Monday 17 June 2024

The Savoury Tale of Fry Sauce: History and Homemade Recipe

A Brief History of Fry Sauce

Fry sauce, a delightful blend of ketchup and mayonnaise, has been a beloved condiment for decades. Its origins can be traced back to various regions, but it holds a particularly special place in American culinary history.

The story of fry sauce begins in the 1940s in the United States. While the exact origins are debated, the most widely accepted account credits Don Carlos Edwards, the founder of a popular chain called Arctic Circle, with its creation. 

Edwards introduced the sauce at his restaurant in Salt Lake City, Utah, where it quickly became a favourite among patrons. The simplicity of the sauce, combining readily available ingredients, contributed to its widespread popularity.

Though it started in the American West, fry sauce has since gained international acclaim, making its way to tables in various countries. In some places, it is known by different names or with slight variations in the recipe. For instance, in Argentina, a similar condiment called "salsa golf" is a staple, while in Europe, variations of this sauce can be found in several countries.

How to Make Fry Sauce at Home

Making fry sauce at home is a straightforward process that requires minimal ingredients and effort. Here’s a simple recipe to get you started.


120 ml mayonnaise

60 ml ketchup

1 teaspoon white vinegar

1/2 teaspoon garlic powder

1/2 teaspoon onion powder

Salt and pepper to taste


Combine the Ingredients: In a medium-sized bowl, combine the mayonnaise and ketchup. Mix them thoroughly until the colour is consistent.

Add Flavour: Add the white vinegar, garlic powder, and onion powder to the mixture. Stir well to ensure the spices are evenly distributed.

Season: Taste the sauce and add salt and pepper to your preference. Mix again.

Chill: For the best flavour, cover the bowl and let the sauce chill in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes before serving. This allows the flavours to meld together.

Serving Suggestions:

Fry sauce is incredibly versatile and pairs well with a variety of foods. Traditionally served with chips (French fries), it also makes an excellent dip for onion rings, chicken nuggets, or even as a spread for burgers and sandwiches.


Spicy Fry Sauce: Add a dash of hot sauce or a pinch of cayenne pepper for a spicy kick.

Herb-Infused: Mix in some finely chopped fresh herbs like parsley, dill, or chives for an added burst of flavour.

Smoky Version: Incorporate a bit of smoked paprika to give the sauce a subtle smoky taste.

Fruit Sauce Version: Just replace the tomato sauce with HP Sauce, Daddies sauce or a similar fruit sauce.


Fry sauce, with its rich history and simple preparation, remains a beloved condiment around the world. Its versatility and ease of making at home make it a perfect addition to any meal. Whether you stick to the classic recipe or experiment with variations, this tasty sauce is sure to enhance your culinary experience. Enjoy crafting your own version and discovering why this sauce has stood the test of time!

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