Showing posts with label picking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label picking. Show all posts

Thursday 30 May 2024

The Joy of Hedgerow Foraging: Making Delicious Homemade Fruit Cordials

As the seasons change, our countryside hedgerows transform into bountiful sources of fresh, wild fruits. 

From the brambles of late summer to the elderberries of early autumn, these natural treasures offer a unique opportunity to create something truly special: homemade fruit cordials. 

Not only do these cordials capture the essence of the seasons, but they also provide a delightful way to preserve the flavours of nature. Let’s explore how to forage responsibly and create your own delicious cordials at home.

Foraging: A Time-Honoured Tradition

Foraging is more than just a way to gather ingredients; it’s a tradition that connects us to our ancestors and the natural world. When done responsibly, it’s a sustainable way to enjoy the fruits of our local environment. Here are a few tips for safe and responsible foraging:

Know Your Fruits: Familiarise yourself with the fruits available in your local hedgerows. Common finds include blackberries, elderberries, rosehips, and sloes. Always make sure you can accurately identify the fruit before picking.

Respect the Environment: Only take what you need, leaving plenty for wildlife and other foragers. Avoid damaging plants and be mindful of private property.

Safety First: Avoid foraging near busy roads or areas that may be contaminated with pollutants. Always wash your fruits thoroughly before use.

Essential Equipment

Before you begin, ensure you have the following equipment:

Wicker baskets or strong plastic carrier bags to collect the fruit in 

A large colander or sieve for washing the fruits

A heavy-bottomed pan for cooking

A muslin cloth or fine sieve for straining

Sterilised bottles or jars for storing the cordial

Basic Recipe for Homemade Fruit Cordial

Here’s a simple yet versatile recipe that you can adapt to various fruits:


1 kg of foraged fruit (blackberries, elderberries, rosehips, or a mix)

1 litre of water

750g of granulated sugar

Juice of 1 lemon (optional for extra tanginess)


Prepare the Fruits: Wash the fruits thoroughly to remove any dirt or insects. Remove any stems and leaves.

Cook the Fruits: Place the fruits in a large pan and cover with water. Bring to a gentle boil and then simmer for 20-30 minutes, or until the fruits are soft and have released their juices.

Strain the Mixture: Using a muslin cloth or fine sieve, strain the fruit mixture into a clean pan, pressing down to extract as much juice as possible. Discard the pulp or save it for another use, such as making jam.

Add Sugar and Lemon Juice: Measure the strained juice and return it to the pan. For every litre of juice, add 750g of sugar. Add the lemon juice if using. Stir over a low heat until the sugar has completely dissolved.

Simmer and Bottle: Bring the mixture to a gentle simmer and cook for another 5-10 minutes. Carefully pour the hot cordial into sterilised bottles or jars and seal immediately.

Cool and Store: Allow the cordial to cool completely before storing it in a cool, dark place. Once opened, keep it in the fridge and consume within a month.

Enjoying Your Cordial

Homemade fruit cordial is a versatile treat. Dilute it with still or sparkling water for a refreshing drink, drizzle it over ice cream or pancakes, or use it as a base for cocktails and mocktails. The possibilities are endless, and the flavour is unbeatable.

Experiment and Innovate

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different combinations of fruits and flavours. Adding spices like cinnamon or cloves during the cooking process can create a warming cordial perfect for the colder months. Herbs like mint or rosemary can add an interesting twist to your summer drinks.

By making your own fruit cordials, you’re not only enjoying the bounty of nature but also creating lasting memories and delicious treats to share with friends and family. So, grab a basket, head to the hedgerows, and start your foraging adventure today!