year, on July 6, cooperatives around the world will celebrate the International Day of Cooperatives with the theme "Cooperatives Building a Better Future for All." 

In the UK, food cooperatives play a crucial role in realising this vision by fostering community resilience, promoting sustainability, and ensuring equitable access to quality food. 

As we celebrate this day, it is essential to recognise how British food cooperatives contribute to building a better future for all.

Community Resilience

British food cooperatives, such as the Bristol Food Union and Manchester's Unicorn Grocery, are deeply embedded in their local communities. These cooperatives provide a platform for local farmers and producers to sell their goods directly to consumers, fostering a sense of community and mutual support. By prioritising local produce, these cooperatives reduce the distance food travels from farm to table, ensuring fresher and more nutritious options for consumers while supporting local economies.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many food cooperatives demonstrated remarkable resilience. They adapted quickly to changing circumstances, implementing home delivery services and contactless payment systems to ensure continued access to food. This adaptability underscores the importance of cooperatives in building robust, community-based food systems that can withstand crises.

Promoting Sustainability

Sustainability is at the heart of the cooperative movement. British food cooperatives often prioritise environmentally friendly practices, such as organic farming, reduced packaging, and waste reduction initiatives. For instance, the Edinburgh Food Cooperative focuses on providing organic, plastic-free, and ethically sourced products to its members, promoting a more sustainable lifestyle.

Cooperatives alo play a crucial role in educating consumers about sustainable practices. By offering workshops, seminars, and community events, they help raise awareness about the environmental impact of food choices and encourage more sustainable consumption patterns. This educational role is vital in driving the broader societal shift towards sustainability.

Ensuring Equitable Access

One of the fundamental principles of cooperatives is equity. British food cooperatives strive to make healthy, quality food accessible to all, regardless of income. Many cooperatives implement sliding scale pricing or offer membership discounts to ensure that everyone can benefit from their services.

Moreover, food cooperatives often engage in initiatives aimed at addressing food insecurity. For example, the Community Shop in Barnsley operates a food cooperative model that provides surplus food at reduced prices to low-income families. Such initiatives not only address immediate food needs but also empower communities by offering opportunities for volunteering and skill-building.

Building a Cooperative Economy

Beyond their immediate impact on food systems, British food cooperatives are part of a broader movement towards a cooperative economy. This model prioritises democratic governance, where members have a say in decision-making processes. By giving individuals a voice and a stake in their local economy, cooperatives foster a sense of ownership and responsibility.

The cooperative model also promotes economic fairness. Profits generated by food cooperatives are typically reinvested into the community or used to improve services, rather than being distributed to external shareholders. This approach ensures that the benefits of economic activity are shared more equitably.


As we celebrate the International Day of Cooperatives with the theme "Cooperatives Building a Better Future for All," it is clear that British food cooperatives are integral to this mission. By fostering community resilience, promoting sustainability, ensuring equitable access to food, and building a cooperative economy, they are making significant strides towards a better future. Supporting and participating in local food cooperatives is a tangible way for individuals to contribute to this vision, creating a more resilient, sustainable, and equitable food system for all.

Innovative Ways to Fry Eggs: Celebrating National Sidewalk Egg Frying Day

Every year, on July 4th, Americans celebrate National Sidewalk Egg Frying Day, a quirky and fun holiday where people test the sun’s intensity by attempting to fry eggs on pavements. 

While this may seem a bit odd to us in the UK, it's a fascinating way to engage with cooking and science.

Here, we’ve put together a list of innovative and delightful methods to fry eggs, perfect for those who want to celebrate the spirit of this unusual day without necessarily needing the scorching heat of an Arizona sidewalk.

1. Solar-Powered Egg Frying

Embrace renewable energy by using a solar cooker. Solar cookers concentrate sunlight to create high temperatures, making them perfect for frying eggs. They’re eco-friendly and quite effective, especially on a sunny day.

What You Need:

A solar cooker or a large magnifying glass

A metal pan



Set up your solar cooker or position your magnifying glass to focus sunlight on the pan.

Allow the pan to heat up for a few minutes.

Crack your eggs into the pan and watch them sizzle under the power of the sun.

2. Hot Stone Frying

Take a cue from ancient cooking techniques and use a flat, smooth stone. This method is not only natural but also imparts a unique flavour to the eggs.

What You Need:

A flat stone (around 30 cm in diameter)

Firewood or a barbecue grill



Heat the stone over a fire or on a barbecue until it's very hot.

Carefully place the hot stone on a heatproof surface.

Crack your eggs onto the stone and let them cook.

3. Car Bonnet Frying

On an exceptionally hot day, your car’s bonnet can double as a frying surface. This method combines the fun of National Sidewalk Egg Frying Day with a bit of British charm.

What You Need:

A hot car bonnet

Aluminium foil or a metal tray



Park your car in direct sunlight.

Cover a section of the bonnet with aluminium foil or place a metal tray on it.

After the bonnet has heated up, crack your eggs onto the foil or tray and watch them cook.

4. Electric Kettle Frying

For a more controlled environment, try using an electric kettle with a flat heating surface. This method is convenient and great for a quick fry.

What You Need:

An electric kettle with a flat heating element

Cooking spray or butter



Spray the heating surface with cooking spray or melt a bit of butter.

Turn on the kettle to heat the surface.

Once hot, crack your eggs onto the surface and fry until done.

5. Reflective Umbrella Frying

This method uses a reflective umbrella to focus sunlight onto a frying pan, creating a mini solar cooker.

What You Need:

A reflective umbrella (aluminium-coated works well)

A metal pan



Position the reflective umbrella to concentrate sunlight onto the pan.

Place the pan in the focused light and let it heat up.

Crack your eggs into the pan and enjoy the sun-cooked result.

6. Hair Straightener Frying

For an unconventional indoor method, a hair straightener can serve as a makeshift frying tool.

What You Need:

A hair straightener

Aluminium foil



Fold a piece of aluminium foil into a small tray shape that fits between the hair straightener plates.

Preheat the straightener.

Crack a small egg or separate yolks into the foil tray and carefully close the straightener to cook the egg.


Whether you’re looking to embrace the sunny outdoors or find a creative indoor approach, these innovative methods of frying eggs bring a bit of fun and experimentation to your kitchen. As we commemorate National Sidewalk Egg Frying Day, let’s celebrate the joy of cooking in unique ways and perhaps even invent a few of our own traditions. Happy frying!

Incidentally, we suggest these ideas for your amusement. Not for you to try at home!

Embracing Sustainable Gastronomy: A Guide to a Greener Plate

In recent years, the term "sustainable gastronomy" has become increasingly popular. But what does it truly mean, and how can we incorporate it into our daily lives? 

Sustainable gastronomy is about choosing foods and cooking methods that promote environmental, economic, and social well-being. It's about making mindful decisions that benefit our planet and future generations.

The Principles of Sustainable Gastronomy

Local Sourcing: One of the cornerstones of sustainable gastronomy is using locally sourced ingredients. 

This reduces the carbon footprint associated with transporting food over long distances. In the UK, this means visiting local farmers' markets, subscribing to vegetable box schemes, or even growing your own produce.

Seasonality: Eating seasonally ensures that food is fresher, tastier, and more nutritious. Seasonal foods are often less expensive and more environmentally friendly because they don’t require the same level of artificial heating, lighting, and transportation.

Reducing Food Waste: Food waste is a significant issue. In the UK, households throw away around 6.6 million tonnes of food waste every year. Planning meals, using leftovers creatively, and composting organic waste can dramatically reduce this.

Plant-Based Eating: Incorporating more plant-based meals into your diet is another excellent way to practise sustainable gastronomy. Livestock farming is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, so reducing meat consumption can have a significant positive impact.

Ethical Choices: Choosing products that are Fairtrade, organic, or come from sources that practise humane animal treatment ensures that our food choices support ethical and sustainable farming practices.

Practical Steps to Embrace Sustainable Gastronomy

Plan Your Meals: Create a weekly meal plan based on seasonal produce. This not only helps reduce food waste but also makes grocery shopping more efficient.

Shop Locally: Explore farmers’ markets, farm shops, and local butchers. Not only will you be supporting local businesses, but you'll also enjoy fresher and often cheaper produce.

Grow Your Own: Even a small garden or a few pots on a balcony can yield herbs, vegetables, and fruits. This can be a rewarding way to ensure your food is as fresh and local as possible.

Be Mindful of Portions: Serving appropriate portions helps reduce waste. If you do end up with leftovers, get creative with them. Yesterday’s roast vegetables can become today’s hearty soup.

Learn Preservation Techniques: Preserving food through methods like pickling, fermenting, and drying can extend the life of seasonal produce, ensuring you can enjoy it long after the season has ended.

Compost: Composting organic waste reduces the amount of rubbish sent to landfills and provides nutrient-rich soil for your garden.

A Sustainable Recipe to Try

Seasonal Vegetable Soup


1 tablespoon olive oil

2 onions, chopped

2 carrots, chopped

2 parsnips, chopped

1 leek, sliced

2 potatoes, cubed

1 litre vegetable stock

2 bay leaves

Fresh herbs (thyme, parsley, or rosemary), chopped

Salt and pepper to taste


Heat the olive oil in a large pot over medium heat. Add the onions and cook until soft.

Add the carrots, parsnips, leek, and potatoes. Cook for a few more minutes, stirring occasionally.

Pour in the vegetable stock and add the bay leaves. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for 20-25 minutes, or until the vegetables are tender.

Remove the bay leaves. Use an immersion blender to partially blend the soup, leaving some chunks for texture.

Stir in the fresh herbs and season with salt and pepper to taste.

This simple, hearty soup highlights the flavours of seasonal vegetables and demonstrates how easy it can be to cook sustainably.


Sustainable gastronomy is about more than just food; it’s a lifestyle choice that supports a healthier planet. By making conscious decisions about what we eat and how we cook, we can enjoy delicious meals while contributing to a more sustainable future. Let's start making those changes today, one meal at a time.

The Best Rosé Wines for Summer Drinking in Britain

Summer in Britain brings with it long, warm evenings, garden parties, and barbecues. 

One of the best companions for these leisurely summer activities is a refreshing glass of rosé wine. 

With its light, fruity flavour and stunning pink hue, rosé is the perfect summer wine. Here are some of the best rosé wines to enjoy this summer in Britain.

Whispering Angel

Whispering Angel, produced in the Provence region of France, has become synonymous with high-quality rosé. This wine is known for its delicate flavours of red berries, citrus, and a hint of peach. 

Its crisp acidity and dry finish make it incredibly refreshing, perfect for a hot summer's day. Whispering Angel pairs beautifully with seafood, salads, and light pasta dishes.

Miraval Rosé

Another Provençal gem, Miraval Rosé, is produced by the famous estate owned by Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. This rosé offers a complex bouquet of strawberry, white flowers, and a touch of herbs. Its balanced acidity and minerality make it an elegant choice for summer sipping. Miraval is excellent on its own or paired with Mediterranean cuisine.

Chapel Down English Rosé

For a homegrown option, Chapel Down English Rosé is a superb choice. Produced in the picturesque vineyards of Kent, this rosé showcases the best of British winemaking. With notes of strawberries, cream, and a hint of rose petal, it offers a delightful taste of summer. Chapel Down English Rosé is perfect for enjoying with smoked salmon, chicken dishes, or simply as an aperitif.

Minuty Rosé

Château Minuty Rosé, another Provence favourite, is known for its light, fresh, and vibrant character. It boasts flavours of peach, melon, and a touch of grapefruit. This rosé's lively acidity and smooth finish make it an ideal companion for al fresco dining. Pair it with grilled fish, fresh salads, or a charcuterie board for a delightful summer meal.

Domaine Ott Château de Selle Rosé

Domaine Ott Château de Selle Rosé is a luxurious option for those looking to indulge. This wine offers a sophisticated blend of citrus, white peach, and floral notes, with a subtle hint of spice. Its complexity and elegance make it a standout choice for special summer occasions. Enjoy it with lobster, scallops, or a creamy risotto for a truly memorable meal.

Ultimate Summer Rosé Tips

To get the most out of your rosé this summer, here are a few tips:

Serve it chilled: Rosé is best enjoyed at a temperature between 7-13°C. This helps to enhance its refreshing qualities.

Use the right glass: A tulip-shaped wine glass is ideal for rosé, as it helps to concentrate the aromas and flavours.

Store it properly: Keep your rosé in a cool, dark place and consume it within a year of purchase to enjoy its freshness.

Pair it wisely: Rosé is versatile, but it shines when paired with light, summery dishes. Think seafood, salads, and grilled vegetables.


Whether you're lounging in the garden, hosting a barbecue, or simply enjoying a quiet evening, a glass of rosé is the perfect summer drink. From the renowned vineyards of Provence to the burgeoning wine regions of Britain, there's a rosé for every palate and occasion. Cheers to a summer filled with the best rosé wines Britain has to offer!

Enjoyed this blog post? Share your favourite rosé wines and summer pairings in the comments below!

Embrace the Seasons: Cooking with Seasonal Produce

As we navigate through the year, the changing seasons offer an ever-evolving bounty of fresh produce. 

Cooking with seasonal ingredients not only enhances the flavours of our dishes but also supports local farmers and reduces our carbon footprint. 

In the UK, each season brings its own unique harvest, offering an array of fruits and vegetables that are at their peak in terms of taste and nutritional value.

 Here’s a guide to making the most of what each season has to offer, with a few recipe ideas to get you started.

Spring: A Fresh Start

Spring is a time of renewal and growth. As the days get longer and the weather warms, the first crops of the year begin to appear. Look out for:

Asparagus: This tender vegetable is a true springtime treat. Try roasting it with a drizzle of olive oil and a sprinkle of sea salt for a simple yet delicious side dish.

Rhubarb: Perfect for desserts, rhubarb’s tartness pairs wonderfully with sweeter fruits like strawberries. A classic rhubarb crumble is a must-try.

New Potatoes: These small, waxy potatoes are delicious simply boiled and tossed with butter and fresh herbs.

Recipe Idea: Spring Vegetable Risotto


300g asparagus, trimmed and cut into bite-sized pieces

150g peas (fresh or frozen)

1 onion, finely chopped

2 cloves garlic, minced

300g Arborio rice

1 litre vegetable stock

125ml white wine

50g Parmesan cheese, grated

2 tbsp olive oil

Fresh mint and parsley, chopped


Heat the olive oil in a large pan and sauté the onion and garlic until soft.

Add the rice and stir for a couple of minutes until it’s well coated with the oil.

Pour in the white wine and stir until it’s mostly absorbed.

Begin adding the stock, one ladle at a time, stirring frequently and waiting until each addition is absorbed before adding more.

After about 15 minutes, add the asparagus and peas.

Continue adding stock and stirring until the rice is creamy and cooked through.

Stir in the Parmesan cheese and fresh herbs before serving.

Summer: A Burst of Flavour

Summer brings an abundance of vibrant and juicy produce. It’s the perfect time to enjoy:

Tomatoes: At their sweetest in the summer months, they’re perfect for salads, sauces, and salsas.

Courgettes: Versatile and prolific, they can be grilled, stuffed, or turned into zoodles (courgette noodles).

Berries: Strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries are all at their best. Enjoy them fresh or use them in desserts like Eton mess or summer pudding.

Recipe Idea: Grilled Courgette and Tomato Salad


2 courgettes, sliced lengthways

4 large tomatoes, sliced

100g feta cheese, crumbled

Handful of fresh basil leaves

2 tbsp olive oil

1 tbsp balsamic vinegar

Salt and pepper to taste


Preheat the grill to high.

Brush the courgette slices with olive oil and season with salt and pepper.

Grill the courgette slices for 2-3 minutes on each side until tender and slightly charred.

Arrange the courgette and tomato slices on a serving platter.

Drizzle with olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

Scatter the feta cheese and basil leaves over the top before serving.

Autumn: A Harvest Feast

As the weather cools, the autumn harvest brings a wealth of hearty and flavourful produce. Look out for:

Pumpkins and Squashes: Perfect for soups, stews, and roasting.

Apples and Pears: Great for baking and making preserves.

Cabbage and Kale: These leafy greens are packed with nutrients and can be used in a variety of dishes.

Recipe Idea: Roasted Pumpkin Soup


1 small pumpkin, peeled and cubed

2 carrots, chopped

1 onion, chopped

2 cloves garlic, minced

1 litre vegetable stock

2 tbsp olive oil

1 tsp ground cumin

1 tsp ground coriander

Salt and pepper to taste

Fresh coriander for garnish


Preheat the oven to 200°C.

Toss the pumpkin and carrots with olive oil, cumin, coriander, salt, and pepper.

Spread the vegetables on a baking tray and roast for 25-30 minutes until tender.

In a large pot, sauté the onion and garlic until soft.

Add the roasted vegetables and vegetable stock to the pot.

Bring to a simmer and cook for 10 minutes.

Blend the soup until smooth and adjust seasoning to taste.

Garnish with fresh coriander before serving.

Winter: Warming Comforts

Winter’s chill calls for hearty, warming dishes made with robust seasonal produce. Look for:

Root Vegetables: Carrots, parsnips, and turnips are excellent for roasting and stews.

Brussels Sprouts: Often misunderstood, these can be delicious when roasted or sautéed with bacon.

Leeks: Perfect for soups and pies, leeks add a subtle, sweet flavour.

Recipe Idea: Root Vegetable Stew


2 carrots, chopped

2 parsnips, chopped

1 turnip, chopped

1 leek, sliced

2 potatoes, chopped

1 litre vegetable stock

2 tbsp olive oil

2 cloves garlic, minced

1 tsp thyme

1 tsp rosemary

Salt and pepper to taste


Heat the olive oil in a large pot and sauté the garlic and leeks until soft.

Add the carrots, parsnips, turnip, and potatoes, and cook for a few minutes.

Add the thyme, rosemary, salt, and pepper.

Pour in the vegetable stock and bring to a simmer.

Cook for 30-40 minutes until the vegetables are tender.

Adjust seasoning to taste before serving.

Cooking with seasonal produce not only enriches our meals with the freshest flavours but also keeps us connected to the natural cycles of the year. By celebrating the best of what each season has to offer, we can enjoy a varied and delicious diet all year round. Happy cooking!

First Steps in Cooking with Aromatics: A Guide for the Home Chef

Cooking is an art, and like any art, it requires the right tools and techniques. One of the most essential techniques to master is the use of aromatics. 

These flavourful ingredients are the foundation of many dishes, providing depth, complexity, and irresistible aromas that make any meal special. 

In this blog post, we'll explore the basics of cooking with aromatics.

What Are Aromatics?

Aromatics are ingredients that release a rich fragrance when cooked, enhancing the overall flavour profile of a dish. Common aromatics include onions, garlic, leeks, shallots, celery, and a variety of herbs and spices such as thyme, rosemary, bay leaves, and peppercorns. These ingredients are typically used as a base for soups, stews, sauces, and many other savoury dishes.

Essential Aromatics for Your Kitchen

Onions: A staple in British kitchens, onions come in several varieties, including white, yellow, and red. Each type offers a slightly different flavour, but all add sweetness and depth when sautéed or caramelised.

Garlic: Known for its pungent aroma and robust flavour, garlic is a must-have in any cook’s arsenal. It can be minced, sliced, or crushed to release its oils and enhance the taste of your dishes.

Leeks: These mild, sweet members of the onion family are perfect for soups and stews. Be sure to clean them thoroughly, as soil often hides between their layers.

Celery: Often used in conjunction with onions and carrots to create a mirepoix, a traditional flavour base in many recipes. Celery adds a subtle bitterness and a pleasant crunch.

Herbs and Spices: Fresh or dried, herbs like thyme, rosemary, bay leaves, and parsley, along with spices like black pepper, provide an aromatic backdrop to many dishes. Fresh herbs should be added towards the end of cooking to preserve their flavour, while dried herbs can be added earlier.

Getting Started: Basic Techniques

Mise en Place: Before you start cooking, gather and prepare all your ingredients. This French term means "everything in its place" and ensures a smooth cooking process.

Sautéing: This is the most common method for releasing the flavours of aromatics. Heat a tablespoon or two of olive oil or butter in a pan over medium heat. Add your chopped onions and cook until they are translucent. Follow with garlic, which cooks more quickly and can burn if added too soon. Stir frequently to prevent sticking.

Sweating: This technique involves cooking aromatics over low heat with a little oil or butter. The goal is to soften them without browning, allowing their natural sugars to develop and their flavours to meld. This method is perfect for soups and stews.

Caramelising: For a deeper, sweeter flavour, allow your onions to cook slowly until they turn a deep golden brown. This can take up to 30 minutes but adds a wonderful complexity to dishes like French onion soup or caramelised onion tarts.

Infusing: Adding whole herbs or spices to hot oil or butter releases their flavours into the fat, which then permeates the entire dish. This technique is often used at the beginning of cooking, particularly in Indian and Middle Eastern cuisines.

Simple Recipe: Classic British Onion Soup


2 tablespoons unsalted butter

1 tablespoon olive oil

4 large onions, thinly sliced

2 cloves garlic, minced

1 teaspoon sugar

1 tablespoon plain flour

1.5 litres beef stock

125ml dry white wine

Salt and pepper to taste

Fresh thyme, a few sprigs

1 bay leaf

4 slices of baguette, toasted

100g grated Gruyère cheese


In a large pot, melt the butter with the olive oil over medium heat. Add the sliced onions and cook, stirring occasionally, until they are soft and golden brown. This should take about 25 minutes.

Add the minced garlic and sugar, and cook for a further 5 minutes, stirring constantly.

Sprinkle the flour over the onions and cook for another 2 minutes. This will thicken the soup slightly.

Gradually add the beef stock and wine, stirring well to combine. Add the thyme and bay leaf, then season with salt and pepper to taste.

Bring the soup to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for 20 minutes. Remove the thyme sprigs and bay leaf before serving.

Ladle the soup into bowls, top each with a slice of toasted baguette, and sprinkle with Gruyère cheese. Place under a hot grill until the cheese is melted and bubbly.

Cooking with aromatics is a fundamental skill that can transform your culinary creations. By understanding how to properly use these ingredients, you’ll be able to build flavours that are rich, complex, and deeply satisfying. 

Whether you’re making a simple soup or an elaborate stew, aromatics are the key to making your dishes shine. Happy cooking!