Showing posts with label camping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label camping. Show all posts

Wednesday 26 June 2024

Top Tips for Food and Drink When Camping: What to Take With You and How to Keep Them Safe

Camping in the British countryside is a delightful way to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life, reconnect with nature, and enjoy the great outdoors. 

One crucial aspect of a successful camping trip is ensuring you have the right food and drink and knowing how to keep them safe and fresh. 

Here are some top tips to help you prepare for your next adventure.

1. Plan Your Meals

Before you head out, plan your meals for each day. Consider easy-to-cook and non-perishable items that don’t require refrigeration. A well-thought-out meal plan will ensure you have enough food and reduce waste.


Breakfast: Porridge oats, granola, and long-life milk.

Lunch: Pre-made sandwiches, wraps, and salads in airtight containers.

Dinner: Tinned meals, pasta, rice, and quick-cook grains.

Snacks: Nuts, dried fruit, energy bars, and biscuits.

2. Opt for Non-Perishable Items

Non-perishable food items are ideal for camping because they don't spoil quickly and don’t require refrigeration.


Tinned beans, soups, and vegetables.

Instant noodles and packet soups.

Dehydrated meals.

UHT milk and juice.

3. Use a Cool Box or Cooler Bag

For items that need to stay cool, such as dairy products, meat, or pre-prepared meals, invest in a good quality cool box or cooler bag. Use ice packs or frozen water bottles to maintain a low temperature. Make sure to pack your cooler bag correctly, placing perishable items at the bottom and layering ice packs throughout.

4. Safe Water Storage

Clean drinking water is essential. Bring enough bottled water for drinking, cooking, and cleaning, or invest in a portable water filter if you plan to source water from streams or lakes.

Tip: Store water bottles in a shaded area to keep them cool and prevent the plastic from degrading in the sun.

5. Proper Food Storage

Keep your food in sealed containers to prevent pests and wildlife from getting to it. Use airtight plastic or metal containers and store them in a secure, shaded place away from your sleeping area.

6. Hygienic Practices

Maintaining hygiene while camping is crucial to prevent foodborne illnesses. Wash your hands with biodegradable soap and water before handling food. Use hand sanitiser if water is scarce.

7. Cooking Equipment

Bring a portable camping stove or a small BBQ grill. Make sure you have enough fuel for your trip. Don’t forget essential cooking utensils like a pot, pan, spatula, and a can opener.

Tip: Consider a camping kettle for making tea or coffee – a comforting treat in the morning chill.

8. Easy Clean-Up

Pack biodegradable rubbish bags to collect waste and take it with you when you leave. Use a small washing-up bowl, biodegradable soap, and a sponge for cleaning dishes.

9. Mind the Temperature

Pay attention to the temperature during your trip. If it’s particularly hot, check your cooler more frequently and replace ice packs as needed. On colder nights, ensure your food doesn’t freeze, especially liquids.

10. Enjoying Local Produce

If camping near a village or town, consider purchasing local produce to support small businesses. Fresh bread, local cheeses, and regional specialities can add a delightful touch to your meals.

Sample Meal Plan for a Weekend Trip

Day 1:

Breakfast: Instant porridge with dried fruit.

Lunch: Tuna wraps with pre-chopped veggies.

Dinner: Tinned chilli con carne with rice.

Day 2:

Breakfast: Granola with long-life milk.

Lunch: Quinoa salad with tinned beans.

Dinner: Instant noodles with dehydrated vegetables.

Day 3:

Breakfast: Breakfast biscuits and a piece of fruit.

Lunch: Tinned soup with crusty bread.

Dinner: BBQ sausages with instant mash.

By following these tips, you can ensure a delightful and safe camping experience with delicious meals to fuel your adventures. Happy camping!