Friday 10 May 2024

Fire Up the Grill: Celebrating National BBQ Week in Style

Get ready to fire up those grills and unleash the tantalising aroma of sizzling meats and veggies because National BBQ Week is just around the corner! 

From June 3rd to June 9th, BBQ aficionados across the UK will be dusting off their aprons, stocking up on charcoal, and preparing to indulge in the ultimate outdoor cooking experience.

A British Tradition with Global Flair:

While the origins of barbecue may lie across the pond in the American South, the UK has wholeheartedly embraced this culinary tradition, adding its own unique twists and flavours to the mix. National BBQ Week is a celebration of this beloved pastime, showcasing the diversity and creativity of British barbecue culture.

Essential BBQ Staples:

No barbecue would be complete without a mouthwatering array of meats, veggies, and condiments to tempt the taste buds. Whether you're a seasoned pitmaster or a novice griller, there's something for everyone to enjoy during National BBQ Week.

1. Sizzling Steaks and Burgers:

Fire up the grill and sear succulent steaks to perfection, or craft the ultimate burger patties seasoned with herbs and spices. From juicy sirloins to gourmet veggie burgers, there's no shortage of options to satisfy carnivores and vegetarians alike.

2. Flame-Kissed Seafood:

Elevate your barbecue game with a selection of seafood delicacies, from plump prawns skewered on wooden sticks to flaky salmon fillets marinated in zesty citrus and herbs. The smoky flavours of the grill complement seafood beautifully, creating dishes that are both light and satisfying.

3. Veggie Delights:

Vegetarians need not feel left out during National BBQ Week, as there are plenty of delicious plant-based options to enjoy. Grilled halloumi skewers, stuffed peppers, and charred corn on the cob are just a few examples of veggie delights that shine on the barbecue.

4. Side Dishes and Condiments:

No barbecue feast is complete without a variety of side dishes and condiments to accompany the main attractions. From tangy coleslaw and crispy potato wedges to homemade BBQ sauces and relishes, the possibilities are endless when it comes to enhancing the flavour of your grilled creations.

Tips for the Perfect BBQ:

Whether you're a seasoned grill master or a newcomer to the world of barbecue, here are a few tips to ensure your National BBQ Week celebrations are a resounding success:

1. Prep Ahead: Marinate meats, chop vegetables, and prepare side dishes in advance to streamline the cooking process and maximise your time spent enjoying the festivities.

2. Keep it Clean: Make sure your grill is clean and well-maintained to prevent flare-ups and ensure even cooking. A clean grill also helps to impart those coveted grill marks on your food.

3. Experiment with Flavour: Don't be afraid to get creative with your marinades, rubs, and sauces. Experiment with different flavour combinations to discover your signature barbecue style.

4. Embrace the Social Aspect: BBQs are all about bringing people together, so invite friends and family to join in the fun. Share stories, swap grilling tips, and enjoy the camaraderie that comes with cooking outdoors.

National BBQ Week is a time to embrace the great British tradition of outdoor cooking and revel in the simple pleasures of good food, good company, and good times. So fire up those grills, gather your loved ones, and let the festivities begin! Whether you're a barbecue purist or a culinary adventurer, there's never been a better time to celebrate the art of outdoor cooking in all its smoky, flame-kissed glory.

This year, the Gastro Alfresco taste team will be at the following events:

Royal Bath & West Show, Shepton Mallet, May 30-June 1

Lambeth Country Festival, Lambeth, June 8-9

The Great Yorkshire Show, Harrogate, July 9-12

For all the latest news, offers and recipes visit and You can also keep up to date with events on X, Facebook and Instagram.

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