Thursday 13 June 2024

Discovering Japan: Foods and Groceries from Amazon’s New Japan Store

Japan, a country renowned for its rich culinary heritage and exquisite flavours, offers a tantalising array of foods that can now be conveniently delivered to your doorstep, thanks to Amazon’s new Japan Store. 

This online marketplace has made it easier than ever for those of us in the UK to indulge in authentic Japanese groceries without leaving home. Here’s a peek at some of the culinary treasures you can find.

1. Savoury Snacks

Japanese snacks are a world unto themselves, blending traditional tastes with innovative twists. On Amazon’s Japan Store, you’ll find favourites like Pocky – those delightful chocolate-coated biscuit sticks that come in a variety of flavours, including matcha and strawberry. Another popular choice is Senbei, traditional rice crackers that can be sweet or savoury, often wrapped in a thin layer of seaweed.

2. Instant Ramen

Instant ramen is a staple of Japanese convenience cuisine, and the offerings from brands like Nissin and Maruchan go far beyond your typical supermarket fare. Varieties include rich, creamy tonkotsu (pork bone broth), spicy miso, and shoyu (soy sauce) ramen, each delivering a satisfying, authentic taste of Japan.

3. Traditional Sweets

For those with a sweet tooth, Japan’s confectionery scene is a wonderland. Mochi – soft, chewy rice cakes filled with sweet red bean paste or fruit flavours – are a must-try. You’ll also find Dorayaki, fluffy pancake-like sweets filled with anko (sweet red bean paste), and a range of KitKat bars in exotic flavours such as matcha green tea, wasabi, and sakura (cherry blossom).

4. Seasoning and Condiments

Japanese cooking is defined by its unique condiments and seasonings. Stock up on essentials like soy sauce, mirin (a sweet rice wine used in cooking), and miso paste. You’ll also find furikake, a seasoning blend often sprinkled over rice, which can include dried fish, sesame seeds, seaweed, and more. Kewpie mayonnaise, with its distinctively rich and tangy flavour, is another Japanese staple worth trying.

5. Rice and Noodles

No Japanese pantry is complete without high-quality rice and noodles. Amazon’s Japan Store offers premium sushi rice, perfect for making your own sushi rolls at home. You can also find soba (buckwheat noodles) and udon (thick wheat noodles), which are perfect for a variety of hot and cold dishes.

6. Tea and Beverages

Japanese tea culture is celebrated worldwide, and now you can easily purchase a range of authentic teas. Matcha, a finely ground powder of specially grown and processed green tea leaves, is renowned for its health benefits and unique flavour. You can also explore other traditional teas like sencha and genmaicha. For a refreshing drink, try Ramune, a popular carbonated beverage available in various fruity flavours.

7. Cooking Kits

If you’re new to Japanese cuisine, consider starting with a cooking kit. These kits often include all the ingredients and instructions needed to prepare traditional dishes such as sushi, takoyaki (octopus balls), or okonomiyaki (savoury pancakes). They’re a great way to explore new flavours and cooking techniques.


Amazon’s new Japan Store is a gateway to experiencing the diverse and delectable world of Japanese food from the comfort of your home. Whether you’re a seasoned fan of Japanese cuisine or a curious newcomer, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. From savoury snacks to authentic seasonings, these groceries bring the essence of Japan’s culinary artistry to your kitchen. So why not take a culinary journey to Japan today and discover the delightful flavours that await?

You can check the new Amazon Japan Store out here

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