Tuesday 2 April 2024

Mastering the Art of Air-Frying: Perfectly Roasted Potatoes

When it comes to comfort food, few dishes can rival the satisfaction of crispy, golden roast potatoes. Whether as a side dish for a Sunday roast or a delightful accompaniment to any meal, roast potatoes hold a special place in many culinary traditions. 

And now, with the advent of air fryers, achieving that perfect crunch has become even easier. Join me as we delve into the art of air-frying roast potatoes, ensuring every bite is a delicious delight.

Choosing the Right Potatoes:

First things first, selecting the right potatoes is crucial. Look for starchy varieties such as Maris Piper, King Edward, or Russets. These types of potatoes have a higher starch content, which helps achieve that fluffy interior and crispy exterior we crave.

Preparation is Key:

Start by washing and peeling your potatoes, then cut them into evenly sized chunks. This ensures uniform cooking and browning. Once cut, give them a thorough rinse to remove excess starch. Afterward, pat them dry with a kitchen towel to promote crispiness.

Parboiling for Perfection:

Parboiling your potatoes before air-frying is a game-changer. This step partially cooks the potatoes, allowing for a fluffy interior while ensuring the exterior crisps up beautifully. Simply place the potato chunks in a pot of boiling water for about 5-7 minutes, then drain and let them cool slightly.

Seasoning Sensation:

Now, let's talk about seasoning. While the classic combination of salt and pepper is always a winner, don't be afraid to experiment with herbs and spices. Rosemary, thyme, garlic powder, or paprika can elevate your roast potatoes to new heights. Toss the parboiled potatoes in your chosen seasoning along with a drizzle of olive oil, ensuring each piece is well coated.

Air-Frying Technique:

Preheat your air fryer to around 200°C (400°F). Once preheated, carefully place the seasoned potato chunks in the air fryer basket, making sure they're in a single layer with space between each piece. This allows for proper air circulation, resulting in even cooking and crispiness. Cook the potatoes for approximately 20-25 minutes, shaking the basket halfway through to ensure they cook evenly.

Finishing Touches:

Once the potatoes are golden brown and crispy, remove them from the air fryer and transfer them to a serving dish. Sprinkle with a pinch of sea salt for that final burst of flavor. Garnish with fresh herbs if desired, and serve hot alongside your favorite main course.


With the magic of air frying, achieving perfectly roasted potatoes has never been easier. By following these simple steps – from selecting the right potatoes to seasoning and air-frying technique – you'll be able to impress your friends and family with irresistibly crunchy roast potatoes every time. So, fire up your air fryer, and get ready to enjoy the ultimate comfort food experience. Happy cooking!

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