Tuesday 24 September 2024

Why Restaurants, Pubs, and Eateries Should Avoid Loud Background Music

In recent years, loud background music has become a common feature in many restaurants, pubs, and eateries. 

While some believe it creates a lively atmosphere, there are numerous reasons why this trend can have a negative impact on the dining experience. Here’s why these establishments should rethink the volume of their background music:

1. Conversation Becomes Impossible

One of the primary reasons people visit restaurants and pubs is to enjoy time with friends, family, or colleagues. Whether it’s a casual meal or a more formal gathering, conversations are a central part of the experience. 

Loud background music can make it difficult, if not impossible, to engage in meaningful conversation. Diners find themselves raising their voices to be heard, leading to discomfort, frustration, and even a strained atmosphere. When conversation becomes a struggle, the enjoyment of the meal or drink can significantly diminish.

2. It Detracts From the Dining Experience

For many, dining out is more than just eating; it’s an experience. People want to appreciate the flavours, aromas, and textures of their food in a relaxed setting. Loud music often distracts from this, making it harder to focus on the culinary journey. Research has shown that loud noise can interfere with our ability to properly taste food, as it desensitises our perception of flavours. This means that what could have been an extraordinary meal may be reduced to something forgettable simply because the music drowned out the finer details of the dining experience.

3. Stress and Discomfort for Patrons

High noise levels, including loud music, can lead to increased stress and anxiety. What should be a relaxing evening out can quickly turn into an unpleasant experience when the environment feels chaotic. For patrons who are sensitive to noise or suffer from hearing impairments, the stress can be even more pronounced, making them less likely to return. A calm and inviting atmosphere, with music at a moderate volume, fosters comfort and encourages customers to stay longer and spend more time enjoying their meal or drink.

4. Impacts Staff Performance

It’s not just customers who suffer from loud background music – staff are affected too. In a busy restaurant or pub, clear communication is essential. If staff members have to shout orders to each other over blaring music, mistakes are more likely to happen, whether it’s incorrect orders or miscommunication about customer needs. Additionally, the noise can contribute to fatigue and stress among employees, ultimately impacting their performance and mood. A calmer, quieter atmosphere allows staff to work more efficiently and maintain a pleasant demeanour towards customers.

5. Alienating a Segment of Customers

Loud music may appeal to a younger, more energetic crowd, but it can alienate other demographics. Families with young children, older patrons, or people looking for a quiet, relaxed evening out are unlikely to return if they are overwhelmed by excessive noise. A balance between atmosphere and comfort is crucial to ensuring that a wide range of customers feel welcome and at ease in the establishment. Failing to strike that balance can drive away customers who value a more peaceful environment.

6. Legal and Health Implications

While this may be less commonly discussed, noise levels in public spaces can sometimes border on the illegal. Excessive noise may contravene local regulations, particularly if it disturbs neighbouring businesses or residential areas. Additionally, exposure to prolonged loud music can lead to hearing damage, both for staff and regular patrons. By keeping background music at a reasonable level, restaurants and pubs can help protect their staff from potential long-term health risks while adhering to local noise ordinances. It can also adversely impact people who are on the Autistic Spectrum, those suffering from Tinnitus,  etc.

7. Encourages Longer Stays and Repeat Business

A comfortable atmosphere invites patrons to stay longer and enjoy more of what the restaurant or pub has to offer. When background music is loud, people are often eager to leave quickly after eating or drinking, which can reduce the overall time spent in the establishment and lower sales. On the other hand, when the environment is conducive to conversation and relaxation, customers are more likely to order additional items like desserts, drinks, or coffee, boosting revenue. Satisfied customers also become repeat customers, returning time and again to enjoy the relaxed atmosphere.


While background music can certainly enhance the ambiance of a restaurant, pub, or eatery, it’s essential that it complements rather than overpowers the dining experience. Loud music disrupts conversation, detracts from the enjoyment of food, and can create an atmosphere of stress and discomfort. By keeping music at a moderate volume, establishments can ensure a more pleasant and welcoming environment for all patrons, ultimately improving customer satisfaction and encouraging repeat business.

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