Thursday 19 October 2023

Exploring the Delicious Diversity of American Cheese Styles

When we think of cheese, France, Italy, Switzerland, the UK and Ireland often come to mind. 

But the United States has quietly been making a name for itself in the world of cheese. With a rich history and a growing artisanal cheese industry, American cheese is more diverse and delicious than you might realise. 

In this blog post, we will take a journey through some of the most popular and unique American cheese styles that are making their mark on the global culinary stage.

Cheddar: A Classic American Staple

Cheddar cheese is a true American classic. Its origins can be traced back to English settlers who brought the cheese-making tradition with them to the New World. Today, American cheddar comes in various styles, from mild and creamy to sharp and crumbly. Vermont and Wisconsin are known for their exceptional cheddar, but it's produced in many states. Cheddar's versatility makes it perfect for sandwiches, mac and cheese, or a simple cheese platter.

Monterey Jack: California's Creamy Treasure

Monterey Jack, originally hailing from California, is another American favourite. It's a semi-soft, mild cheese known for its smooth texture and delicate, buttery flavour. Some varieties include jalapeño or pepper jack, which add a spicy kick to your dishes. Monterey Jack's versatility extends to melting beautifully on burgers and in Tex-Mex dishes.

Colby: A Mellow, Creamy Delight

Colby cheese, named after the town of Colby, Wisconsin, is a mild, semi-soft cheese that is often compared to cheddar. It boasts a smooth and creamy texture with a slightly milder flavour. Colby cheese is a popular choice for sandwiches and snacking, and it also pairs wonderfully with fruits and nuts.

Blue Cheese: Bold and Tangy

Blue cheese has a strong presence in American cheese culture, thanks to varieties like Roquefort and Gorgonzola. Point Reyes Blue from California and Maytag Blue from Iowa are excellent domestic choices. Blue cheese is famous for its pungent aroma and distinctive blue veins, which result from the introduction of specific moulds during the cheese-making process. It's a bold choice for salads, dressings, or as a standalone cheese.

Swiss Cheese: Holes and All

Swiss cheese, with its iconic holes (known as "eyes"), is a delightful American cheese style. The most famous Swiss cheese in the United States is likely baby Swiss, which has smaller eyes and a slightly creamier texture. Swiss cheese is often used in sandwiches, quiches, and fondue, but it also makes a great snacking option.

American Cheese: The Melting Hero

American cheese is perhaps the most recognisable American cheese style. Although it's often associated with processed slices, there are artisanal American cheese makers crafting high-quality, aged American cheese. This style is excellent for melting, making it a real must for classic grilled cheese sandwiches and cheeseburgers.

Goat Cheese: The Creamy Elegance

Goat cheese has gained popularity in recent years and is now a prominent American cheese style. It's known for its creamy texture and tangy, earthy flavour. American goat cheese comes in various forms, from soft and spreadable to aged and crumbly. It's a superb choice for salads, pastas, or as a spread on a charcuterie board.

American cheese styles are as diverse as the country itself, ranging from the classics like cheddar to the more unique flavours of blue cheese and goat cheese. The American cheese scene is thriving, with artisanal producers creating high-quality cheeses that can compete on the global stage. Whether you're a cheese connoisseur or just starting your cheese journey, there's a wide array of American cheeses waiting to be explored, tasted, and enjoyed. So, go ahead, and indulge in the delicious diversity of American cheese styles, and savour the flavours that America has to offer.

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