Thursday 5 October 2023

People are more likely to choose healthier or non-alcoholic drinks in 2024

People are more ‘sober curious’ and thus are more likely to choose healthier, more sustainable and ‘premium’ drinks, according to recent research by EHL Hospitality Business School, the world’s best hospitality management university with campuses in Switzerland and Singapore.

Megatrends for the upcoming year are most likely to centre around healthier, cleaner, more sustainable and socially responsible drinks, and movements like mindful drinking have been gaining popularity. Similarly, functional healthy beverages are also on the rise.

With people being more mindful of their health, it makes sense they're also looking to improve their mental well-being, too.

As a result, CBD-infused relaxation drinks are one of the top trends predicted for the upcoming year. Whilst CBD drinks, of course, can’t get you ‘high’, they can help you relax, and are renowned for their anti-inflammatory properties, too. 

Other trends include bubble-tea, the Taiwanese drink; or sustainably made and packaged drinks, like boxed wine (yes, boxed wines are making a comeback). Not only is it making a comeback, industry experts are having to come around to the idea boxed wine does not always mean poor quality due to the sustainable and economic benefits of boxed wines.

In terms of “functional healthy beverages”, drinks such as kefir or kombucha seem to be a trend that's here to stay. Gut health is a trending conversation, which helped the fermented beverage industry to see a financial growth over $1 billion, a 5% increase.

Premium drinks are also getting in on the action, with many spirit companies releasing canned cocktails ready for immediate consumption. And for those who aren’t fans of cocktails, drinks like gin and tonic are now readily available in a can, too.

The remainder of 2023 looks to be one filled with a more holistic balance, EHL says, with consumers now having a large variety of drinks to choose from to help them on their sober or health journey, without having to sacrifice flavour or authenticity.

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