Monday 8 July 2024

Starting Out in the World of Wine Making Using Kits: A Beginner's Guide

Having commenced in the field of winemaking by using two kits to make some Merlot and some Chardonnay style wines, for the first time ever, which my wife (who is a wine connoisseur) described as proof that I needed to start making more wine) I have decided That's Food and Drink needed to run a blogpost/feature on making wine at home using commercially available wine kits.

The allure of winemaking has captivated humanity for millennia, and for good reason. The process of transforming grapes into a fine bottle of wine is both an art and a science, steeped in tradition and ripe with opportunities for creativity. 

However, starting out in the world of winemaking can seem daunting, especially for those without access to vineyards or professional equipment. Fortunately, winemaking kits offer an accessible entry point for novices eager to embark on this delightful journey from the comfort of their own homes.

Why Choose a Wine Making Kit?

Winemaking kits are perfect for beginners for several reasons:

Convenience: Kits come with all the essential ingredients and instructions, simplifying the process considerably.

Affordability: Investing in a kit is much cheaper than purchasing professional-grade equipment and large quantities of grapes.

Consistency: Kits are designed to yield consistent results, making it easier for beginners to achieve success.

Education: Following the step-by-step instructions in a kit provides a solid foundation in the basics of winemaking.

What You'll Need

Most winemaking kits include the following components:

Concentrated Grape Juice: This is the primary ingredient, often from specific grape varieties to mimic the characteristics of classic wines.

Yeast: Essential for fermentation, turning sugar into alcohol.

Additives: These can include stabilisers, fining agents, and clarifiers to help improve the taste, clarity, and shelf life of the wine.

Instructions: A detailed guide to take you through each stage of the winemaking process.

In addition to the kit contents, you’ll need some basic equipment:

Fermentation Vessel: Usually a glass carboy/demijohn or a food grade plastic bucket.

Airlock: To allow gases to escape during fermentation while preventing contamination.

Siphoning Tubes: For transferring the wine between containers without disturbing the sediment.

Bottles and Corks: For storing your finished product.

The Winemaking Process


Sterilise all equipment thoroughly to prevent unwanted bacteria from spoiling your wine. Campden tablets are useful for this.

Mix the concentrated grape juice with water, as directed by the kit, in the fermentation vessel. 

Primary Fermentation:

Add the yeast to the mixture and seal the vessel with the airlock.

Place the vessel in a cool, dark place and allow the fermentation process to begin. This usually takes about one to two weeks.

Secondary Fermentation:

After the initial fermentation slows, transfer the wine to a secondary vessel using the siphoning tube.

This step helps clarify the wine and allows further fermentation and ageing.

Clarification and Stabilisation:

Add any clarifiers or stabilisers provided in the kit to the wine to improve its clarity and stability.

Allow the wine to rest for several weeks to months, as per the kit's instructions, during which time it will mature and develop its flavours.


Once the wine has aged to your satisfaction, siphon it into clean, sterilised bottles. A useful tip is to only use bottles that are capable of withstanding pressure for reasons of safety.

Cork the bottles and store them in a cool, dark place to continue ageing or prepare them for immediate enjoyment.

Tips for Success

Patience is Key: Good wine takes time. Rushing the process can result in poor flavour and clarity.

Cleanliness: Always keep your equipment clean and sanitised to prevent contamination.

Follow Instructions: Kits are designed with specific instructions for a reason. Adhering to these guidelines will help ensure a successful batch.

Experiment Gradually: Once you’re comfortable with the basics, feel free to experiment with different kits and techniques to develop your unique winemaking style.


Starting out in the world of winemaking using kits is an excellent way for beginners to explore this fascinating craft. With a little patience, attention to detail, and a willingness to learn, you’ll soon be savouring your very own homemade wine. Cheers to your winemaking journey!

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