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Showing posts with label vonunteer. Show all posts

Friday 7 June 2024

Embracing Community Support: Why Families Shouldn't Feel Ashamed of Using Foodbanks. And how you can help

In recent years, foodbanks have become an increasingly essential part of our communities. As economic challenges persist, more families find themselves turning to these vital resources to ensure they have enough to eat. 

Despite the growing necessity, a sense of shame often surrounds the use of foodbanks. However, it's crucial to understand that seeking help from a foodbank is not a sign of failure or inadequacy. Here are several reasons why families should not feel ashamed of using foodbanks.

1. A Reflection of Economic Reality

The need for foodbanks often stems from broader economic issues rather than personal failure. Job insecurity, low wages, and the rising cost of living contribute to financial strain on families. According to the Trussell Trust, the number of food parcels distributed in the UK has significantly increased over the past decade. This trend highlights a systemic issue that affects countless individuals and is not a reflection of personal shortcomings.

2. A Testament to Resourcefulness

Turning to a foodbank demonstrates resourcefulness and a proactive approach to ensuring your family's well-being. Seeking assistance when needed is a practical and sensible decision. It shows that you are doing everything within your power to provide for your loved ones, which is commendable.

3. Community and Solidarity

Foodbanks are a testament to the strength and solidarity of our communities. They are often staffed by volunteers who are eager to support their neighbours. Utilising a foodbank is participating in a community effort to ensure that no one goes hungry. It is a collective endeavour that strengthens community bonds and fosters a spirit of mutual support.

4. Breaking the Stigma

The stigma surrounding foodbank use is rooted in outdated and harmful notions about poverty and self-reliance. By using and openly discussing foodbanks, families can help to normalise seeking help and challenge these stereotypes. This can pave the way for more significant societal change and a better understanding of the complexities of economic hardship.

5. Ensuring Health and Well-being

Access to nutritious food is a basic human right and is crucial for maintaining health and well-being. Foodbanks play a vital role in bridging the gap when families are unable to afford adequate nutrition. Prioritising your family's health by using a foodbank is a responsible and necessary action.

6. Advocating for Change

Every family that uses a foodbank adds to the narrative that poverty and food insecurity are pressing issues that need to be addressed. This collective voice can drive policy changes and inspire action from those in power. By using a foodbank, families contribute to a larger movement advocating for economic justice and social support systems.


No family should feel ashamed of using a foodbank. These vital resources are a lifeline for many and are indicative of the communal spirit and support that define our society. Embracing the help offered by foodbanks is a step towards ensuring the health and well-being of your family while contributing to a broader push for systemic change. It is time to shift the narrative and recognise the strength, resilience, and solidarity that come with seeking and accepting help.

To learn where your your nearest foodbank is or to find out how to volunteer or make a donation visit