Showing posts with label recipe book. Show all posts
Showing posts with label recipe book. Show all posts

Sunday 23 June 2024

Celebrating National Writing Day: Preserving Family Recipes

Are you going to save recipes from older members of your family?
As we celebrate National Writing Day on Sunday 23 June, it is the perfect opportunity to embark on a project that is both meaningful and rewarding: organising a family recipe collection. 

Writing down your cherished family recipes is not only a way to preserve culinary traditions but also a means to celebrate the rich tapestry of your family’s history and culture.

This blog post will guide you through the process of creating a family recipe collection that can be published on the web or in printed book form.

Why Collect Family Recipes?

Family recipes are more than just instructions for preparing food. They are a link to our past, a way to remember loved ones, and a means to pass on traditions to future generations. Each recipe carries with it stories of family gatherings, celebrations, and everyday meals shared around the table. By documenting these recipes, you are preserving a piece of your family’s heritage.

Getting Started

Gathering Recipes:

Begin by reaching out to family members and asking them to share their favourite recipes. This could include grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. Encourage them to include any special notes or stories related to the recipe.

Choosing a Format:

Decide whether you want to create a digital collection, a printed book, or both. Each format has its own advantages. A digital collection is easily shareable and can be updated regularly, while a printed book offers a tangible keepsake that can be passed down through generations.

Organising the Recipes:

Sort the recipes into categories such as starters, mains, sides, and desserts. You might also want to include sections for beverages, sauces, and special occasions. Consider including an index for easy navigation.

Writing and Designing

Standardising Measurements:

Ensure all recipes use the same measurement system. In the UK, it's now common to use metric measurements (grams, litres) and temperatures in Celsius. If any recipes are in imperial units, or use American Cups, convert them to metric for consistency.

Writing Clear Instructions:

Write the recipes in a clear, easy-to-follow format. Include a list of ingredients with exact measurements and step-by-step instructions. Mention any tips or variations that can enhance the dish.

Adding Personal Touches:

Include photos of the finished dishes, family gatherings, and the people who contributed the recipes. Adding personal anecdotes or stories about the recipes can make the collection more engaging and memorable.

Publishing Your Collection

Digital Publishing:

Create a website or a blog to share your recipes. Platforms like WordPress, Squarespace, or Wix offer user-friendly templates that can make your collection look professional. You can also use social media to share recipes and connect with a wider audience.

Printed Books:

If you prefer a printed book, there are various online services like Blurb, Lulu, or even local printing companies that can help you design and print your recipe book. Choose a high-quality binding and paper to ensure the book lasts for years to come.

Sharing with Family:

Once your collection is complete, share it with your family members. Whether it's a digital link or a printed book, this collection will be a cherished gift that brings everyone closer together.


National Writing Day is a celebration of the written word, and what better way to celebrate than by preserving your family's culinary legacy? By organising a family recipe collection, you are not only documenting delicious dishes but also creating a treasure trove of memories and traditions. So, gather your recipes, write them down, and share them with the world. Happy National Writing Day!