Sunday 9 June 2024

The Ultimate British Comfort Food: How to Make Cheese Pie

Cheese pie is the epitome of British comfort food, offering a delightful combination of rich, cheesy filling encased in a buttery, flaky pastry. 

Perfect for a cosy dinner, this dish is sure to please the entire family. Let's start by looking at the steps needed to create this ultimate comfort food.


For the Pastry:

250g plain flour

125g cold unsalted butter, cubed

1 tsp salt

1 egg yolk

2-3 tbsp cold water

For the Filling:

300g mature cheddar cheese, grated

100g red Leicester cheese, grated

50g Parmesan cheese, grated

2 large eggs

150ml double cream

150ml whole milk

1 tsp English mustard

1 tsp Worcestershire sauce

Salt and pepper to taste


Large mixing bowl

Food processor (optional)

Rolling pin

23cm (9-inch) pie dish

Baking paper

Baking beans or rice (for blind baking)



1. Making the Pastry

Prepare the Dry Ingredients: In a large mixing bowl, combine the flour and salt.

Add the Butter: Rub the cold, cubed butter into the flour mixture until it resembles breadcrumbs. You can use a food processor for this step to save time.

Combine Wet Ingredients: Add the egg yolk and 2-3 tablespoons of cold water, mixing until the dough just comes together. If it’s too dry, add a little more water, a teaspoon at a time.

Form the Dough: Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and gently knead it into a ball. Wrap in cling film and chill in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.

2. Preparing the Pastry Case

Roll Out the Dough: On a floured surface, roll out the chilled dough to fit your pie dish, leaving a slight overhang.

Line the Pie Dish: Carefully transfer the rolled-out pastry to the pie dish, pressing it into the sides and trimming any excess.

Blind Bake: Prick the base with a fork, line with baking paper, and fill with baking beans or rice. Blind bake in a preheated oven at 190°C (375°F) for 15 minutes. Remove the paper and beans, and bake for a further 5 minutes until the base is dry and slightly golden.

3. Making the Filling

Prepare the Cheese: In a large mixing bowl, combine the grated cheeses.

Mix the Wet Ingredients: In a separate bowl, whisk together the eggs, double cream, milk, mustard, Worcestershire sauce, salt, and pepper.

Combine: Pour the wet mixture over the cheese, mixing until everything is well combined.

4. Assembling and Baking the Pie

Fill the Pastry Case: Pour the cheese mixture into the pre-baked pastry case, spreading it evenly.

Bake: Bake in the preheated oven at 180°C (350°F) for 25-30 minutes, or until the filling is set and the top is golden brown.

5. Serving

Cool Slightly: Allow the cheese pie to cool for a few minutes before slicing. This helps the filling to set a little more, making it easier to cut clean slices.

Serve: Serve warm with a side of green salad or steamed vegetables. For an extra touch of comfort, pair it with a dollop of chutney or a splash of gravy.

A Few Tips:

Cheese Selection: Feel free to experiment with different types of cheese to find your perfect blend. Adding a bit of blue cheese can give the pie a deeper flavour.

Make Ahead: The pastry can be made a day in advance and kept in the fridge. The whole pie can also be baked ahead and reheated.

Storage: Leftover pie can be stored in the fridge for up to 3 days and reheated in the oven.

Cheese pie was one of my favourite school meals. And cheese pie is the ultimate comfort food that brings a touch of British tradition to your table. Its creamy, cheesy filling and flaky pastry make it a satisfying meal for any occasion. Enjoy the process of making this classic dish and, more importantly, the joy of eating it!

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