Showing posts with label Boundless. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Boundless. Show all posts

Saturday 22 April 2023

Snacking? Get Boundless

Snacking, the censorious will tell you, is bad. However, that's not the case. Snacking is ideal for people who are always on the go or who need to keep glucose levels under sensible control, for example. However, the censorious have it partially correct. Mindless snacking can't be good for us. So, that would mean that mindful snacking must be good for us, yes?

Yes! Yes indeed! And if you check out the wonderful offerings from Boundless Gut Happy Snacking you'll be able to indulge your snacking requirements in a way that will fit in very nicely with the healthier lifestyle that we are aspiring to.

They are gluten free, vegan friendly, high fibre, good gut health and high in protein. All good boxes to tick, but Boundless ticks one more equally important box, that of tasting great!

What's available? Chips: Sour cheese and onion, Smokey Bacon, Sea salt and vinegar, Chipotle and Lime.

Nuts and seeds including Cayenne and rosemary, Turmeric and smoked paprika, Orange and maple syrup, Smoky BBQ nuts and seeds, Sweet chilli nuts and seeds, Salt and chilli pepper nuts and seeds.

Just check them out and place your orders here:-