Thursday 6 June 2024

Pizza is good for anxiety?

Yes, apparently it's true. According to new research commissioned by Chicago Town Pizza pizza can  calm you down.

It’s been scientifically proven by Chicago Town that cooking / eating a pizza can genuinely reduce your anxiety when you’re watching the football (perfect timing with the Euros starting up!)

It came on the back of survey results from Chicago Town showing the overwhelming majority (92%) find aspects of watching the game stressful, with around 4 in 10 (42%) suggesting pizza has a feeling of comfort while it's cooking.  

Football vlogger Theo Baker (who’s taking part in this year’s Soccer Aid) trialling the test himself by measuring his blood pressure, heartrate and Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) both before and during some of the most iconic nerve-wracking moments in footballing history. Both with and without pizza.

Just before the Euros, Chicago Town joined University of East Anglia’s Professor Oli Buckley to conduct a biometrics study, testing if pizza could reduce nerves before and during football matches.

Pitchside podcaster, Theo Baker, was hooked up by the professor measuring his blood pressure, heartrate and Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) both before and during some of the most iconic nerve-wracking moments in footballing history.

The study, in partnership with the UK’s most popular frozen pizza brand, used the brand’s Takeaway Weekender Stuffed Crust Salt and Pepper Chicken pizza, concluded that while in the vicinity of fresh-rising dough, cheese, tomato and tasty toppings, Theo showed less signs of nerves ahead of a crunch game, with the pizza providing a calming and relaxing effect.

Theo said: “Football is, by far, the thing that brings on the most nerves for me in life so when I had the opportunity to see if getting stuck into my favourite food could help with that in any way…I jumped at it."

I wonder if this is one of the reasons that pizza is so popular with hard pressed students during those tense, stressful exams?

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