Sunday 25 August 2024

Why pubs, restaurants, cafes, hotels, nursing homes and hospitals should NEVER use eco settings on dishwashing machines

Is your dishwashing machine a health risk?
In today’s world, where sustainability and energy efficiency are at the forefront of many business decisions, it’s tempting for pubs, restaurants, cafes, hotels and nursing homes, etc to opt for the lower eco settings on their dishwashing machines. 

After all we have had the ideal of "saving the environment" rammed down our throats for the past several decades.

These settings are often marketed as a way to reduce energy consumption and water usage, which can be appealing both from an environmental perspective and in terms of cost savings. 

However, when it comes to maintaining cleanliness and high standards of hygiene, choosing lower eco settings can be a costly and potentially dangerous mistake.

Hygiene Should Always Be a Priority

The primary purpose of a dishwashing machine in any food establishment is to ensure that all dishes, glasses, and utensils are thoroughly cleaned and sanitised. 

This is not just about removing visible dirt but also about eliminating harmful bacteria and pathogens that can cause foodborne illnesses. (Lower temperature dishwashing often leaves lipstick marks on glasses and particles of food stuck to cutlery or plates.)

Lower eco settings typically use cooler water temperatures and shorter wash cycles, which may not be sufficient to kill these harmful microorganisms.

The UK Food Standards Agency (FSA) sets out clear guidelines for the temperature and conditions required to sanitise food contact surfaces effectively. 

For most commercial dishwashers, this means reaching temperatures of at least 82°C during the final rinse cycle. Lower eco settings often fail to meet these requirements, leading to the risk of inadequate sanitation and potential health hazards for customers and staff alike.

Reputation and Customer Trust

For any pub, restaurant hotel or nursing home, the trust of its customers and service users is invaluable. Patrons expect a high level of cleanliness, and any lapses can quickly damage a business's reputation. 

Instances of food poisoning or even minor cases of stomach upset linked to your establishment can lead to bad reviews, loss of customers, and even legal action. 

Maintaining high hygiene standards by using the appropriate dishwashing settings is a fundamental way to protect your reputation and ensure customer safety. After all, it's not rocket science, it's just good hygiene practices. 

The False Economy of Lower Eco Settings

While the immediate cost savings of using lower eco settings might seem attractive, the long-term consequences can be far more expensive. Health issues stemming from poor hygiene can result in hefty fines, compensation claims, and a loss of business. Furthermore, the costs associated with dealing with a health and safety violation can far outweigh any savings made on energy bills. 

Additionally, the potential need to rewash items that aren’t properly cleaned or sanitised on the first pass also negates any initial savings. Inefficiencies like these can lead to increased water usage and energy consumption over time, defeating the purpose of the eco settings in the first place. And could cause blockages in drains and sewers helping to cause so-called fatbergs.

The Role of Proper Maintenance

It’s also worth noting that a well-maintained dishwashing machine is more efficient, even when operating on higher settings. Regular maintenance and servicing ensure that the machine runs optimally, preventing breakdowns and ensuring that it cleans effectively at the necessary high temperatures. 

This further underscores the importance of investing in proper care for your equipment rather than cutting corners with lower eco settings.

A Balanced Approach to Sustainability

Sustainability is undoubtedly important, and pubs and restaurants can still take steps to reduce their environmental impact without compromising hygiene. Investing in energy-efficient appliances that still meet health and safety standards, training staff on efficient dishwashing practices, and reducing overall water and energy use elsewhere in the business are all effective strategies.

Ultimately, the health and safety of your customers should always come first. By ensuring that dishwashing machines are used on settings that guarantee proper sanitation, pubs and restaurants can maintain the highest standards of cleanliness, protect their reputation, and promote long-term sustainability in a responsible way.

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