Tuesday 2 July 2024

Refreshing Non-Alcoholic Drinks for Summer BBQs and Picnics

Summer is the perfect time for BBQs and picnics, bringing friends and family together to enjoy good food and great company. While the food often takes centre stage, the right drink can elevate the experience. 

Non-alcoholic drinks are a brilliant way to keep everyone refreshed and hydrated without the potential pitfalls of alcohol. 

Here, we explore a variety of non-alcoholic beverages, both commercially available and homemade, that are ideal for summer gatherings.

Commercially Available Non-Alcoholic Drinks

Sparkling Water with a Twist

Sparkling water is a staple at any summer gathering. Brands like Perrier, San Pellegrino, and LaCroix offer a variety of flavoured options that add a hint of fruit without overpowering the palate. These are perfect for those who want something light and fizzy.


This fermented tea has gained popularity for its unique flavour and probiotic benefits. Brands like Brew Dr., Remedy, and Captain Kombucha offer an array of flavours from ginger lemon to berry hibiscus. Kombucha is not only refreshing but also great for gut health.

Iced Teas

Bottled iced teas come in a myriad of flavours. Lipton, Arizona, and Fuze offer options ranging from classic lemon and peach to more exotic blends like hibiscus and pomegranate. These are a great alternative to sugary soft drinks.

Fruit Juices and Smoothies

For those who prefer something sweet, commercially available fruit juices and smoothies are excellent choices. Brands like Innocent, Tropicana, and Naked provide delicious and nutritious options. Look for those with no added sugars for a healthier choice.

Homemade Non-Alcoholic Drinks

Classic Lemonade

A quintessential summer drink, homemade lemonade is easy to make and incredibly refreshing. Simply combine freshly squeezed lemon juice, water, and a touch of sugar. For a twist, add some mint leaves or a splash of sparkling water.


1 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice (about 4-6 lemons)

946.ml  cold water

94g sugar (adjust to taste)

Ice and mint leaves for garnish

Fruit-Infused Water

Infusing water with fruits is a simple way to add a burst of flavour without extra calories. Combine sliced fruits like strawberries, oranges, cucumbers, and herbs such as mint or basil in a large jug of water. Let it sit for a few hours in the fridge to allow the flavours to meld.

Iced Herbal Teas

Brew your favourite herbal teas and let them cool. Teas like hibiscus, chamomile, or peppermint can be sweetened with a bit of honey or agave syrup and served over ice. Adding slices of lemon or berries can enhance the flavour.

Non-Alcoholic Sangria

This vibrant and fruity drink is perfect for summer parties. Combine a mix of fruit juices (like orange and pomegranate), sparkling water, and a variety of chopped fruits (such as apples, oranges, and berries) in a large pitcher. Let it chill for a few hours before serving.


474ml orange juice

237ml pomegranate juice

474ml sparkling water

1 apple, cored and chopped

1 orange, sliced

1 cup mixed berries

Ice for serving

Coconut Water and Fruit Mocktail

Coconut water is hydrating and naturally sweet. Mix it with pineapple juice and a splash of lime for a tropical treat. Garnish with a slice of pineapple or a cherry for a festive touch.

Tips for Serving Non-Alcoholic Drinks

Keep it Cold: Use plenty of ice and consider pre-chilling glasses and jugs.

Presentation Matters: Serve drinks in attractive pitchers or dispensers. Garnish with fresh fruit slices, herbs, or edible flowers to add visual appeal.

Offer Variety: Provide a range of options to cater to different tastes and dietary preferences.

Non-alcoholic drinks can be just as exciting and flavourful as their alcoholic counterparts. Whether you opt for commercially available options or whip up homemade creations, these beverages will keep your guests refreshed and satisfied during your summer BBQs and picnics. Enjoy the season with these delightful and hydrating drinks!

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