Showing posts with label Glamorgan Sausages. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Glamorgan Sausages. Show all posts

Thursday 13 June 2024

Mastering the Art of Glamorgan Vegetarian Sausages at Home

Glamorgan sausages, a delightful vegetarian delicacy from Wales, are a perfect addition to any meal. 

These sausages are not only a fantastic meat-free option but also a celebration of traditional Welsh ingredients like Caerphilly cheese and leeks. 

With their rich flavour and satisfying texture, Glamorgan sausages can be enjoyed by vegetarians and meat-eaters alike. Let's dive into how you can make these scrumptious sausages right in your own kitchen.


To make approximately 8-10 sausages, you will need:

175g (6oz) Caerphilly cheese (or a good substitute like Cheddar)

150g (5oz) fresh breadcrumbs

1 medium leek, finely chopped

1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley

1 tablespoon chopped fresh thyme (or 1 teaspoon dried thyme)

1 teaspoon English mustard

2 large eggs (one for the mixture, one for coating)

Salt and pepper, to taste

100ml (3.5 fl oz) whole milk

Plain flour, for coating

Vegetable oil, for frying


Prepare the Ingredients:

Start by grating the Caerphilly cheese into a large mixing bowl. Add the fresh breadcrumbs, finely chopped leek, parsley, and thyme. Mix these dry ingredients together until well combined.

Mix the Sausage Base:

Add one egg to the mixture, followed by the mustard, salt, and pepper. Gradually add the milk until the mixture comes together into a firm, but pliable dough. If the mixture is too wet, add a few more breadcrumbs; if too dry, a splash more milk.

Shape the Sausages:

With your hands, divide the mixture into 8-10 portions, depending on your preferred sausage size. Shape each portion into a sausage shape, about 10cm (4 inches) long.

Prepare for Coating:

Lightly beat the remaining egg in a shallow dish. Place some plain flour on a separate plate. Roll each sausage in the flour, then dip into the beaten egg, ensuring they are fully coated.

Fry the Sausages:

Heat a generous amount of vegetable oil in a frying pan over medium heat. Once hot, add the sausages and cook for about 8-10 minutes, turning frequently, until they are golden brown and crispy on all sides.

Serve and Enjoy:

Once cooked, place the sausages on a plate lined with kitchen paper to drain any excess oil. Serve your Glamorgan sausages hot, accompanied by a fresh salad, mashed potatoes, or in a sandwich with a dollop of chutney or mustard.

Tips for Perfect Glamorgan Sausages

Cheese Choice: Caerphilly cheese is traditional, but if you can't find it, or fancy a bit of a change, use a sharp Cheddar or another semi-hard cheese with a similar texture and flavour.

Breadcrumbs: Fresh breadcrumbs work best for this recipe. You can make your own by blitzing day-old bread in a food processor.

Herbs: Fresh herbs give the best flavour, but dried herbs can be used if necessary. Adjust the quantity accordingly as dried herbs are more concentrated.


Making Glamorgan vegetarian sausages at home is a rewarding culinary experience that brings a taste of Wales to your table. With their crispy exterior and rich, cheesy interior, these sausages are sure to become a favourite in your household. Whether you're a seasoned cook or a kitchen novice, this simple and delicious recipe is well worth trying. Enjoy your homemade Glamorgan sausages, and savour the flavours of Welsh tradition!