Showing posts with label World Oceans Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label World Oceans Day. Show all posts

Wednesday 5 June 2024

Supporting World Oceans Day with Sustainable Food Choices

World Oceans Day, celebrated on 8th June, is a crucial reminder of the importance of our oceans and the urgent need to protect them. 

One powerful way we can contribute to ocean conservation is by making better choices about the food we eat. 

Here’s how you can support the health of our oceans with sustainable and mindful eating habits.

1. Choose Sustainable Seafood

Opting for sustainably sourced seafood is one of the most direct ways to support ocean health. Look for labels such as the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) or the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC), which certify seafood that meets high environmental standards. Sustainable seafood choices include:

Wild-caught Alaskan salmon: Known for its robust population and managed fishing practices.

Farmed shellfish: Mussels, oysters, and clams are excellent choices as they have minimal environmental impact and can even help filter and clean ocean water.

Pacific sardines: These small fish are typically abundant and reproduce quickly, making them a sustainable choice.

2. Reduce Seafood Consumption

While choosing sustainable seafood is beneficial, reducing overall seafood consumption can significantly lessen the demand on ocean resources. Consider incorporating more plant-based meals into your diet. Legumes, tofu, and tempeh are excellent sources of protein that have a much lower environmental footprint compared to seafood and other animal products.

3. Support Local and Seasonal Produce

Buying local and seasonal produce not only supports local farmers but also reduces the carbon footprint associated with transporting food over long distances. Seasonal vegetables and fruits often require fewer resources to grow, making them a more sustainable choice. In the UK, seasonal choices for June include:

Asparagus: Fresh, versatile, and perfect for salads or grilling.

Strawberries: A delicious and refreshing fruit for desserts or snacking.

Peas: Great for soups, salads, and sides.

4. Reduce Food Waste

Food waste is a significant issue that indirectly affects our oceans. Decomposing food waste in landfills produces methane, a potent greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change and ocean acidification. To minimise food waste:

Plan your meals and shopping lists carefully.

Use leftovers creatively in new dishes.

Compost food scraps to return nutrients to the soil.

5. Avoid Over-Packaged Products

Plastic pollution is a major threat to marine life. Reducing your reliance on single-use plastics can have a positive impact on the health of our oceans. Choose products with minimal packaging, bring reusable bags and containers when shopping, and support brands that use sustainable packaging.

6. Educate and Advocate

Education is a powerful tool for change. Learn more about sustainable fishing practices and the impact of your food choices on the environment. Share this knowledge with friends and family to spread awareness. Advocacy can also play a critical role – support policies and initiatives that promote sustainable fishing and ocean conservation.


Supporting World Oceans Day is about more than just acknowledging the beauty and importance of our oceans; it’s about taking concrete steps to protect them. By making mindful food choices, we can all contribute to a healthier, more sustainable future for our oceans. Let’s celebrate World Oceans Day by committing to sustainable eating and encouraging others to do the same. Together, we can make a significant impact.

Additional Resources

Marine Stewardship Council Information on certified sustainable seafood.

Aquaculture Stewardship Council Guidelines and certifications for sustainable aquaculture.

Seasonal Food Guide Find out what’s in season in the UK.

Happy World Oceans Day! 🌊