Showing posts with label souffle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label souffle. Show all posts

Friday 12 July 2024

The Ultimate Hack for a Perfect Microwave Soufflé

When you think of a soufflé, you might picture a delicate, fluffy dessert that seems daunting to master. But what if I told you that you could make a perfect soufflé right in your microwave? 

Yes, it's possible! Here’s a foolproof hack that will have you creating a light, airy soufflé in no time, without needing a traditional oven. 

Perfect for those moments when you're craving a sweet treat but don't want to spend ages in the kitchen.


50g dark chocolate (70% cocoa works best)

30g unsalted butter

1 egg yolk

1 egg white

15g caster sugar

A pinch of salt

Icing sugar, for dusting


Microwave-safe ramekin (approximately 8cm in diameter)


Mixing bowls

Electric whisk or hand whisk


Step-by-Step Guide:

Prepare Your Ramekin: Grease the inside of your ramekin with butter. This will help the soufflé rise evenly. For an added touch, you can dust the inside with a bit of caster sugar, which adds a nice texture to the outside of the soufflé.

Melt the Chocolate and Butter: Break the chocolate into small pieces and place them in a microwave-safe bowl with the butter. Microwave on medium power for 30-second intervals, stirring in between, until the chocolate and butter are completely melted and smooth.

Combine the Egg Yolk: Once the chocolate mixture has cooled slightly, stir in the egg yolk until well combined. Set this mixture aside.

Whisk the Egg White: In a separate, clean bowl, whisk the egg white with a pinch of salt until it starts to form soft peaks. Gradually add the caster sugar, continuing to whisk until the mixture forms stiff, glossy peaks. This step is crucial as it provides the soufflé with its signature rise and airy texture.

Fold in the Egg White: Gently fold one-third of the egg white mixture into the chocolate mixture using a spatula. This helps to lighten the chocolate mixture. Carefully fold in the remaining egg white, being gentle to avoid deflating the mixture.

Microwave Cooking: Pour the mixture into the prepared ramekin. Microwave on high power for 40-50 seconds. Cooking times can vary based on your microwave, so keep an eye on it. The soufflé should rise above the edge of the ramekin and be slightly wobbly in the centre.

Serve Immediately: Dust with icing sugar and serve immediately. A soufflé waits for no one, so enjoy it straight away while it’s still puffed up and warm.

Tips for Success:

Room Temperature Eggs: Ensure your eggs are at room temperature before you start. This helps achieve maximum volume when whisking the egg whites.

Gentle Folding: Be gentle when folding the egg whites into the chocolate mixture. The air you’ve incorporated into the whites is what makes the soufflé rise.

Watch the Time: Microwaves vary in power, so your soufflé might need a little less or a little more time. It’s better to undercook slightly rather than overcook, as the residual heat will continue to cook the soufflé once it’s out of the microwave.


Making a soufflé in the microwave might sound like a culinary cheat, but this method ensures you can enjoy a delectable dessert with minimal fuss. Impress your guests or treat yourself to a quick and luxurious indulgence. With this hack, you’ll have a perfect soufflé ready in just minutes. Happy cooking!

Tuesday 4 June 2024

Mastering Soufflés: A Quintessential British Delight

There’s something undeniably captivating about a perfectly risen soufflé. This light, airy creation, with its crisp exterior and delicate, melt-in-the-mouth interior, has a reputation for being notoriously tricky to master. 

However, with a bit of patience and the right techniques, you can produce a show-stopping soufflé that will leave your guests in awe. 

Here’s your comprehensive guide to mastering soufflés, using British ingredients to infuse a touch of homegrown charm into this classic dish.

The Foundations: Ingredients Matter

For a successful soufflé, quality ingredients are paramount. Here are the British ingredients you’ll need:

Eggs: Opt for free-range British eggs. The freshness of the eggs significantly impacts the texture of your soufflé.

Milk: Use full-fat milk from a local dairy. The richness of full-fat milk contributes to the creaminess of the soufflé base.

Butter: British butter, preferably unsalted, adds a lovely depth of flavour.

Flour: Choose plain flour; it’s the foundation of your roux.

Cheese: For a savoury soufflé, a mature Cheddar or Stilton works wonderfully. For a dessert soufflé, a touch of British clotted cream or a drizzle of local honey can add an extra layer of indulgence.

Sugar: Use caster sugar for its fine texture, which incorporates seamlessly into the mixture.

Step-by-Step Guide to a Perfect Soufflé

1. Preparing the Base

For a savoury soufflé:

Roux: Start by making a roux with 30g of butter and 30g of flour. Cook it gently until it forms a smooth paste.

Milk: Gradually add 300ml of warm milk to the roux, whisking continuously until you have a thick, smooth béchamel sauce.

Cheese: Remove from the heat and stir in 100g of grated mature Cheddar or Stilton until melted. Season with salt, pepper, and a touch of mustard powder for an extra kick.

For a sweet soufflé:

Base Mixture: Whisk together 30g of plain flour and 30g of caster sugar. Gradually add 300ml of warmed milk, stirring constantly until thickened.

Flavour: Add a touch of vanilla extract, a dollop of clotted cream, or a drizzle of honey for a rich, aromatic base.

2. Preparing the Moulds

Butter and Sugar: Generously butter your soufflé moulds, ensuring you cover every surface. For sweet soufflés, dust the insides with caster sugar. For savoury ones, use grated cheese.

Chill: Place the prepared moulds in the fridge. This helps the soufflé climb the sides evenly when baked.

3. Beating the Egg Whites

Room Temperature: Ensure your egg whites are at room temperature; they whip up more voluminously this way.

Clean Bowl: Use a clean, dry bowl. Any grease or residue will impede the whites from reaching their full volume.

Peaks: Beat the egg whites until they form stiff peaks. Add a pinch of cream of tartar or a squeeze of lemon juice to stabilise them.

4. Combining the Mixtures

Folding: Gently fold a third of the beaten egg whites into the base mixture to lighten it. Then carefully fold in the remaining whites, taking care not to deflate the mixture.

5. Baking

Temperature: Preheat your oven to 190°C (170°C fan). Place the soufflés on a baking tray and bake in the lower part of the oven.

Timing: Bake for 20-25 minutes for individual soufflés or 30-35 minutes for a large one. Do not open the oven door during baking, as the temperature drop can cause the soufflé to collapse.

Serving: Serve immediately as soufflés begin to deflate once removed from the oven. Accompany your savoury soufflé with a crisp salad or your sweet soufflé with a dusting of icing sugar and a dollop of clotted cream.

Tips for Success

Precision: Baking is a science. Measure your ingredients accurately and follow the steps diligently.

Confidence: Trust your instincts. Practice makes perfect, and with each attempt, you’ll gain more confidence in handling the delicate nature of soufflés.

Presentation: Soufflés are best enjoyed immediately. Gather your guests around the table just before you take them out of the oven to ensure they witness the soufflé in its full glory.

Mastering the art of soufflé-making can transform your culinary repertoire, impressing family and friends alike with this quintessentially British twist on a classic French delicacy. Happy souffle baking!