Thursday 23 May 2024

Sizzling Summer: A Guide to Meat-Free BBQing

As the warm summer days stretch out before us, the allure of a BBQ is irresistible. The smoky scent, the charred flavours, and the joy of al fresco dining are all part of the quintessential British summer experience. 

However, if you're looking to embrace a meat-free lifestyle or simply want to explore some vegetarian and vegan options, you might be wondering how to make your BBQ just as delicious and satisfying without the meat.

Fear not! Here’s a guide to help you create a mouth-watering meat-free BBQ feast that everyone will love.

1. The Foundation: Grilled Vegetables

Vegetables are the stars of a meat-free BBQ. They’re vibrant, full of flavour, and lend themselves beautifully to grilling. Here are some favourites:

Bell Peppers: Sweet and colourful, these are perfect for skewers.

Courgettes (Zucchini): Slice them lengthwise and grill until tender.

Aubergine (Eggplant): Thick slices or rounds, brushed with olive oil and herbs.

Mushrooms: Portobello mushrooms make a fantastic, hearty burger substitute.

Corn on the Cob: Simply grill with a bit of butter or plant-based spread.

2. Innovative Plant-Based Proteins

There’s a wide array of plant-based proteins that can hold their own on the BBQ:

Veggie Burgers: Available in a variety of flavours, from black bean to beetroot. Look for ones that can withstand the grill.

Tofu: Firm tofu, marinated and grilled, can be incredibly flavourful.

Tempeh: This fermented soy product has a firm texture and a nutty taste, perfect for grilling.

Seitan: Made from wheat gluten, seitan has a chewy texture that mimics meat well.

3. Skewers and Kebabs

Skewers are a BBQ staple and are incredibly versatile. Mix and match your favourite veggies, plant-based proteins, and fruits for a colourful and tasty treat. Here’s a simple combination to get you started:

Cherry tomatoes

Bell peppers

Red onions

Pineapple chunks

Marinated tofu or halloumi (for a vegetarian option)

Brush with olive oil and sprinkle with salt, pepper, and your favourite herbs before grilling.

4. Sauces and Marinades

A good marinade can elevate your BBQ game. Here are a few ideas:

Lemon and Herb: Perfect for veggies and tofu. Combine lemon juice, olive oil, garlic, and mixed herbs.

Spicy BBQ: A smoky, spicy BBQ sauce works wonders with veggie burgers and grilled mushrooms.

Soy-Ginger: Ideal for tofu and tempeh. Mix soy sauce, ginger, garlic, and a touch of maple syrup.

5. Sides and Salads

No BBQ is complete without a selection of sides:

Potato Salad: A classic, which can be made with vegan mayo.

Coleslaw: Crunchy and refreshing, again opt for a vegan mayo if needed.

Grilled Bread: Brushed with olive oil and garlic, perfect for mopping up sauces.

Mixed Green Salad: Light and refreshing, with a tangy vinaigrette.

6. Sweet Endings

Finish your BBQ with a sweet treat:

Grilled Fruit: Pineapple, peaches, and bananas caramelise beautifully on the grill.

Vegan Ice Cream: Serve with grilled fruit for a delightful contrast of hot and cold.

Tips for a Successful Meat-Free BBQ

Preheat the Grill: Ensure your grill is hot before adding your food to get those perfect char marks.

Use Foil or Grill Baskets: For smaller veggies or delicate items, to prevent them from falling through the grates.

Keep an Eye on Cooking Times: Veggies and plant-based proteins often cook quicker than meat.

Hosting a meat-free BBQ doesn’t mean sacrificing flavour or enjoyment. With a little creativity and some fresh ingredients, you can create a spread that’s both delicious and satisfying. So, fire up the grill, invite your friends and family, and enjoy a sumptuous meat-free BBQ this summer!

Happy grilling and happy meat free chomping!

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