Showing posts with label hotdogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hotdogs. Show all posts

Monday 5 June 2023

SRSLY Low Carb Launches Large Torpedo-Shaped Hotdog Rolls for BBQ Season

The month of June sees SRSLY Low Carb launching its next keto-friendly bread offering in the shape of a torpedo shaped hotdog roll that has all the taste and texture of a traditional hotdog roll, but which has an impressive protein count and only a fraction of the 'lazy' carbs you'd get in a traditional, wheat-based hot dog roll.

Says SRSLY Low Carb founder, Andy Welch: "By utilising the enviable protein prowess of egg, pea protein and wheat gluten we've managed to create a BBQ ready roll that offers only a miserly 1.3 carbs per roll, which is significantly less (90%) than their everyday alternatives.  Better than that each rolls offers 12g of protein, which is 170% more protein and 400% more fibre than a typical off-the-shelf bready hot dog holder.

According to SRSLY founder, Andy Welch, "When we travel up and down the country attending consumer events like Ketofest and IFE it's great to talk to both new converts and committed die-hards about what's missing from our range. 

"Consistently conversations have turned to us creating hot dog rolls that are not only immeasurably healthier but keep you fuller-for-longer.  

"We're proud to have a created yet another superb bready alternative that over-indexes in taste without causing the sugar crash so commonly associated with everyday white bread offerings."